In-class Socratic Seminar Rubric

“The unexamined life is not worth living.” –Socrates

Course Socratic Seminar sessions will take place in-class and online (through a web 2.0 tool called Edmodo). Participants are expected to be prepared for and actively engage in both Socratic Seminars. Therefore, students’ earned grades will be a reflection of the quality of participation in both of these forums. However, separate grading rubrics are used for each. (See the Edmodo Assignment & Rubric for the online version.)

Level A Participant (28-30 Points)

Participant is prepared with fully completed assignments

Participant offers enough solid analysis, almost always without prompting, to move the conversation forward

Participant, through comments, demonstrates a deep knowledge of the text and the question(s)

Participant demonstrates high levels of critical thinking and critical reading

Participant, through nonverbal and verbal communication, demonstrates quality activelistening to other participants

Participant offers clarification and/or follow-up that extends the conversation

Participant always/almost always refers back to specific parts of the text for support

Participant actively takes notes in the Cornell Note-taking method

Participant is able to summarize the Socratic Seminar session with ease while using specific details from the dialogue

Level B Participant (26-27 Points)

Participant is prepared with fully/mostly completed assignments.

Participant frequently offers analysis to move the conversation forward; some prompting may be needed.

Participant, through comments, demonstrates a good knowledge of the text and the question(s).

Participant demonstrates proficient levels of critical thinking and critical reading.

Participant, through nonverbal and verbal communication,demonstrates active listening to others participants

Participant may/may not offer clarification and/or follow-up. It sometimes extends the conversation.

Participant often refers back to specific parts of the text for support. Some reliance is on personal opinion lacking full support.

Participant actively takes notes in the Cornell Note-taking method.

Participant is able to summarize the Socratic Seminar session with relative ease with using several specific details from the dialogue.

Level C Participant (24-25 Points)

Participant is sometimes/partially prepared with assignments.

Participant offers some analysis, but tends to need prompting; sometimes will help move the conversation forward.

Participant, through comments, demonstrates a general knowledge of the text and question(s).

Participant demonstrates basic to proficient levels of critical thinking and critical reading.

Participant, through nonverbal and/or verbal communication, demonstrates some actively listening to others, but does not necessarily offer clarification and/or follow-up to others’ comments.

Participant relies more on his/her opinion/ideas and less on the text to drive comments.

Participant actively takes notes in the Cornell Note-taking method.

Participant is able to give a brief summary of the Socratic Seminar session with relative ease. May or may not use several specific details from the dialogue.

Level D Participant (21-23 Points)

Participant is sometimes/partially prepared with assignments. Assignments often reflect low quality work.

Participant offers little to no analysis, tends to rely on prompting for contribution, and rarely works to move the conversation forward.

Participant, through comments, demonstrates a basic/limited knowledge of the text and the question(s)

Participant demonstrates basic levels of critical thinking and critical reading.

Participant, through nonverbal and/or verbal communication, demonstrates minimal active listening.

Participant relies mostly on his/her opinions/ideas and less on the text to drive comments.

Participant takes minimal notes in the Cornell Note-taking method.

Participant is able to give portions of a summary of the Socratic Seminar session. May or may not use specific details from the dialogue.

Level F Participant (0-20 Points)

Participant is rarely/never prepared with assignments. Assignments, when completed, often reflect low quality work.

Participant offers little to no analysis, tends to rely on prompting for contribution, and rarely, if ever, moves the conversation forward.

Participant, through comments, demonstrates limited to no knowledge of the text and the question(s)

Participant demonstrates below basic levels of critical thinking and critical reading.

Participant, through nonverbal and/or verbal communication, demonstrates minimal to no active listening.

Participant relies mostly on his/her opinions/ideas and less on the text to drive comments.

Participant takes minimal to no notes in the Cornell Note-taking method.

Participant may or may not be able to give portions of a summary of the Socratic Seminar session. May or may not use details from the dialogue.

Name______Class Pd______Date______

In-class Socratic Seminar

Topic: ______

______/ 30 Total Points


Participant Level ______

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