ATTACHMENT II – Engineering Services During the Planning Phase

1.As set forth in the AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES dated the day of, 20(effective date) by and between the , the OWNER, and , the ENGINEER, the OWNER and ENGINEER agree this day of, 20(authorization to proceed date) that ENGINEER shall furnish ENGINEERING SERVICES During the Planning Phasein accordance with the GENERAL PROVISIONS of the Agreement and OWNER shall compensate the ENGINEER for services described as set forth below:

A.Perform or provide the following tasks and/or deliverables:

B.Cost Proposal – Include hourly breakdown for each task

C.Reimbursable Expense Schedule

D.Contract Time shall be calendar days from the date of the OWNERSsignature on Attachment II.Planning phase services shall be completed and accepted by the OWNER by (DATE). If planning phase services have not been completed and accepted by the ENGINEER shall pay the OWNER liquidated damages as outlined in the Agreement.

2.Compensation for ENGINEERING SERVICES During the Planning Phase shall be by the

LUMP SUM method of payment. The total amount of compensation for ENGINEERING SERVICES During the Planning Phase, as described, including reimbursable expenses shall not exceed $, excluding gross receipt tax.

STANDARD HOURLY RATE WITH MAXIMUM method of payment. The total amount of hourly charges, including reimbursables, for ENGINEERING SERVICES During the Planning Phase, as described, shall not exceed $, excluding gross receipt tax, without prior written approval of the OWNER, with Funding Agency concurrence.

3.The amount of compensation shall not change unless the scope of services to be provided by the ENGINEER changes and this Agreement is formally amended according to Section A-5.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement as of the date of the signature by the required approval authorities below.



Type Name




Type Name





By ______

Type Name______

Date ______

REV 10/2017Page 1 of 2Attachment II-Planning Phase October 2017