SNC1D Exam Review

Please keep in mind that this review is intended as a guide only. There is no replacement for your own determination of the topics and concepts that you feel are most important in the course. Please also consider that the exam is equally weighted amongst the four different units. There will also be multiple choice questions for the entire course

Biology (Ecosystems)

  1. Construct a food web with at least 10 organisms. Show the energy transfers and create a labelled food chain from this food web.

2.Describe the importance of nitrogen, carbon and phosphorus in an ecosystem.

3.Explain the importance of biodiversity on an ecosystem such as a river.

4.Explain the effect of toxins such as DDT and their effect on a farm ecosystem.

5.What can be done to prevent the spread of effects from using DDT?

6.What are the differences between a species, a population and a community?

Chemistry (the Periodic table)

7.What are the names and symbols of the 32 important chemical elements that we discussed?

8.What does the Bohr – Rutherford diagram of the following elements look like? (a) Li (b) N (c) O (d) K (e) Cl

9.What are the statements present in the particle theory of matter?

10.What are 2 examples of chemical changes and physical changes?

11.Describe your shoe based on 2 quantitative physical properties and 2 qualitative physical properties.

12.Name 3 chemists that contributed to our current atomic model and discuss 2 things that each contributed.

13.Identify the following as an element, compound, mechanical mixture, solution, suspension or colloid (for each example explain why you know this to be true) :

a) 14 k gold which is quite rigidb) silver c) the contents of a bucket of wet sandd) sand

e) Jello showing the Tyndall effect

14.Name 3 elements in each of the following groups of the periodic table:

a)halogensb) alkali metals c) noble gases

Physics (electricity – static and current)

15.What does the term 'static electricity' mean? Explain how static electricity can create lightning in 4 steps.

16.What are the 2 methods that electric charge can be passed from one item to another? How does each work?

17.If a circuit carries a charge of 150 C if it is measured for 3 minutes, what is the current in the circuit?

18.If a circuit has a known amount of 150 J when the potential difference is 6.0 V, what is the charge in the circuit?

19.If a series circuit is known to have a resistance of 24 ohms when a current of 6 A is put through it, what is the potential difference in the circuit?

20.Draw circuit diagrams for the following:

a)a battery, a switch , a lamp - with a voltmeter measuring the potential difference of the lamp

b)a cell, a toaster and a switch - with an ammeter measuring the current in the toaster

c)a parallel circuit that has a cell, a switch and a lamp in the first loop and a power drill in the 2nd loop

21.What are 4 methods of energy conservation that can be used in an office building during the summer?

22.Explain one method of AC power generation.

Space (Our solar system and exploration)

23.Be able to define the following terms : star, supernova, asteroid, comet, satellite, meteor, meteorite.

24.Using a diagram illustrate the difference between a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse.

25.Explain the difference between the geocentric model of the universe and the heliocentric model.

26.Identify three key characteristics of each planet in our solar system as well as the sun, our moon and Pluto.

27.Explain both the birth and death of a star.