Central Washington University /
Running New Department Summary Reports
nVision Training /
Chris Huss

Table of Contents

Department Summary (regular nVision version)

Department Summary Run Control Screenshot

Department Summary (nVision Multi Chartfield Rpt):

Multi ChartField Department Summary Run Control Screenshot

Department Summary All CF (nVision Multi Chartfield version):

Multi ChartField Dept Summary all CF Run Control Screenshot

Department Summary (regular nVision version)

Navigation: Main Menu > Financial Management > CWU Custom Functions > Reports > nVision Reports

  1. Create a new run control (to ease historical reporting, don’t re-use your Project run controls for the new department reports).
  2. Click on the Add a New Value tab and create a new run control (DEPTSUM as example)
  3. Click the Add button

  1. Select the Report ID (CWEU08 for Department Summary) by clicking the magnifying glass:
  1. Select the Sub Report ID (CWEU08-1 for Summary with Fund Detail) by clicking the magnifying glass:
  1. Select the “Select on This Report Field” (Dept for a dept number) by clicking the magnifying glass:
  1. Select the Through Date by entering it or selecting from the calendar icon (7/31/2015):
  1. Select or enter the department number in the Report Field Value box:
  1. Click the + to the right to add additional departments to the request, and the system will run a report for each department included in the request.
  1. Click the Save button, and then click the Run Button to run your reports.

Department Summary Run Control Screenshot

The completed report request should look like this (for the examples in parenthesis above):

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This report can also be run for summary departments, Divisions and Executive levels by changing the Select on This Report Field option. These are the options available. You may have to do some exploring to find where the group you are looking to run resides on the tree:

  1. This report will include all funding sources for the department or group of departments, including Foundation activity. To filter to a specific fund it will be necessary to run the MultiChartfield version of the Department Summary report (instructions follow).
  1. The above report will look like this:

  1. Rows can be expanded by clicking the + to the Left of the 4 digit account group to see the accounts (budget and actual that are included in each group and the specific amounts for each account)
  2. The YTD column can be expanded to show individual fund actual expense by clicking the + above the column.
  3. All rows/columns can be expanded or collapsed by using the 1,2,3 boxes in the upper left corner of the above screenshot (in the same area as the + marks). This is basic Excel grouping functionality and is not specific to these reports, they just make use of it.

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Department Summary (nVision Multi Chartfield Rpt):

Navigation: Main Menu > Financial Management > CWU Custom Functions > Reports > nVision Multi Chartfield Rpt

  1. Create a new run control (to ease historical reporting, don’t re-use your Project run controls for the new department reports).
  1. Click on the Add a New Value tab and create a new run control (DEPTSUM2 as example)
  2. Click the Add button

  1. Select the Report ID (CWEU30 for Department Summary) by clicking the magnifying glass:
  1. Select the Sub Report ID (CWEU30-1 for Summary) by clicking the magnifying glass:
  1. Select the Through Date by entering it or selecting from the calendar icon (7/31/2015):
  1. Click on the Select Group Type and select 1 for “Chartfield or Group”: (note the + - buttons to the right of this field, we will use these in the following steps of the setup)
  1. Select the Criteria Type for Group 1 (Chartfield or Group = department or department group)
  2. For this example I will be using (TP Consolidated by Department):

These are the available options (similar to the above version of this report):

  1. Select the first Report Field Value (which will be a department group); this is what shows when clicking the magnifying glass next to the Report Field Value box:

  1. I will select (FINANCE) for this example
  1. At this point my run control should look like this (but we aren’t done yet):

  1. To add additional department groups, click the + to the right of Finance in the above screenshot – multiple department groups can be selected as long as they are all at the same level.
  1. This is a “Multi” chartfield report but we have only selected one chartfield (Department), so we need to ADD (+) the next criteria, so click the + to the right of the Select Group Type in step 13 above, this will add another section to the run control.
  1. Select the 2nd Select Group Type value (2) Fund or Group:

This should be another section under the data that was entered above (don’t change the 1 from step 13 to a 2).

  1. Select the Criteria Type for the Fund or group:
  2. Select (FC) for this example

Available options are:

  1. Select the Fund Code (149) in this Report Field Value box:
  1. Additional Funds can be added by clicking the + to the right of this field
  2. The system will generate a report for each combination of Department and Fund, so entering 2 departments and 2 funds will produce 4 reports.
  1. The completed Run control for this example should look like this:

Multi ChartField Department Summary Run Control Screenshot

  1. This can be saved by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the page
  2. Run the report by clicking the Run button towards the top of the page

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  1. The report produced from the above run control looks like this:
  1. The YTDBUD column shows the exact same information as the rest of the report, this is a “transition” type report to show how the info from the first version (full page) can be condensed into one column.
  2. YTDBUD includes Budget, Actual, and Encumbrance, so the figure that shows is the current available balance (the same as the Balance Column).
  3. By expanding the rows the budget and actual figures are available
  4. Encumbrances are included in the actuals figure when they exist
  5. This report is all of Finance, not just 210530 from the prior example, but I can see one department by expanding the YTDBud column (clicking the + above it) and I can get to the 210530 detail:
  1. This one column shows the exact same information as the full page report above, each row is the budget balance for that category and can be expanded to show the budget and actual expenses (or revenue), so we can see in one column what took a full page in the prior version, which leads into the next version of the Department Summary

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Department Summary All CF (nVision Multi Chartfield version):

This report will show one column for each chartfield that can be expanded to see the details.

Follow the steps for the Department Summary (nVision Multi Chartfield Rpt)
in step 12 select CWEU30-2 (all other setup can be left the same):

Multi ChartField Dept Summary all CF Run Control Screenshot

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This is what the resulting report will look like:

These columns each tie to the previous report we ran, but can be expanded to see the various charartfields (Department, Program, Fund, Component, Timespan, Location , Class, Project, and Ledger (Actual, Budget, Encumbrance).

Here are the Departments in Finance (the 149 fund portion only, since that’s what we selected in the second chartfield option):

We can get a summary of 4 departments in two groups (BUS_SERV & FIN_SERV) with a total, by only running one report. Each of these departments probably contained at least 2 Project ID’s in the old structure, so we would have had to have run 8 different Project Reports and manually combined them to get the same information that is automatically included in the FIN_SERV column above.

By expanding the LEDGER column we can see the ACTUALS, DETAIL_ENC (Encumbrances) and ORG_BD/REVEST_BD (Budget) breakdown and the net balance in the Ledger column:

This report has the detail for all chartfields included and can be run for any combination, from one department/fund to a division for State General Funds or an Executive level for All Funds. The tools and options are there to be used, and the intent is to provide better mid/upper level reporting directly out of the system without having to manually compile multiple PID reports to get the same result. This may be in a little bit different format than users are used to, but we hope that most areas will be willing to adapt to the new format to take advantage of the options that are available (like Drilldown Functionality … once it’s working properly).

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