To My Oakwood Family,

As I reflect on life in the Czech Republic I am constantly amazed at what God is doing. God is working even when we don’t see all that we would like to. Here are some things that God has had me involved in…

* I continue to study and grow in my language learning of Czech. Though it is a big challenge for me, I am encouraged by the steps I’ve continued to take. This year I am attending a language school that offers classes 4 times a week. There are 7 students from various backgrounds (Mongolia, Ukraine, Dominican Republic, & Belarus). I surprise my teachers and fellow classmates when I talk about how much I like living here. God uses it as a testimony. I tell people in Czech all the time that my heart lives here. It truly does and I know that is a gift from God.

*Cultural learning is another important aspect during my first term here as a missionary. I’ve been able to experience many different types of cultural events. From weddings to village celebrations to a Czech ball and Christmas holiday party of a fourth grade class to operas and theatre plays.

The best part of these events is being able to spend time with Czechs.

*Relationship building is one of my favorite tasks. I can’t fully explain it but God continues to give me favor with the people. I’ve had opportunities to meet people one on one. Sometimes it is to help encourage a Czech believer in their walk with God. Sometimes it is to help a young person prepare for their oral living exam English part (this exam is like a high school compulsory test). Other times I meet with a Czech to give them a conversation partner in English and they in turn give me a conversation partner in Czech. I can honestly say despite my limitations, God still finds ways for me to be used of Him. I believe the biggest challenge for any Christian is to live out our Christianity day to day for the world to see. I’ve had Czechs tell me that they are encouraged by me. They know it isn’t always easy for me but they see something different in my life. I smile and tell them that it is God who is the one working. All glory and honor go to Him.

Be encouraged no matter what deficits you might have, we serve a God who wants to work in and through them. I know I see what He is doing in my own life. Don’t let the difficulties hold you back when you know that you know it is from God—take a step out of your comfort zone-it is well worth it!!

Many Blessings,

Colleen Darlington

Your missionary to the Czech Republic

PS—I hope to see you this summer. I’ll be in the States for my first home assignment beginning June 16.