Transcript from 125th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held July 29, 2016

(v1 2016-08-06) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Transcript courtesy of Lynn Schmaltz

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Rick (R): Welcome to the 125th knowledge seekers workshop on Friday July 29, 2016. there is new disclosure for this workshop.

Keshe (K): Good morning, good day. Yesterday I had to go into a meeting with high level officials on the work of the Keshe Foundation (KF) and it could not be there. Today we are going to carry on with what was supposed to be done yesterday. One of our colleagues has achieved what we explained and they are trying to replicate it for a second time and record it because when it happened he didn’t see it. He achieved the flash of light and lift. If they can replicate it, they will come back. We are on the way with the complete process and we are developing different technologies that can help.

K: One of the most important parts of this technology which is missed and in a way we have to go back to it in a structured way for you to understand. In the process of the teaching in the past few weeks and months we showed how we came from the sun into what we called the transfer of the fields into the earth condition. (6.07 minutes) From this matters of this planet started. And then with the GANS technology we produced GANS which in a way come full circle. We have created conditions of the sun and the matter state conversion. But in this process (6.32 minutes) a lot of you missed something very important. Today’s talk is about this. Can you see my writing clearly?

K: So what we have come to is the reality partly of what we missed in what we were looking for and what we have achieved. So, in this process we have missed something important and this is part of the teaching today. If you look, the magnetic gravitational fields from one strength became gravitational magnetic fields of the other strength. that is the natural process in the universe. By our using nano materials and matter coming to the GANS state and coming back to the field, we have become and we helped the other side which was the natural process of the universe, in the section where we created our own new system. If you look at the whole system and return back with the energy that we see now (8.10 minutes) with your pens that absorb pain and other things, we have completed the circle.

K: The purpose of the teachings was this if you go back and read my papers on the unified field theory, completes this theory. We have confirmed the unification of the fields but it is not as one field but as two: one is magnetical and one is gravitational. That is why there was a problem in the past decades and centuries that we could not understand. When you speak about the unified field theory it means both gravitational and magnetical; we have to call it unified plasma rather than fields. In this process we have understood the totality of the structure of the creation of matter. so, if you go back what has been discussed for many years by scientists in unified field theory, now for the first time as in one group we understand it. if we apply this and understand it we can come through major breakthroughs of the separation of the matter state and the plasma.

K: This has been one of our biggest problems. We always considered matter state and we never considered the other (the field and plasma states--see the drawing at 9.42 minutes). We never considered this estate; we are too materialistic in the matter state of this planet and this is the only concern of ours. We never understood the other two (the GANS state and the field state). When you come to unified field theory now you understand that it is unified. It all starts with one (such as field) then goes through matter and plasma and comes back to the field. (10.10 minutes) it doesn’t matter where or at what point you draw the line. If you draw the line and start with matter, it will go to liquid and then field. If you start with field to matter to plasma it still goes through the same process.

K: So, in a very simple way we have unified the fields so you understand it. in the next step to go forward and develop the technologies, be aware of which state we are talking about. Are we talking about the source (field), the conversion to matter to state or the conversion to plasma state? this will change a lot for us in the world of science. It will change everything we planned or understood, not destroy but to be able to classify and put together and understand that each one has its own work and at the end one does not exist without the other (11.15 minutes) because they have ‘come to’ or ‘go from’.

K: One of the biggest problems that you have faced and has been an obstacle in the teachings and I emphasized this many times but because it was not understood we how you convert from one to another and how you go from one to another (11.50 minutes). Many time in the teachings in the books I set the pre-condition and the explanation of this and today I complete this. By the time we finish the teaching today we have completed it. we have completed the full cycle of the understanding of the conversion. If you go back into Book 1 and understand the neutron splitting to the electron and the proton and if you go back to this understanding from the beginning, you start unraveling. Then the first pages of book one and what has been taught in the past weeks come together.

K: In the teaching we spoke about principal, transition and matter state (13.08 minutes—the principal is the inner circle, the transition is the middle circle and the matter state is the outer circle). Go back to putting the tools together. This is your proton (the first set of blue circles). Now you have the same with the electron. (The set of green circles (13.44 minutes). You have the principal, the transition and the matter state. in physics they tell you the size and dimension of each one of these: 1 to 2000. if you understood this then it is very simple. What is the principal in the blue set of circles becomes the matter in the green set of circles? (14.34 minutes). What is principal in the green set of circles becomes the matter in the blue set of circles.

K: In the teachings and support teaching with the innovation teams working in the background, I asked them in the past few days, especially the past 48 hours to build such a thing and to build a reactor with 2 reactor poles where the material of A is outside of A and the material of B is inside of B. (15.35 minutes). When you understand this proposition in trying to reach from you call the transition boundary out to the matter state of the other, now you understand how in the universal condition you move from one state to the other. (16.18 minutes). This is been the secret of creation which man has not understood. That is why you have the electron and the proton and that is why you have twin stars and why you have 2 parts of the brain, where in the center is the transition of the fields.

K: We call it in physical life emotion and where the emotion decides which will move to where and how. If it is smaller or stronger on one side or weaker on the other. If you understood this, you can convert any energy in the universe to any matter at any state in the universal condition. And when you go from one to another if you notice, at the point of interaction, both of these points here and here (17.43 minutes) and in totality of the field you get the rapid conversion. In the human body we call it enlightenment or understanding. In the physical motion of the reactor in motion and lift you call it the light. If you look at what you called the UFO over Jerusalem on Christmas a few years ago, you see the craft coming down and you see a flash of light and a vertical upright. This is what the composite captain can do using his emotion to control the physicality with it and show its reaction. This is way we complete the science of man today.

K: This is why if you understand and the world of science understands, you can enter the world of creation and you decide where this orange zone is going to be (18.54 minutes). And this is how you communicate emotionally and with others emotionally and how you can elevate the principal or the soul of the man. We need to understand this and add to this so that we can go ahead. We need to go in the steps that we can understand this transition and we can understand how to go from one to another. We need to understand how a little of the principal can become a major part of the matter of the other and in this process what you create is motion.

K: You saw this motion in the presentation of the rotation of the liquid with Dr. Ghatta and I said this video that we saw was the corner principal in the first step of man understanding of his own condition. When you have the GANS of two different states acting with the GANS of another state and where the transition of the field forces creates the rotation. (20.48 minutes) if you understand this and you can consider how in turbines we convert the rotation in fields in contraction and interaction to electricity. And you understood this principal as I drew with the orange center (21,10 minutes) you can create balls to produce megawatts of energy, not even kilowatts and this is being done by many of you.

K: It is you who has to understand where to tap into and to understand how much energy you need. Then you will out when you make two cores with two different filling of the same you will create perpetual motion on both and by distancing them you dictate the rotation of the speed and the flow of the fields, the strength of emotion and the rest. (22.03 minutes). This is where we have to complete the knowledge and where now you understand that we need no generators, we need no nuclear fuel; we don’t need anything at all except the creation of fields. At the moment you put GANS in these different areas. But in the coming time when we further the understanding of the all the states of matter (22.41 minutes) you will be dealing with what it is. There is no physical boundary as there is with a pen. You will be dealing only with fields (22.51 minutes). And that is what it will be and if you understand this and how you can deal with fields and convert one to the other then very soon you will understand an amazing condition.

K: You can have any entity in any direction in the world of creation. this means that we do not need to create but to be in charge of the fields in the right order and it can go from one to another. And at one point in the center (23.30 minutes) is where you can everything you want in that matter field or whatever because even at this point you have the principal, the transition and the matter state. (23.47 minutes) This is the point of the creator that exists in all dimensions. The rest of creation in the universe works in these fields (24.00 minutes).

K: If you can replicate, develop and produce fields in this manner you will see everything which we have said and that has been done—vast amounts of energy, any kind of food, any kind of material, any kind of motion and this is what we come to in the teaching that you understand how this technology and all the teachings have brought us to the final point, to the point that from now on you have to learn how to play. Which one do you want to connect to what and in what manner, in what condition? Would you like it to be affected by the environmental fields or by your decision? You decide to create an environment in a zone that you want to be and manifest itself as you want it. (25.14 minutes)

K: This is part of the control; as I said you wish gold and it will be in your hand because you use the atmosphere of this planet that creates gold in respect to the condition of the sun and your thoughts become the transition line. The end product is gold and the beginning thought is the energy of your soul or the sun. (25.50 minutes—Notetaker idea: sun = soul; thoughts/emotion = transition; matter = gold). This is why I called for the teaching today as it was not complete yesterday and there is always a reason. It always has a reason, explains itself in a very different and complete way. some of you saw the motion yesterday of the pendulum, very light motion. Some of you saw the motion of the liquid. Some of you will see new things in the coming days as you mix and you decide what and how you would like the mixture to be.

K: Arman and the innovation groups put a core, a second core around it and a third core around it. (26.37 minutes). The reason for that was very simple: for the second core to operate it needs to be in a floating condition that operates on its own strength. you can change this to the GANS but when you are flying in space where are you going to find the GANS? The next step for you and the development of this technology: you started with physicality and you go to the source for the accumulation of all the fields (27.15 minutes) and in that point then the amount of energy of the physicality will reverse and will create the entity…. The flash of light.

K: The prophets of the past always said they saw the fire of light—they got enlightened by bringing their physicality into the essence of their soul and by that they receive the light of the physicality of the universe. With that they absorb most of the information that they can understand (27.53 minutes) to transfer it. now all of you have the same capability. If you understand it, you reach the station of the prophets of the past and what we call the messengers of the universe. If you don’t understand it, you battle it to stop it because it shows your own short-minded understanding of the knowledge of the universe.

K: It is you who will understand if you go from the center outwards; something very interesting happens. Now the center barrier from here (line drawn from the center coil to the outer coil and then around the coil 28.34 minutes). What was the physicality becomes part of the center itself and this is the state of the soul of the man and this is the state of the operation of the stars. This is how galaxies and universes are created. Fields in the condition of environmental control, be it the womb of the mother or the universal atmosphere itself or the structure of the proton or the electron—once they created the matter state condition barrier they feed themselves back in to create the total energy and to manifest themselves as an entity.