QTEL Unit Planning Template

Unit Overview

Grade: 4

Content Area: ELA/Science

Unit: ELA Unit 2, Science: Solid Earth

Unit Goals:

San Diego’s landforms are crumbling. Why is this occurring? How can we prepare ourselves and others for changes happening in our environment and community?

Topics of study: Landforms, erosion, deposition, drought, rock cycle, weather/drought, earthquakes/San Diego Andreas fault

Elementary ELA, see Unit Overview pages:


RI4.1Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
RI4.2 Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text.
RI4.5 Describe the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in a text or part of a text.
RI4.7 Interpret information presented visually, orally, or
quantitatively (e.g., in charts, graphs, diagrams, time lines, animations, or interactive elements on Web pages) and explain how the information contributes to an understanding of the text in which it appears. / Writing
W4.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information.
a. Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure in which related ideas are grouped to support the writer’s purpose.
b. Provide reasons that are supported by facts and details.
c. Link opinion and reasons using words and phrases (e.g., for instance, in order to, in addition).
d. Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented.
W 4.2c (summary writing)
c. Link ideas within categories of information using words and phrases (e.g., another, for example, also, because).
Speaking and Listening
SL 4.1d Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 4 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly; Review the key ideas expressed and explain their own ideas and understanding in light of the discussion.
SL4.2 Paraphrase portions of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally.
SL4.4 Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience in an organized manner, using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes; speak clearly at an understandable pace. / Language
L4.1d Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking: Use modal auxiliaries (e.g., can, may, must) to convey various conditions.
L4.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
a. Choose words and phrases to convey ideas precisely.*
b. Choose punctuation for effect.*
c. Differentiate between contexts that call for formal English (e.g., presenting ideas) and situations where informal discourse is appropriate (e.g., small-group discussion).

How will students demonstrate these standards?

·  Students will read and discuss informational articles/texts, taking notes on key details and main idea. Summarize one or more texts in writing.
·  Develop their own disaster preparedness kit with clear understanding and explanation behind each item included.
·  Choose one topic studied and write an opinion piece, stating an opinion on the subject, and supporting this point of view with reasons and information.
·  Use the information they have learned to promote a school-lwide fundraiser selling first aid kits to include in a disaster preparedness kit



Central ideas/ Themes

·  Foss Science Resources: Solid Earth Section
·  Videos/Articles of San Diego issues
Cliff rescue
Drought videos
San Andreas Fault
·  Brighty of the Grand Canyon (Fiction)
·  Everybody Needs a Rock

Unit Planning: 3 Moment Architecture


Preparing the Learner
·  activate students’ prior, relevant knowledge
·  establish an interest in and focus for the lesson
·  focus their attention on the theme(s)/concepts to be explored
·  introduce key ideas and language in context.
·  promote perspective and community building
Interacting with the Text/ Concept
·  text is deconstructed and students focus on understanding a key section
·  reconnect analyzed parts to the text as a whole, gaining deeper understanding of the themes and concepts
·  lead students one step closer to the attainment of lesson objectives
Extending Understanding
·  support students in using their recently acquired knowledge and skills in the solution of novel problems
·  invite students to create or recreate ideas, take students into increasingly more complex performances
·  write to represent new understandings
·  take a critical stance

Preparing Learners for the Unit as a Whole:

X Preparing the Learner Task / o Interacting with Texts Task / o Extending Understanding Task
Name of Task
Contextualizing with Video
(Est. time 20 minutes) / Purpose of Task
·  Contextualize the upcoming unit with powerful imagery.
·  activate students’ prior, relevant knowledge
·  establish an interest in and focus for the lesson
·  focus their attention on the concepts to be explored
·  introduce key ideas and language in context.
·  community building through sharing notes and inquiry questions
Task Description
·  Introduction to Rocks: You Tube (Also found on My Big Campus by searching “Intro to Geology Video” in the Library)
Watch twice:
§  1st viewing: Watching for meaning. This video uses text to narrate so the teacher should read the text aloud for students while they are watching both times.
§  2nd viewing: Take notes on key ideas and vocabulary
o  Share notes with a partner-students expand their own notes based on the sharing.
o  Students write any lingering questions or possible inquiries sparked by the video.
o  Cross share with another partnership. Expand notes and questions/inquiries.
Possible Language Supports
I’d like to learn more about…
Some key vocabulary words I picked up on are…
I’m wondering what …means.
X Preparing the Learner Task / o Interacting with Texts Task / o Extending Understanding Task
Name of Task
Torrey Pines Jigsaw Reading
(Est. time 35 minutes) / Purpose of Task
·  activate students’ prior, relevant knowledge
·  establish an interest in and focus for the lesson
·  focus their attention on the concept of erosion and deposition
·  introduce key ideas and language in context.
Task Description
1.  Read aloud the first section of the reading.
Listening with a Focus:
Listen to find out where Torrey Pines is located and how this created some of the unique land forms we will see there.
2.  Model: Teacher models how to capture important information on the Torrey Pines graphic organizer.
3.  Teacher forms Base groups of 5 students (A, B, C, D, E) and assigns each member a letter based on the level of difficulty of the Expert group readings. Once everyone knows the letter of their Expert group, students move to the table assigned to their particular Expert group. (Teachers should form these groups prior to setting up the task)
4.  Students individually read their Expert Group reading and take notes on their Jigsaw Reading graphic organizer.
5.  After the reading, Experts discuss their notes with a partner and expand or modify the information written on their graphic organizer. If time allows, students should share their notes with at least one other partnership, further refining their expert information.
6.  Students return to their Base group and through a Round Robin Structure, share the title and key information they gained about their section from their Expert group interactions. Everyone in the Base groups adds the new information to their graphic organizer.
Possible Language Supports
X Preparing the Learner Task / o Interacting with Texts Task / o Extending Understanding Task
Name of Task
Inquiry Chart Set-Up / Purpose of Task
·  establish an interest in and focus for the lesson
·  introduce key ideas and language in context.
·  support students in using their recently acquired knowledge and skills in the solution of novel problems
Task Description
1.  As students progress through this unit they may begin to develop questions that will require further research.
2.  Record these questions as they come up for individuals or partnerships to gather information and share with the class. For example:
·  What causes earthquakes and volcanos?
·  Are there any active volcanoes in the United States?
·  Can we predict when an earthquake will happen?
·  Where do rocks come from?
3.  Some of these questions will be answered through the design of the unit but students should be encouraged to research the information when their curiosity is speak and used as a resource when the class is studying content related to their inquiry.
Possible Language Supports

þ Preparing the Learner Task / o Interacting with Texts Task / o Extending Understanding Task
Name of Task
Vocabulary Notebook: Introduction and set-up / Purpose of Task
·  Prepare students with a resource to gather key vocabulary related to this genre of research.
·  The VN will be used as students encounter new words that are key to understanding and usage in their writing and talk about the key concepts related to geology
·  Focuses on developing essential vocabulary and providing vocabulary instruction in context.
Task Description
Vocabulary Notebook Components:
·  To be used while interacting with the texts.
·  The teacher can begin by providing the word and/or source sentence on the handout but there are many variations to this task. As students become familiar with the task, the teacher can remove levels of scaffolding until the students are recording all of the information themselves
·  The type and amount of information provided can be varied depending on the level of support most students will need.
·  Use key words essential to understanding and words that cannot be deciphered using context clues or ones that will be high utility for reading and writing in the content area.
·  Blank spaces should also be provided to allow students flexibility in adding their own key words.
This VN contains:
¨  Word and Translation (primary language)
¨  Definition
¨  Source Sentence
¨  Image, words, or phrases to help me remember the word: Student adds this
¨  Synonym (Some VN have an added space for synonyms.)
Words to consider using for the first chapter of this unit: geologists, outcrops, rock forming mineral, minerals, properties, dissolve, evaporate
In table groups, prior to reading, students read the words and source sentences provided. Students discuss their beginning understanding of the word.
o  Teacher walks around the room and notes students’ knowledge and/or misconceptions.
o  Students will add new words to increase their vocabulary as they move through various texts in this unit.
o  Teacher provide students with numerous opportunities for them to say and write using these words.
Note: The first column of the Vocabulary Notebook (Word/Translation) is a personal glossary for English learners.
Possible Language Supports
o Preparing the Learner Task / X Interacting with Texts Task / o Extending Understanding Task
Name of Task
Scan & Skim Text Features
Text: What Geologists Do
FOSS Science text, pg 179-181 / Purpose of Task
·  This task provides students with a way to capture the general sense of the structure and content of a text through scanning and skimming of text.
·  Helps to set a purpose and focus for reading.
·  Activate students’ prior, relevant knowledge
·  Establish an interest in and focus for the lesson
Task Description
The teacher reminds students that analyzing text features will help them set a purpose for their reading and better understand various texts. This includes reading and understanding text features and symbolic representation. The text features specific to this text include: headings, sub-headings, introduction, images/pictures with captions (other texts may include text boxes, maps, graphs, etc.)
Scan text features: This task is for introducing text features-if students are already familiar with them, move right into scanning the text features and skimming
The purpose of this particular scan is to identify the type of text features used in this text
What type of text features are in this text? What information do they give us?
·  Ask students to scan the text for any text features. Students discuss what they see with a partner.
·  Teacher leads a class discussion on which type of text features the students identified in their scanning of the text. (In this case, heading, subheadings, images with captions)
·  Chart student responses, recording the correct label for the text feature when it is unknown. (e.g. Student: “There are dark words before each part.” Teacher: “You’re right. We call those bolded words ‘sub-headings.’ Everyone say ‘sub-headings.’” Teacher records.)
·  Next to each text feature on the chart, sketch a visual representation.
Skim Reading
The purpose of this skim reading is to model a strategy where the reader focuses on reading certain parts of the text in order to prepare for the deep reading of the text itself.
·  The teacher explains the purpose of skim reading.
Readers will often skim read the introduction, topic sentences, key text boxes, conclusion and picture descriptions. This helps the reader orient themselves to the purpose of the text and begin to think about the type of information that will be found in the text.)
·  After a minute or two of skim reading, students discuss with a partner what they KNOW the text will be about based on the scanning and skimming of text features.
Teacher walks around the room and monitors students’ understanding. Teacher pre-selects students to begin the academic discussion.
Possible Language Supports
Academic Discussion:
After analyzing the text features, I know the text will be about… (Amplify the word analysis.)
o Preparing the Learner Task / X Interacting with Texts Task / o Extending Understanding Task
Name of Task
Listening with a Focus with Collaborative Summaries / Purpose of Task
·  text is deconstructed and students focus on understanding a key section
·  reconnect analyzed parts to the text as a whole, gaining deeper understanding of the themes and concepts
·  lead students one step closer to the attainment of lesson objectives
Task Description
Modeled with “What Do Geologists Do?” pg. 179-181
Listen to find out some of the ways geologists study rocks.
1.  Read “Fieldwork”
2.  Discuss reading focus.
3.  Model think aloud of collaborative summary using the structure:
This section is mainly about… We learned that…Another important piece of information is…We now understand that…
This section is mainly about geologists who work outdoors do fieldwork. We learned that some geologists study outcrops and make notes about the rocks they see. Another important piece of information is that geologists doing fieldwork take samples to their labs to study. We now understand that geologists study the earth.
Lab Work
Listen to find out about some of the important tools geologists use in their work.
1.  Read “Lab Work”
2.  Discuss reading focus
3.  Model think aloud of collaborative summary.
Possible Language Supports
This section is mainly about… We learned that…Another important piece of information is…We now understand that…