PATHWAY: Personal Care Services
COURSE: Cosmetology Services-Core II
UNIT 11: HS-CSII-11 Advanced Haircutting Techniques
Students will learn about various advanced cutting techniques including; point cutting, notching, free-hand notching, slithering, slicing, and carving. Students will practice the techniques on manikins and hair swatches. Student will take pictures of their work for display and will include commentary on their work. Students will practice using thinning shears and razors and will employ safety and infection control procedures.
X / 10th
X / 11th
X / 12th
20 Hours
Coni Hardy
Students with Disabilities:
For students with disabilities, the instructor should refer to the student's IEP to be sure that the accommodations specified are being provided. Instructors should also familiarize themselves with the provisions of Behavior Intervention Plans that may be part of a student's IEP. Frequent consultation with a student's special education instructor will be beneficial in providing appropriate differentiation.
GPS Focus Standards:
HS-CS-II-4 Students will implement the use of 0, 45, 90, 135, and 180 degrees angles while performing haircuts. Reference points as well as bone structure will be identified to determine complimentary haircuts. Students will study the fundamental theory and skills required for haircutting to create various hair styles and shapes. Theory training includes a total of 30 hours as well as 40 hours of hands on training. Hair analysis will include: growth patterns, texture, density, weight, and general hair condition. Advanced haircutting skills such as point cutting, notching, free-hand notching, slithering, slicing, and carving will be introduced. Hair texturizing with thinning shears and razors will be included.
a) Identify reference points on the head form showing the major planes created by the bone structure and understand their role in hair cutting.
b) Interpret a detailed analysis of the planes in the muscular structure and recommend a complimentary hair cut.
c) Describe and demonstrate the geometric angles, (0, 45, 90, 135, 180 degrees) used in hair cutting with a mannequin.
d) Explain the proper use of electrical hair clippers while utilizing various guards and trimmers.
e) Explain the different face shapes and what hairstyles would compliment each one.
f) Discriminate between the different cutting techniques (point cutting, notching, free-hand notching, slithering, slicing and carving) and determine when each could be used.
g) Construct the following men’s haircuts: tapered, fade, and flat top.
h) Construct different women’s haircuts using the combinations of four basic haircuts (one length, layered, graduated, and uniform).
i) Construct one haircut for men and one for women using only the razor.
j) Compose different haircuts using the theory of the celestial axis by creating haircuts with convex and concave curves.
k) Judge the use of safety and infection control procedures implemented in haircutting.
GPS Academic Standards:
MA1G4 Students will understand the properties of circles.
a) Use the properties of circles to solve problems involving the length of an arc and the area of a sector.
MA1G1 Students will investigate properties of geometric figures in the coordinate plane.
a) Determine the distance between two points.
b) Determine the distance between a point and a line.
c) Determine the midpoint of a segment.
MM2P3 Students will communicate mathematically.
a) Organize and consolidate their mathematical thinking through communication.
b) Communicate their mathematical thinking coherently and clearly to peers, teachers,
and others.
c) Analyze and evaluate the mathematical thinking and strategies of others.
d) Use the language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely.
SCSH2 Students will use standard safety practices for all classroom laboratory and field investigations.
Enduring Understandings:
Without a strong foundation, a finished product will be flawed no matter how skillfully crafted the details are. Similarly, a haircut is the foundation of a style. Without a good cut, other details will not look as good.
Essential Questions:
· Why is the use of various tools and techniques required for professional hair cutting?
· What effects do the various methods achieve in the finished look?
· What tools can be used to determine the proper cut for different clients?
Knowledge from this Unit:
Students will be able to:
· Know how to properly use a wide range of cutting tools in haircutting.
· Determine which method is best depending on hair analysis.
· Practice and understand safety and infection control when working with cutting tools.
Skills from this Unit:
Students will:
· Demonstrate proficiency with different cutting tools.
· Provide safety and infection control to protect clients and co workers.
· Properly cut using the tools provided safely.
· Conduct services in a safe environment and prevent the spread of diseases.
Assessment Method Type:
X / Objective assessment - multiple-choice, true- false, etc.
__ Quizzes/Tests
X__ Unit test
Group project
Individual project
X / Self-assessment - May include practice quizzes, games, simulations, checklists, etc.
__ Self-check rubrics
__ Self-check during writing/planning process
__ Lab Book
__ Reflect on evaluations of work from teachers, business partners, and competition judges
__ Academic prompts
__ Practice quizzes/tests
X / Subjective assessment/Informal observations
__ Essay tests
__ Observe students working with partners
__ Observe students role playing
__ Peer editing & commentary of products/projects/presentations using rubrics
__ Peer editing and/or critiquing
Dialogue and Discussion
__ Student/teacher conferences
__ Partner and small group discussions
_x_ Whole group discussions
__ Interaction with/feedback from community members/speakers and business partners
Constructed Responses
__ Chart good reading/writing/listening/speaking habits
__x Application of skills to real-life situations/scenarios
Assessment Attachments and / or Directions:
• LESSON 1: Advance cutting “Texturizing with Shears”
1. Identify the standards. Standards should be posted in the classroom.
HS-CS-II-4 Students will implement the use of 0, 45, 90, 135, and 180 degrees angles while performing haircuts. Reference points as well as bone structure will be identified to determine complimentary haircuts. Students will study the fundamental theory and skills required for haircutting to create various hair styles and shapes. Theory training includes a total of 30 hours as well as 40 hours of hands on training. Hair analysis will include: growth patterns, texture, density, weight, and general hair condition. Advanced haircutting skills such as point cutting, notching, free-hand notching, slithering, slicing, and carving will be introduced. Hair texturizing with thinning shears and razors will be included.
a) Identify reference points on the head form showing the major planes created by the bone structure and understand their role in hair cutting.
b) Interpret a detailed analysis of the planes in the muscular structure and recommend a complimentary hair cut.
c) Describe and demonstrate the geometric angles, (0, 45, 90, 135, 180 degrees) used in hair cutting with a mannequin.
d) Explain the proper use of electrical hair clippers while utilizing various guards and trimmers.
e) Explain the different face shapes and what hairstyles would compliment each one.
f) Discriminate between the different cutting techniques (point cutting, notching, free-hand notching, slithering, slicing and carving) and determine when each could be used.
g) Construct the following men’s haircuts: tapered, fade, and flat top.
h) Construct different women’s haircuts using the combinations of four basic haircuts (one length, layered, graduated, and uniform).
i) Construct one haircut for men and one for women using only the razor.
j) Compose different haircuts using the theory of the celestial axis by creating haircuts with convex and concave curves.
k) Judge the use of safety and infection control procedures implemented in haircutting.
2. Review Essential Questions. Post Essential Questions in the classroom.
· Why is the use of various tools and techniques required for professional hair cutting?
· What effects do the various methods achieve in the finished look?
3. Identify and review the unit vocabulary. Terms may be posted on word wall.
Slithering / Slicing / Carving
Razor / Thinning shears / Shear over comb
Texturizing / Palming / Free hand slicing
4. Explain to students that a haircut is the foundation of a style. Without a strong foundation (haircut) the style will not work. This lesson will teach advanced techniques to address the new trends and styles a client would like. Prior to this lesson, you can go on line and make a slide show of basic styles and of trendy styles that require the use of advance cutting. This will engage the students and let them see this is different than basic cutting. Have the students write the key terms and define. An enhancement to the lesson is to have the students go to computers and look up pictures, cut and paste them on a word document and cut them out and paste them beside their definitions.
5. After students complete the key terms, discuss with students. Start with the three types of notching and follow up with practice before proceeding.
· Point cutting: used on the ends of the hair using the tips or points of the shears.
· Notching: also a method of point cutting but is more aggressive. Taking larger notches creating a chunkier effect.
· Free hand notching: notching that is used in the interior of the hair.
6. Demonstrate the three types of notching. Use your textbook, Milady Standard textbook, or websites for visuals for students. For the website use their search engine to pull up videos, directions and pictures.
7. Using manikin and hair swatches have students practice while you walk around and monitor and provide guidance.
8. After practicing, have students write a short analysis of their work and then the instructor should provide written commentary as well.
9. When student complete notching, introduce students to slicing, slithering, and carving.
· Slicing: removes bulk by opening the shears and sliding down the strand with out closing the shears.
· Slithering: also called effilating: process of thinning the hair in graduated lengths with a sliding movement.
· Carving: works best on short hair, by carving into the hair and creating separations.
10. Demonstrate the three types. Use your textbook, Milady Standard textbook, or websites for visuals for students. For the website use their search engine to pull up videos, directions and pictures.
11. Using manikin and hair swatches have students practice while you walk around and monitor and provide guidance.
12. After practicing have students write a short analysis of their work and then the instructor should provide written commentary also.
13. Demonstrate shears over comb. Use the following website. After going to the site select media lounge, then barbering, and scroll down to shears over comb, select and toggle to full screen. It is a little over 4 min video.
14. Summary: Student can have a model to come in and demonstrate one of the advanced techniques for enrichment.
15. Summary
Student can go to or can make flashcards to practice for key term test for the unit. Student must go to the website and search Conihardy and/or advanced haircutting techniques. The instructor can also go to the site and make a new test automatically with the terms or use the one provided in the attachments.
• LESSON 2: Texturizing with Thinning Shears and Razors Plus SAFETY
1. Review Essential Questions. Post Essential Questions in the classroom.
· Why is the use of various tools and techniques required for professional hair cutting?
· What effects do the various methods achieve in the finished look?
2. Pass out the Haircutting Safety and the Blood Spill Procedures handouts. Discuss safety with the students.
3. Have each student to select a safety precaution and make a poster for display in class.
4. Show students different types of thinning shears. Explain that thinning shears have different spacing between the teeth depending on the amount of hair to be removed. Texturing with thinning shears is an excellent way to decrease the bulk without loosing length. The farther apart the tooth notches the chunkier the effect. This is also useful for blending hair.
5. Show the students razors. Demonstrate how to use the razor. You can use the milady media lounge to watch videos on razoring. I recommend until students learn how to hold and remove hair with the razor, remove the blade and practice with only the guard. When you feel the student can safety use the razor put the blade in and replace the guard.
6. Have students practice on hair swatches or manikins. Start with basic removal of bulk.
7. Make sure students are holding the blade flat on the hair and using gentle strokes to avoid removing too much. Remind students that razors are for slicing not chopping.
8. Demonstrate freehand slicing: holding the hair on the ends and using the tip of the razor to notch out hair.
9. Demonstrate razor over comb. Use milady media lounge or your textbook as a model
10. Have students complete the Advanced Haircut Technique Lab. This may have to be done on a different class day.
11. Summary:
Review with students for the unit test.
Use written test for depth of knowledge and you may also want to do a practical exam for one or more of the
· Word Wall Word Document
· Haircutting Template Guide
· Haircutting Techniques Test
· Haircutting Techniques Test Answer Key
· Blood Spill Procedures Word Document
Culminating Unit Performance Task Title:
Advanced Haircut Technique Lab
Culminating Unit Performance Task Description/Directions/Differentiated Instruction:
Write the following cutting techniques on enough slips of paper for each student to have one:
· Point cutting
· Notching
· Free hand notching
· Slicing
· Slithering