Preliminary Course

Assessment Guidelines 2014

Subject: Preliminary English Studies Course: 2 Unit

No. / What will be assessed? / How will it be assessed? / When? / Weight / Outcomes
Assessed / Assessment Result
(Student Use Only)
1 / English and the Language of Song / Narrative / Term 1
Week 10 / 25% / 1,2,3,4
2 / On the Road / Visual Representation / Term 2
Week 10 / 25% / 1,2,3,4
3 / Playing the Game / Speech / Term 3
Week 8 / 25% / 1,2,3,4
4 / Literacy / Yearly Examination / Term 3
Week 9 / 25% / 1,2,3,4
TOTAL: / 100

Preliminary English Studies


P1.1 has experienceof extendedandshort textsinarangeof forms togainknowledge,understandingandappreciation of how Englishisused toconveymeaning

P1.2 explorestheideasandvaluesof thetexts

P1.3 identifieshow languageandothertechniquesareused toconveymeaninginextendedandshort textsinarangeof forms

P1.4 producesarangeof textsindifferentforms

P2.1 comprehendswritten,spoken andmulti-modaltextsatanappropriateleveltoenrichtheirpersonallivesandto provideasound basis for currentandfutureeducation,careersandcitizenship

P2.2 demonstratesskillsinexpressioninEnglishatanappropriatelevelof accuracyandfluencytoenrichtheirpersonal lives

P2.3 demonstratesfamiliaritywiththelanguageconventionsof avarietyof ound basis for currentandfutureeducation,careersandcitizenship

P3.1 recognisesarangeof purposes for andcontextsinwhichlanguageisused andtheappropriatetextforms, vocabulary,styleandtone

P3.2 recognisesarangeof audiencesandtheappropriatetextforms, vocabulary,styleandtonewhen writingandspeaking for thoseaudiences writingandspeakingfor thosepurposes

P4.1 plansandorganises,withteachersupport tocompletetasks or projects,bothindividuallyandcollaboratively

P4.2 works effectively,bothas anindividualandwithinagroup, tolocateandcommunicateinformationandideas relatedtoavarietyof topics