Present: Chairman Cllr. Mr S Jones (SJ) Cllr. Mr J Steed (JSt)

Ms D Groves – Clerk (DG) Cllr. Mr M Walding (MW)

Cllr. Mr S Fletcher (SF) Cllr. Mrs P Wyatt (PW)

Cllr. Mrs J East (JE) Cllr. Mrs J Slack (JS)

Cllr. Mr D Goodwin (DG)

Invited and Present: BCllrs. Mr D Poole & Mrs S Bragg

01 / Welcome and Apologies for absence
Meeting was opened at 7.35pm. Cllr. Mr Jones offered a warm welcome to those present. No apologies for absence were received.
02 / To Receive Police Report
No Police Report received. Clerk has been informed that no further reports will be sent, information on crime is available on the police website.
03 / To Invite Members of the Public to speak on matters of concern
2 residents @ Cherwell way attended to gain clarification that they own the fence that they have maintained and erected 28yrs ago. It was confirmed and acknowledged that the fence erected and maintained by the 2 residents belonged to the residents and they could do what they wished with it.
04 / To Receive Declarations of Personal, Prejudicial or other Interest
None declared.
05 / To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 12th July 2016
It was proposed by Cllr. Mr Fletcher, seconded by Cllr. Mrs Slack to approve the minutes of 12th July 2016, 6 votes in favour, 1 abstention due to absence from the meeting and 1 against.
06 / To Receive progress reports on outstanding items not covered later on the Agenda
a) Long Lawford Community Association -The public meeting held on 10th August at the Methodist church to discuss what facilities etc. emerging from the Parish Plan that residents have requested to see in the village had a disappointing attendance; this was felt to be a lost opportunity.
b) Football contracts have been signed and fees deposited
c) Developers are starting to look at transferring Tee Tong play area to Long Lawford Parish Council
d) Clerk has obtained permission to claim back grass cutting maintenance from 106 funds
e) Annual Play inspections have been carried out, awaiting reports
f) Temporary closure of Lawford Heath Lane for carriageway resurfacing from 26-30th September 16
g) Long Lawford Parish Plan results have been circulated to Cllrs. Next step is to contact Cllr. Mrs Timms to arrange a meeting to discuss a Neighbourhood Plan which it was felt was needed asap to protect what open space is left in the Parish.
h) Response from WCC regarding the former dog park at Lawford Heath was communicated to the Council and resident who raised the issue.
07 / To Receive Borough/County Council Reports
No Borough Council report received due to the summer break.
Pavement patching will be top slurried before end of October
The wrong paint on the bus shelter at junction Holbrook Rd/Townsend Lane had been used by the Community payback Scheme.
08 / Management/Finance & Administration
a) To consider purchase of new guppy bins due to erosion of bases. Following discussions, it was proposed by Cllr. Mr Jones, seconded by Cllr. Mr Fletcher that 10 guppy bins be purchased.
b) To discuss Transport Statement and Long Lawford Primary School expansion – County Council Highways remain objective on the grounds of safety/parking etc. A meeting had taken place with officers of WCC, BCllr. Mrs Bragg, the Planning officer at WCC and Cllr. Mr Steed where parking and traffic evidence has now been witnessed in and around the School at pick up times. It had been suggested that a meeting be arranged with the School to discuss parking etc. It was proposed by Cllr. Mr Goodwin, seconded by Cllr. Mr Fletcher, 8 votes in favour that Cllrs. Mr Steed and Mr Jones arrange a meeting with the School Headmaster. A letter circulated to parents was discussed; contents of the letter has raised further questions regarding stated number of future places needed for Long Lawford children. Clerk to find out what evidence has been used to determine the numbers and the contact person at WCC involved in putting together the numbers. Discussions also took place regarding the garages at the back of Holbrook Road shops.
BCllrs. Mrs Bragg and Mr Poole left the meeting at 8.30pm
It was also proposed by Cllr. Mr Fletcher, seconded by Cllr. Mrs Slack, 8 votes in favour that a FOI be made to Warwickshire Police asking how many fixed penalty obstruction notices had been issued in the past 12 months in the vicinity of Holbrook Rd, Townsend Lane, Elizabeth Way and Boyce Way and how many times police officers have attended the same areas for monitoring purposes during the past 12 months. / DG
/ Recreation Grounds
a) Pavilion plans – The Crick plans had now been obtained by the architects. Crick building has a separate entrance for footballers/refs/officials etc. It was agreed that the main entrance to the building should be separate. The inside layout of the Crick building was liked and the outside of the proposed Long Lawford building was liked with the addition of outside toilets. New plans are expected shortly when another full meeting with all Councillors would be arranged. Everyone was keen to see progress made as soon as possible as it had been 12 months since the project started.
Transport, Highways, Drains and Street Lighting
a) St Lighting column has once again been knocked down on the bridge at Railway Street – WCC have dealt with the disconnection and removal as they now own this column.
11 / To Receive Details of Financial Matters
a)  To Approve the monthly payments (List circulated at the Meeting)
18.7.16 2752 Bus Shelter Cleaning 2nd Qtr. £312.00
26.7.16 2753 Zip Wire Button Seat & Chain £227.86
12.8.16 2754 Petty Cash August £250.00
12.8.16 2755/6 Confidential
12.8.16 2757 HMRC £849.14
12.8.16 2758 LGPS £987.46
12.8.16 2759 Telecoms £75.00
12.8.16 2760 ESPO £144.93
12.8.16 2821 EON Pavilion £40.30
12.8.16 2822 Petty Cash September £350.00
12.8.16 2823 2nd Qtr. Grass Cutting/Line Marking £1,410.00
12.8.16 2824 External Audit Fee £360.00
12.8.16 2825 CCTV Hosting 16/17 £526.31
12.8.16 2826 BT CCTV £70.47
Income July and August 2016
9.8.16 - Youth Football Teams (2 teams, 1@Cherwell Way and 1@ King George) £100.00
10.8.16 – Caldecott Arms Football Team £230.00
It was proposed by Cllr. Mr Goodwin, seconded by Cllr. Mr Fletcher to approve the monthly payments, 7 votes in favour, 1 against
b) External Auditor report has been received which states; it is confirmed that no matters have come to our attention which give cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met.
12 / To Receive Details of Planning Matters
New Applications
1. R16/1732 – Erection of a single storey side and rear extension.
13 South View Rd, CV23 9BP
No observations
2. R16/1554 – Erection of a single storey rear extension and front porch.
55 Main Street, CV23 9AZ
No observations
3. R16/1571 – Erection of a part two storey part single storey rear extension and a single storey front extension to form a porch.
75 Townsend Lane, CV23 9DG
4. R16/1555 – Erection of a first floor rear and side extension
12 Briars Close, CV23 9DW
Approved Planning Applications
1. R16/1571 (See No. 3 above) – 75 Townsend Lane, CV23 9DG
2. R15/1754 – Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings and erection of four dwellings
33 Livingstone Ave, CV23 9BU
Refused Planning Applications
Other Planning
1. R16/1740 – A detached outbuilding to serve as a home workshop and email 22.6.16 listing tools and email 22.8.16 describing intended use
Certificate of Lawful Use or Development issued.
13 / To Receive Information on minor matters and items for future Agenda
Weeds etc. need cutting back around the dog bin in Chapel Street – Clerk to ask handyman to look at.
Hedging in same area badly needs attending to – Severn Trent Water is responsible
All residents/parents/councillors are urged to respond to the School expansion consultation either in writing to
Access & Organisation, Building 3, Saltisford Office Park, Ansell Way, Warwick, CV34 4UL or by
Email: , or
Via the Website: https://askwarks.wordpress.com/2016/09/01/long-lawford-primary-school-expansion
Closing date for comments is 18th October 2016
Agenda item for October - Bus Shelter consideration at Bus Stop by shops in Holbrook Rd / DG
14 / Confidential Items
15 / Date and Time of the Next Meeting
To confirm the date and time of the monthly Parish Council Meeting to be held on Tuesday 11th October 2016 at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall, Railway Street, Long Lawford. Meeting was closed at 9.07pm.

Signed: ……………………………………………………………. Date: …………………………………………….

Mr S Jones
