

August 11, 2015


Attendees: Greg Cameron, Sarah Vincent, Diane Blanchette, Amelia Arnold, Cassandra White, Lisa martin, Mary Kyere, Patience Asumaude, Deb Sturpe, Eric Jarvi, LarryLamie, Betty Harris

  1. Minutes from July meeting

Dates of the Sesquicentennial need to be corrected.

Motion to accept minutes from July Meeting. Motion seconded. Approved.

  1. Treasurer’s Report (Eric)

Reports of financials were sent out to the board. Income $61,942versus $70,000. Believe this is due to the income from convention being down because of the decrease in immunization and exhibitors. Income will be up closer to target by August. Account Balance of $114,722.50. Looking strong with expenses $58,782.69 which leaves the budget in the black of $3,159.37. Expenses are little higher because of the Sesquicentennial. Close the books with a positive balance. We have been following Cathy’s report and will start generating reports in house starting next cycle. Will continue to have Cathy close out the fiscal year and the tax reports at the end of the calendar year.

Amelia needed copy. Linda forwarded.

No questions were asked. Motion to approve treasurer’s report. Seconded. Approved.

  1. Conventions (Larry)
  2. Fall 2015 – September 11-13, 2015 – Hollywood Casino, Bangor, ME

Board Member Registrations: All board members get to attend the convention without paying for the registration. You would need to let Linda know if you are planning on attending. You are still responsible for ordering your banquet and lunch meals.


Linda wanted to clarify how it is set for the students to volunteer and what is included. Her understanding is Husson provides student volunteers for the Fallconvention and UNE has the coverage in Spring and the volunteers have no meeting fee to attend CEs. Do they have to pay for meals? Eric stated that it Husson does cover the fall meeting and UNE covers the spring meeting, the Convention cost is covered, but the meals are not covered and those are often covered by the sending school.

Linda stated she would need at least 2 no more than for Saturday morning and none on Sunday. Eric and Betty will arrange.

CEs and programming

Registrations are coming in. To date, there were 2 attendees that have requested the handouts. I let Pauline know we were going to be doing this for this convention and had her push the due date back on when the slides. CEs will be processed the same as they were in spring.

Vendor Update/Attendee Update

An invitation was sent out to all 5 of our platinum members since a table is included with their corporate membership, Hannaford, Rite-Aid, Walgreens, HD Smith and AmerisourceBergen. We have received registrations from Pharmacist Mutual and Community Health Options. Still waiting on Cardinal Health and Novo Nordisk. If they both attend, that will bring the total vendors to 9, not including the 2 colleges which will be in the room. It will be a tight fit since we only had 7 last year but doable.

Greg stated he received a Check from NovoNordisk for $750.00. Linda stated that was for the Spring Convention, not the fall. Linda will follow up with Greg for the check.

  • Sesquicentennial -2017 –October 13-15, 2017, Holiday Inn by the Bay, Portland, ME

The contract has been signed with the hotel. APhA has indicated that they will join us but working out the details and the contract.

Dr. Alverez APhA will attend and will give keynote speech. Her schedule would prefer it to be on Saturday.

Pharmacy Leadership and Education Institute would be willing to participate and could give a Pharmacy Leadership track on Saturday and will give student leadership track on Sunday. Will look to get on their program and will request quote. If approved will get on their calendar.

  • Spring 2016 – April 1-3, 2016 - Hilton Garden Inn, Freeport, ME

No updates.

  1. Delegates for APhA 2016

We need to have delegates submitted for August 31st. A notice was sent to all pharmacist and members to see if anyone was attending the meeting in Baltimore. Deb Sturpe and Scott Milton responded that they will be attending the convention and would be willing to serve as delegates for Maine. Scott is a student and was not sure if he would be able to serve in this role. Deb clarified that students cannot serve as delegates. Linda stated that Matt LaCroix needed to serve last year and did not know if that was true for this year. Deb did not think he needed to attend. Eric could not be a delegate because of his committee role. Mac volunteered to be a delegate. Cassie was asked if she was attending, but she is not.

Deb and Mac will serve. Need one more. Stephanie Lewis was suggested. Linda will reach out to Stephanie. Betty will serve as alternate

  1. Legislative Update /Board of Pharmacy (Mac & Greg)

Mac, Cassie, Amelia and students met with Rep Poliquin’s office. They agree they had success with Chief of Staff Amanda Warren. They expected 10-15 had about 45 minutes. Good questions were asked and the students represented well. They left the informational packet, sent thankyou note, and will follow up 2 weeks out. Hopeful will cosponsor the bill.

Two weeks the group will meet with Senator King led by Amelia and Cassie 27th in Augusta.

Eric stated Dean Larson asked him if there was any need to have a forum for their staffers at both the campuses in the fall. They could invite them or staffers to an open forum. Eric stated that the office visits sound productive and was not sure the need. Mac stated that since Rep Poliquin is District 2 it might make sense to have a forum and would be a good approach. Eric will work with Greg and Betty to see what they could do on campus.

Mac watching state legislation in New England, RI passed legislation for a pharmacist to access a tick bite and determines if action until a physician can be seen. Interesting since it is timely. Thinking if we need legislation with collaborative practice coming. Maybe we could include on our website a template for protocols, maybe a depository to have all information in one place. Greg said good idea.

Greg statedthe Board is going with the Collaborative Practice as drafted. Procedure change since they cannot get the medical and pharmacist schedules coordinated. Public comment only and not public hearing. Mac question if they will still be able to submit written comment. Yes, but no due date set.

The topic of registeringMedical Device Providers will not come about because the Attorney General kiboshed it.

New bids for consultant pharmacist and 2 pharmacist to work with Tom Avery for inspections. Not sure how the bid process will work.

  1. Golf Tournament (Laurie/Linda)

Everything is lined up for the golf tournament this coming weekend. At this time, it will bring in at least $1100 + any Mulligans that are purchased that day which is about another $300. Greg also is sponsoring a team bring the potential profit closer to 1500+mulligans. There will be 24 golfers.

Mac asked if we needed help early. Let him know we were all set. He may go later and will send any photos.

  1. Membership Committee (Betty)

Numbers consistent from previous months. No updates to report.

  1. Awards and Scholarship (Lisa)

All of the awards have been submitted and will be waiting for them to arrive. All meal orders have been requested. Eric asked about the scholarship winners. The association will pay for those.

  1. Liability Insurance Quotes (Larry)

Larry reported that the $1385/ year coverage is for $1,000,000 and covers Board of Directors and Executive Director. There is another add on for business owners which deals more with theft of property. We are all set with that. Eric asked if it could start at the next fiscal period and Larry did confirm it could began at the Sept 11 meeting. There would need to be one signer and can be paid quarterly.

  1. Education Committee

No updates

  1. Bylaws and Office of President

Eric stated he had the document with the changes to the by laws. It will need to be updated for the general membership meeting to also include the changes to the audit requirements. During the last call, it was suggested to remove the office of Vice President since the duties are similar to the President – Elect.

Motion to recommend for Execective Board to approve changes to the constitution and bylaws for the removal of Vice President. Seconded. Approved.

  1. MPA Office Report (Linda)

Nothing new to report at this time.

  1. New Business

Having None. Meeting adjourned.

  1. Next Meeting: September 12, 2015 at the convention, Time is to be determined.