
Global Star Enterprises (GSE) understands that its staff are its most important asset and to this end wishes to provide and demonstrate its commitment to all staff's health and wellbeing. The implementation of an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) into the organisation is its method of achieving this.

Personal and health issues are long regarded as being detrimental to overall staff performance, and the EAP is a method that GSE wishes to use to improve the access that their staff has to resolving issues that they may be experiencing in achieving a work/life balance.

The Policy begins with a brief statement showing the organisation’s commitment to employee wellbeing and health, and states that the primary method that GSE will use to improve staff health is through the use of an EAP. This statement sets the tone as one of management commitment to the process.


1.1.The EAP, as implemented by GSE, will have the following components and features:

1.1.1.GSE has contracted with ABC Insurance and EAP Services to provide a full EAP service to GSE staff members.

1.1.2.All employees who utilise the EAP, and gain referrals from it will be entitled to the same benefits that a staff member does when they are sick. That is, by using the EAP and gaining assistance from it, you are entitled to sick leave absences.

1.1.3.Any referrals (either by a manager or by the staff member themself) will have no bearing on the continued employment of the staff member with GSE. The referrals will be strictly confidential and not be used in hiring, dismissal, promotion or processes associated with punishment.

1.1.4.The EAP will be available to all staff members of GSE. This includes all full or part time staff members, but is exclusive of contractors to the organisation. The EAP is also available for use by any family member of a staff member who has a problem that may impact on the individual's ability to do their prescribed work.

1.1.5.The EAP referrals will be paid for by GSE for up to 2 visits to a referred therapist for any issue. Any further visits will be at the expense of the employee or GSE's preferred health insurance provider.

1.2.The EAP services cannot be used as a means of avoiding disciplinary procedures. If a breach of conduct has occurred, the EAP can be involved; however disciplinary procedures will still be in place.


2.1.This next section of the policy outlines exactly what the involvement and purpose of the EAP in the everyday operation of the organisation is, and it outlines who may get access to it, and when. A section such as this should outline any restrictions on the use of the system.

2.2.The EAP system, as instituted by GSE is aimed at ensuring that all staff members are encouraged to seek help and assistance with any difficulties that they may be having in terms of:

2.2.1.Relationship problems,

2.2.2.Health problems,


2.2.4.Family issues.

2.3.GSE will providestaff with the resources and referrals they need to get assistance with the above issues.

2.4.The purpose section should provide an overall description of the intentions of the system and what it is hoped that the system will achieve in the organisation. The purpose section should address any questions that the employee or manager may have with regards to when the system should be put to use by the staff in the organisation.

2.5.The EAP system, as implemented by GSE is aimed at encouraging staff to take responsibility for their health and wellbeing by allowing them to manage when they will get advice and allowing them to determine the most appropriate actions to taken. The EAP does not replace GSEWidget's commitments to provide a safe workplace; rather it adds further layers of advice and commitment to the health and safety policies that already exist in the organisation.

2.6.The contract with your external provider will ensure that GSE is provided with:

2.6.1.Briefings for staff and managers, to ensure they understand how the system operates.

2.6.2.A service whereby staff can get advice, assessment and referral as required for any personal or health issues that they are experiencing that may impact on their ability to do work.

2.6.3.Advice, support and counselling in the event of a major incident or accident.

2.6.4.Written advice and information where appropriate.

2.7.These items will be provided on an as needed basis by the contractor for the EAP service.

2.8.The use of the EAP by GSE is just one of the major processes that GSE will be using to improve employee health and wellbeing, andthecompany recognises that the EAP will help lessen the impact that personal and/or health problems may have on the workplace as a whole.

3.Policy Expansion

3.1.This section of the policy expands on the statements made in the purpose section, and ensures that managers are aware of the fact that the EAP is just one aspect of the organisation’s commitment to health, safety and wellbeing.

3.1.1.Procedures - Program Manager EAP is managed at GSE by John Johnson, within the Human Resource Department. The role of the EAP Program Manager is to ensure that the system's integrity is maintained, to promote the system to all staff, to liaise with the EAP contractor and to evaluate the system as a whole. EAP Program Manager will not be involved in actively referring staff members to the system, and will not have access to any individual case information., the policy is outlining who is responsible for the system as a whole, and what their responsibilities are. It is important to understand who is responsible and what they are required to do in the daily management of the system.

4.Maintaining Confidentiality

4.1.It is of critical important to ensure that all staff members who utilise the system can be assured that their information will be kept confidential. Confidentiality will be assured for all employees who utilise the EAP service provided by GSE. Only the staff member and those involved in the referral will have access to the personal information provided during any referral session.

4.2.The only records that GSE and the Program Manager will have access to are anonymous, general statistics regarding use of the system - there will be no identifying or individual information on any such record. No information from utilising the EAP services will be placed into employee files and any sessions of counselling and/or health care will be held away from GSEpremises to ensure the confidentiality of those involved.


5.1.The EAP is a system designed to allow staff members to be referred to experts who may be able to assist them in resolving any issues that they may have. Referrals to the EAP may come from:

5.1.1.The staff member themself: If the staff member themself feels that they would benefit from the EAP they may contact the service at their discretion for assistance.

5.1.2.Referral by a manager: Each manager and/or supervisor at GSE will be fully trained in the services that the EAP can provide for their staff members. It is the individual manager's responsibility to ensure that they monitor and manage the performance of their staff and where they notice issues in the performance of said staff members, investigate the causes and where appropriate may be able to call in the assistance of the EAP.

5.1.3.Colleagues or family: the EAP will also allow for family members and other colleagues to suggest contact with the EAP services. In these cases, the EAP may accept referrals from the individual or may provide advice to colleagues or family members about the best way to approach a given situation.

6.Eligibility to Use the Program

6.1.All full and part time staff members are entitled to use the EAP services provided by GSE. This will entitle the staff member to 2 sessions with a preferred provider, at the expense of GSE. In some cases, this entitlement may be increased depending on the nature of the referral.

6.2.The EAP service is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week, in line with our 24 hour shift patterns. Emergency services are generally only available outside of normal working hours and should be used when accidents or traumatic events occur. In these cases, the EAP will act as a means of providing advice and support to those involved. Everyday referrals will only be handled during working hours.

7.Incidents & reporting contacts outside of normal working hours

7.1.Incidents that may be referred to outside of normal working hours include:

7.1.1.Accidents causing death and/or serious injury

7.1.2.Violence in the workplace

7.1.3.Death of workers in the workplace

7.1.4.Serious personal issues


8.EAP Contacts

8.1.Program Manager: John Johnson Extension(6763) or

8.2.EAP Services (1800) 783-0930

9.About the Policy

9.1.This section of the policy has been about putting the policy into action – providing solid advice on using the system. You will notice it has sections that address:

9.1.1.Who can use the system?

9.1.2.When the system can be used.

9.1.3.How to use the system.

9.1.4.How the system can be used in terms of what to expect from the system.

9.1.5.Assurances of confidentiality.

Global Star Enterprises is a fictional company created for educational and training purposes only. This document may not be reproduced or distributed, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. Copyright © Raw Pixel 2010

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