WEEKLY BULLETIN Volume 41: Issue 4, 20th July, 2011

Forward Program

News Flash – The planned District Membership Seminar on Tuesday, 25th July has been cancelled.

Date/Time / Program / Speaker / Chairman/
Vote of Thanks / Raffle Prize / Note
25 July
6 for 6.30pm / RYLAReport / Amy Pollock – Hall
Rashmi Elleperumaarachchi
Michael Reynolds / Rob Haines
Jan Rattray / Don Kerley / Board Meeting
1st August
6 for 6.30pm / Medical and Surgical Treatment of Diseases of the Eye / Dr Phakey
(Ophthalmologist) / Alan Newstead
Camille Rogers / Gwynne Thomas / Partners Night
8th August
6 for 6.30pm / Special Meeting (Constitution/By-Laws) / No Guest speaker / Peter Nicolls
Austin Sureda / Les Walker / Committee
15th August
6 for 6.30pm / Author of "A Woman's War" during the 1914-18 World War” / Jacqueline Dinan / Brian Norton
Noel Taylor / Jack Wilson

Meeting Apologies – Contact Margaret M 0418 992 017email :


Next Speaker – 25th July RYLA Report

  • Our two RYLA candidates, Amy, Rashmi and Michael (Bob Reynold’s nephew) sponsored by RC Monash will give us some feedback on their experiences at RYLA.
  • Amy is a 3rd year MonashUniversity student studying Bachelor of Arts/Business(Marketing). Amy has part-time jobs at Bunnings, Bakers Delight and is a swimming teacher.
  • Rashmi is a 3rd year MonashUniversity law student. She works part-time at Portmans, and is a volunteer swimming teacherfor children with special needs.
  • Michael is a university student and a Monash Rotaractor.

July – Andrew Goddard, Jeff Gouldson, Andrew Guillaume, Rob Haines

August – TonyHills, Tony Hough, Louis Jahshan, Peter Jeffreys

  • If you are not available for roster duty on the day allocated please arrange a swap with another member

President’s Piece

Last Monday’s meetingwith the Mayorof the City of Monash, Cr. Greg Male,was quite valuable.In discussing membership diversity the Mayor suggested I meet with his Community Service Director, Carolyn Mc Clean who would be able to put me in touch with members of the Multicultural Advisory Committee. A presentation about our Club, and Rotary, to the Advisory Committee could be beneficial. The Mayor also suggested that we could consider having a stall at the Chinese Lantern Festival (March 2012) which attracts up to 35,000 people. A Rotary Club marketing brochure written in Chinese with contact details for all the Monash Clubs would support our diversity aims.We could also consider providing some sponsorship for the event.

Secretary Michele has issued a notice about the Special Meeting on the 8th August to consider the changes in the Clubs Constitution/By-Laws. If you have any queries or issues about the changes can you please bring them to my attention well before the Special Meeting.

I am delighted with the response from members happy to have a meeting on the 25th July despite the original meeting being cancelled. I have yet to get to the bottom of this embarrassing debacle.

General Announcements & Reports

Bulletin Articles to Don .auby 11:59 pm Tuesdays

Photos and guest speaker summaries contained on Club website


Bulletin Articles to Don .auby 11:59 pm Tuesdays

Photos and guest speaker summaries contained on Club website

Date:Saturday13th August 2011. 6.30 for 7.00pm

Rose of Thailand,

15 Coleman Parade, Glen Waverley(opposite Syndal Station)

Club Contact : Andrew Goddard.

Date : Wednesday, 24th August 2011

Periodot Theatre“TheGlass Menagerie”

Mt WaverleySecondaryCollege

Club Contact : Rob Haines -$18 per person.

Date ; Sat & Sun 8th & 9th October, 2011

Fellowship Weekend Away – Warburton Lodge

Club Contact : Graeme Woolacott.

Bulletin Articles to Don .auby 11:59 pm Tuesdays

Photos and guest speaker summaries contained on Club website