Malka Ashkenazi, DMD


(April 2014)

Name: Ashkenazi Malka, DMD

Place of work: Private practice

Home Address: 7a Gilad Haim Street, Petach Tikva 49377

I.D. number: 05220868 -3

Date |& Place of birth: February, 5, 1954; Israel

1972 -1973 Israel National Service (Tel Hashomer Hospital)

Marital status: Married, 3 children

Phone No: (Home) 03-9326075 (Work) 03- 9223848



1973-1979 Hadassah-Hebrew Faculty of Dental Medicine, Hebrew University,

Jerusalem, Israel. D.M.D degree.

1987 Board certified in Pediatric Dentistry, Israel (in distinction).


2012 Autotransplantation course. Pediatric dentistrt department. Leeds

England . (February, 16-22, 2012)


1987-1989 Research Fellow, Dental Branch, University of Texas

Health Science Center, Houston, Texas, USA.

1987-1990 Research Fellow, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston,

Texas, USA.

1989-1990 Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Periodontics,

The University of Texas Dental Branch, Houston, Texas, USA.

1990-1995 Instructor, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dental

Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel.

1992- 2008 Admission Committee, Fellowship Program in Pediatric Dentistry,

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine, Tel

Aviv University, Israel.

1992-1995 Executive Committee, Israel Society of Pediatric Dentistry

1993- Member of the Examination Board of Pediatric Dentistry, Israel

Dental Association

1993- Member of the National Board of Dental Examiners (Dental

Licensing Exams), Ministry of Health.

1995- Member of the Israeli Dental Association Court, Israel Dental


1995-2000 Senior Physician in pediatric dentistry, School of Dental Medicine,

Tel Aviv University, Israel.

1996- Member of the Examination Board of Orthodontics, Israel Dental


1999 Member of the Division of Dental Health Committee: Dental

treatment of children with hereditary disabilities, Ministry of Health,


1999- 2008 Member of the Admission Committee, School of Dental Medicine,

Tel Aviv University, Israel.

2000- 2008 Member of the Pediatric Dentistry Specialty Committee, Israel

Society of Pediatric Dentistry.

2000 -2008 Lecturer in pediatric dentistry, School of Dental Medicine,

Tel Aviv University, Israel

2001- 2007 Member of Thesis Committee, School of Dental Medicine, Tel

Aviv University, Israel.

1-16.7.02 Acting Chairman, Department of Pediatric Dentistry

2001 -2008 Examiner at the Integrative Examination, School of Dental

Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel

2004- 2007 Chairman of the Inspection Committee of Israel Society of Pediatric


2005 Member of the Sedation committee, Pediatric DentistrySociety,


2005 Member of the Consensus Committee on Pit and Fissure Sealants,

Israel Society of Dentistry.

2001- 2007 Member of Thesis Committee, School of Dental Medicine, Tel

Aviv University, Israel.

2007- 2008 Member of Committee for teaching advanced degrees, School of

Dental Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel

2008- Senior Lecturer in pediatric dentistry, School of Dental Medicine,

Tel Aviv University, Israel.

2008- Member of the Division of Dental Health Committee: Dental

treatment of children with oncology or hereditary disabilities,

Ministry of Health, Israel.

2008 Member of the Orthodontics Specialty Committee, Israel Dental

Association Israel Society of Orthodontics.

2010 Member of the Consensus Committee for sedation guidelines,

Ministry of Health, Israel.

2009-2011 Chairman of the Israel society of Dentistry for Children.

2011- 2013 Member in the National committee for child health.

2014- Representative of The Israeli Society of Dentistry for Children in



1990- 1996 Clinical instructor of student, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School

of Dental Medicine

1990-2008 Clinical instructor of post graduate students, Department of Pediatric

Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine

1990- 2008 Teaching dental students , Department

of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine, Tel Aviv

University, Israel. The subject of the lectures were: Local

anesthesia in pediatric dentistry; Gingivitis in children;

Periodontal disease in children; Psychological approach for

treating handicapped children; Dental treatment of children with

systemic diseases; Classification of dental traumatic injuries;

Treatment of dental crown's fractures; Treatment of luxation

injuries; Treatment of traumatic injuries in the primary dentition.

2000-2008 Oral Biology course for students. Effect of different storage

media for avulsed teeth on the biological function of PDL-

fibroblasts. Department of Oral Biology. School of Dental

Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel.

1990-2008 Teaching postgraduate dentists, Department

of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine, Tel Aviv

University, Israel.

1990- 2008 Teaching DMD certification courses, School of Dental Medicine,

Tel Aviv University and Dental Association, Israel. The

subjects of the lectures were: Local anesthesia in children,

gingival and periodontal diseases in children, dental treatment of

children with systemic diseases, dental treatment of

handicapped children, traumatic injuries to primary and

permanent dentition.

2000- 2003 Teaching DMD certification courses, Dental Association, Haifa,

Israel. The subjects of the lectures were: Local anesthesia in

children, gingival and periodontal diseases in children, dental

treatment of children with systemic diseases, dental treatment of

handicapped children, traumatic injuries to primary and

permanent dentition, Pulp therapy in primary dentition.

1990- 2008 Teaching operative dentistry under general anesthesia in post-

graduate course, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of

Dental Medicine, Tel - Aviv University, Israel.

1990-1995 Director, handicapped children clinic, Department of Pediatric

Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine, Tel- Aviv University, Israel

1990-2000 Private dental clinic for children and adolescents, Herzliya Medical

Center, Herzliya, Israel

1992- 2008 Teaching in dental hygienists' courses, School of Dental

Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel. The subjects of the lectures

were: traumatic injuries to primary and permanent dentition,

approach to treatment the handicapped child, gingival and

periodontal diseases in children.

1993- 2008 Teaching international postgraduate orthodontic courses, School

of Dental Medicine, Tel- Aviv University, Israel. The subject of the

lectures were: The gingiva in early and late adolescence:

diagnosis, prevention and treatment; Classification of traumatic

injuries; Traumatic injuries to anterior teeth; Trauma to primary

teeth and it’s sequelae ; Trauma to permanent teeth: diagnosis

and treatment.

1993-2008 In charge of journal clubs of the post graduate students in

pediatric Dentistry, Tel Aviv University, Israel

1995- Private dental clinic for children and adolescents, Petach-Tikva

2000 -2000 Member of “ Save a Child's Heart" international delegation of

doctors and dentists, treating children in Addis Abeba,

September, Ethiopia.

2001 -2008 Examiner at the Integrative Examination, School of Dental

Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel

1-16.7.02 Acting Chairman, Department of Pediatric Dentistry

2003-2008 In charge of writing the examinations for dental students at

fifth and sixth years.

2007- 2008 Member of Committee for teaching advanced degrees, School of

Dental Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel.


1987-1989 -Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of Periodontics, Dental

Branch, University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston,

Texas, USA

1989- 1990 - Clinical and Research Fellowship, Department of Pediatric

Dentistry, Dental Branch, University of Texas Health Science

Center; and Department of Molecular Genetics, Howard

Hughes Medical Institute, Texas Health Science Center,

Houston, Texas, USA.

1\91-1\93 - Ministry of Absorption, Fellowship Award, Israel 2 year salary

(1/2 time position)


5/94-5/95 Shauder Fund, NIS 9500

Title: Formation of new periodontal ligament by periodontal

ligament cells implanted in vivo after culture in vitro.

Principal investigators: Sarnat H, Ashkenazi M.

9/95-1/97 Mavelin and Sanford Lefcoe Fund, NIS 6600

Title Determination of the optimal conditions for attachment of

fibroblasts to root surfaces containing cementum

Principal investigators : Ashkenazi M, Sarnat H.

1995-1997 Chief Scientist, Ministry of Health, Jerusalem, Israel

NIS 40,000

Title: Formation of new periodontal ligament in avulsed tooth

Ashkenazi M, Sarnat H.

2002-2004 Lefco Foundation , NIS 8000

Title: In vitro clonogenic capacity and differentiation of periodontal

igament fibroblasts explanted and cultured with Emdogain

Principal investigator. Ashkenazi M,

Co-investigator: Shaked I.

2005-2006 Research committee of Dental Scholl, NIS 4350 Title. Effectiveness of triple headed toothbrush in patients with fixed orthodontic appliances.

Principal investigator. Ashkenazi M,

Co-investigator: Rafe Z, A. Vardimon .

2006-2007 Research committee of Dental Scholl, Foundation of Alfa Omega , NIS 6750

Title: The effects of age on the ability of children at first to fifth grades of elementary school to brush correctly and effectively their teeth with triple-headed toothbrush following professional and individual instructions.

Principal investigator. Ashkenazi M,

Co-investigator: Berkovitz R, Aharon L.

2008-2009 Research committee of Dental Scholl Foundation of Alfa Omega, NIS 5400

Title: Age-associated changes of the mandibular foramen position in Israeli Bedouins.

Principal investigator. Ashkenazi M,

Ad Hoc Reviewer

2006-2014 Ad-Hoc reviewer for the following journals

Angle Orthodontic

Brit Dent J

Cell proliferation

Int J Paediatr Dent

J Orofacial Pain

J of Oral Rehabilitation

Military Medicine



Special care In Dentistry

Indian Journal of Dental Research

Dental Traumatology


2012- Editorial board

Case reports in Dentistry

The Scientific World Journal

Dataset Papers in Science- Anesthesiology

Dataset Papers in Medicine


1992- 2008 Admission Committee, Fellowship Program in Pediatric Dentistry,

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine, Tel

Aviv University, Israel.

1992-1995 Executive Committee, Israel Society of Pediatric Dentistry

1993- Member of the Examination Board of Pediatric Dentistry, Israel

Dental Association

1993- Member of the National Board of Dental Examiners (Dental

Licensing Exams), Ministry of Health.

1995- Member of the Israeli Dental Association Court, Israel Dental


1996- Member of the Examination Board of Orthodontics, Israel Dental


1999 Member of the Division of Dental Health Committee: Dental

treatment of children with hereditary disabilities, Ministry of Health,


1999- 2008 Member of the Admission Committee, School of Dental Medicine,

Tel Aviv University, Israel.

2000- 2008 Member of the Pediatric Dentistry Specialty Committee, Israel

Society of Pediatric Dentistry.

2001- 2007 Member of Thesis Committee, School of Dental Medicine, Tel

Aviv University, Israel.

1-16.7.02 Acting Chairman, Department of Pediatric Dentistry

2001 -2008 Examiner at the Integrative Examination, School of Dental

Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel

2004- Member of the Inspection Committee of Israel Society of Pediatric


2005 Member of the Sedation committee, Pediatric DentistrySociety,


2005 Member of the Consensus Committee on Pit and Fissure Sealants,

Israel Society of Dentistry.

2001- 2007 Member of Thesis Committee, School of Dental Medicine, Tel

Aviv University, Israel.

2007- 2008 Member of Committee for teaching advanced degrees, School of

Dental Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel

2008- Member of the Division of Dental Health Committee: Dental

treatment of children with oncology or hereditary disabilities,

Ministry of Health, Israel.

2008 Member of the Orthodontics Specialty Committee, Israel Dental

Association Israel Society of Orthodontics.

2010 Member of the Consensus Committee for sedation guidelines,

Ministry of Health, Israel.

2009-2011 Chairman of the Israel society of Dentistry for Children.

2011- 2013 Member in the National committee for child health.

2014- Representative of The Israeli Society of Dentistry for Children in




International invited talks

1. Conference : Save a Child seminar

Title: Preventive approach in pediatric dentistry

Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Date: September, 2000.

2. Conference : Congress of the Thai Society of Pediatric Dentistry

Title: Computerized delivery of local anesthetics in children.

Location: Bangkok, Thailand

Date: December, 2006.

3. Conference : 2nd international conference on computerized delivery system

Title: Physiologic and clinical characteristic of PDL anesthesia delivered by a

high pressure syringe and by a computerized device.

Location: Amelia Island ,Florida.

Date. May, 2009.

4. Conference : 4th international transilvania congress of dentistry

Psychological effects and pharmacological characteristics of nitrous oxide

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Date. 10-12 CTOBER, 2013

5. Conference : 4th international transilvania congress of dentistry

How to improve the effectiveness of local anesthesia in children

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Date 10-12 CTOBER, 2013

6. Conference : Workshop. 4th international transilvania congress of dentistry

Pulse oximeter for monitoring the dental patients-indications, advantages

and disadvantages

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Date : 10-12 CTOBER, 2013

7. Workshop: 4th international transilvania congress of dentistry

Practicing of nitrous oxide delivery

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Date : 10-12 CTOBER, 2013

8. 2ndWorld Dental Online Conference

Computerized Controlled Local Anesthesia Delivery (C-CLAD) in children

19-21 August 2014,

- National invited talks

1. Conference: Scientific meeting of the Israel Society of Pediatric Dentistry

Title: Local anesthesia in children.

Location: Jerusalem.

Date: 1990

2. Conference: Advanced study for pediatric dentists in Macabi Health


Title: Traumatic injuries in primary and permanent dentition.

Location: Tel Aviv

Date: March, 2001

3. Conference: Seminar for Israeli Residents in Pediatric Dentistry,

Title: Neutrophil modulation by actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitance;

phagocytosis and development of respiratory burst.

Location: Tell Aviv,

Date: March, 2002

4. Conference : Annual meeting of the Israel Hygienists association.

Title: Psychological approach for treatment the feared child.

Location. Tel Aviv.

Date: December, 2003.

5. Conference: Annual meeting of the dentists in Israel Defense Force

Title: Behavioral approached in dental treatment.

Location: Zrifine

Date: December, 2005.

6. Conference: Advanced studies for pediatricians in Clalit Health Services.

Title: Preventive measures in pediatric dentistry.

Location: Petach-Tikva.

Date: October, 2005.

7. Conference: Advanced studies for pediatricians in Clalit Health Services.

Title: Behavioral management approaches in pediatric dentistry.

Location: Petach-Tikva,

Date: Dec, 2005.

8. Conference: Israel Society of Dentistry for Children,

Title: Clinical and radiographic follow up after traumatized primary incisors.

Location: Jerusalem,

Date: 2007

9. Conference: Advanced studies for pediatricians in Clalit Health Services

Title: Traumatic injuries to primary dentition.

Location: Petach-Tikva,

Date: Oct, 2007

10. Conference: Advanced studies for dentists of Israel Dental association,

Title: Behavioral management approaches in treating anxious child in dental


Location: Tel Aviv,

Date: April, 2008.

11. Conference: Advanced studies for dentists of Israel Dental association,

Title: Behavioral management approaches in treating anxious child in dental


Location: Beer Sheva,

Date: March, 2008.

12. Conference: Advanced studies for pediatricians in Clalit Health Services

Title: Questions from the pediatricians to the pediatric dentist.

Location:Petach Tikva

Date: January, 2009.

13. Conference: Scientific meeting of the Israel Society of Dentistry for Children.

Title:Update in local anesthesia with regard to equipments, methods and


Location: Avenu, convention Center, Airport City.

Date: March, 2009.

14. Conference: Scientific meeting of the Israel Society of Dentistry for Children.

Title: Dental erosion in pediatric dentistry, diagnosis, prevalence, patho-

physiology, risk factors, prevention and treatment. Israel Society of

Dentistry for Children,

Location: Herzelia

Date: September, 2009.

15. Conference: Annual meeting of the Israel Society of Orthodontics.

Title: pros and consspace maintenance, evidence based.

Location: Bar Ilan University

Date: December, 2009.

16. Conference: A full day seminar for dentists working in Lotous project.

Title: Diagnosis of caries, fissure sealant in pediatric dentistry, treatment


Location: Beni-Brak.

Date: December, 2009.

17. Conference: Advanced studies for dentists of Israel Dental association,

Title: Treatment and follow-up after traumatic injuries in primary incisors.

Location: Beer Sheva,

Date: March, 2010.

18. Conference: Advanced studies for pediatricians in Clalit Health Services

Title: Behavioral management approaches in treating anxious children.

Location: Petach Tikva.

Date: January ,2010.

19. Conference: Scientific meeting of the Israel Society of Dentistry for Children.

Title: Pros and consspace maintenance, evidence based.

Location: Avenu convention Center, Airport City.

Date: March-2010.

20. Conference: Weekly seminar of pediatricians.

Location: Dana-Dwek Children's Hospital, Medical Center, Tel Aviv.

Title: Behavioral management approaches in treating anxious children.

Location: Tel Aviv

Date: April, 2010.

21. Conference: Advanced studies for dentists of Israel Dental association

Title: Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) and Deciduous Molar Hypo-

mineralization (DMH).

Location: Tel Aviv Center

Date: 2010.

22. Conference: Annual meeting of the Israel Association of Dentistry,

Title: Scientific evidence in dental erosion and the challenge for the clinician

in diagnosis and treatment.

Location:Hilton, Tel Aviv

Date: November, 2010.

23. Conference: Annual meeting of "Dental Israel" ; Chairman of a session, ,

Title: Computerized delivery of local anesthesia for children and adults.

Location: Hilton, Tel Aviv.

Date: July 2011.

24. Conference: Advanced studies for dentists of Israel Dental association

Title: How to improve the effectiveness of local anesthesia.

Location: Tel Aviv Center

Date 6 January 2012

25. Conference: Usage of pulse oximeter in dental clinic- advantages and

disadvantages .

Location: The Day-Care Surgical Center, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,

Advanced Implantology, Periodontology & Endodontology, Ramat Hasharon,


Date: January 2012

26. Conference: Advanced studies for dentists of Israel Dental association

Title: How to improve the effectiveness of local anesthesia.

Location: Beer Sheva

Date June 2012

27. Conflict and Dialogue. Creative treatment-options following severe dental

traumatic injuries to anterior teeth .

Location: Daniel Hotel. Herzelia

Date June 2012

28. Weekly seminar for post graduate student in Endodontic

Title: Treatment of avulsed tooth and its complications

Location: Rambam medical center

Date: 4th September 2012

29. Conflict and Dialogue. Extraction of wisdom teeth- what was change from past up to day.

Participation in the expertise panel:

Location: Dan Acadia Hotel. Herzelia

Date: 15 October 2013

30. Conference. Treatment modalities in sever dental trauma

Location: Divisions of Orthodontic and Oral Surgery. The Chaim

Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, Israel

Date: 29 October 2013

31. Conference: Dental treatment for elementary school's children

Subject: Treatment modalities in sever dental trauma

Location: Kfar Hamacabia Hotel, Ramat-Gan

Date: 4 November, 2013

32. Conference: Annual meeting of the army dentists.

Subject: Behavioral management approaches in treating anxious children.

Location: Tztifin

Date: 3 April 2014

33. Conference: Advanced studies for dentists of Israel Dental association

Title: How to improve the effectiveness of periodic check-ups in the dental


Location: Tel Aviv Center

Date : 9 May, 2014

34. Conference: Annual meeting of the Israel Association of Dentistry,

Title: Improving the effectiveness of periodic dental examination – evidence-based


Location:Dan Panorama, Tel Aviv

Date: 13-14 November, 2014.

Participation in organizing conferences

As a member of the Israel Society of Pediatric Dentistry during 1992-1995 I assisted to organize about 9 scientific meetings of the society including invitation of Prof Pinkham from USA to Israel in 1995. Unfortunately, we do not have any documentation about the precise subjects or the places of these meetings.

As a head of the Israel Society of Pediatric Dentistry during 2010-2011, I organized (I planned the scientific program, invited the speakers, was involved in choosing the organize company, the place, the food, including arranging sponsorships for the meetings etc) all the meetings during 2010 -2011.

Conference title: The role of the pediatric dentist in orthodontic treatment,

Location: Avenu convention center, Ben Gurion, Tel Aviv,

Date: 3 March 2010,

organizational function-As detailed above

Conference title: The role of oral surgeon in pediatric dentistry.