Press Release

Selo Gardens Personal Care Home scheduled to open in early May

On a sunny afternoon late in August, 2006 the sod turning for a new personal care home took place on the lawn adjacent to the Selo Gardens seniors complex in Regina. Construction is now well on its way with the scheduled opening likely by mid May of this year. The Selo Gardens Personal Care Home (SGPCH) is a project of the Descent of the Holy Spirit Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Sobor) in Regina.

Once in operation the SGPCH will be an integrated extension of the Selo Gardens seniors complex and Selo Gardens Community Centre. The goal of the care home is to be a facility that provides residents with a home-like and compassionate atmosphere. There will be 20 units each with a personal bathroom, pleasant furnishings, plus telephone and cable hock up. All residents will have access to a common dining area as well as assisted bathing and shower rooms. Residents and their guests will have access to friendly, comfortable sitting and lounge areas

Services that will be provided include 24-hour personal care, personal laundry service, round-the-clock security and emergency call systems. Residents will enjoy dietician directed food services consisting of three nutritious meals a day as well as additional light snacks. All residents will receive complete personal care services based on individual assessments. Access to recreational programs will be provided. During the summer months residents will be able to sit on the patio and enjoy being outdoors.

In the not too distant future individuals and families will have the opportunity to visit the SGPCH and view the warmly decorated and spacious residents rooms along with the common dining and sitting areas as well as other facilities. They will also have an opportunity to tour the Selo Gardens seniors complex and the Selo Gardens Community Centre. The latter is a place where a wide range of programs take place including from pre-school day care, community cultural classes and many recreational activities to youth ballet classes.

For more information interested persons should contact either Dr. Ed Klopoushak at 306-789-6234 or via the Internet at or Wayne Hydeman at 306-545-2003 or at . For those wishing to place someone on the waiting list they should contact Dr. Ed Klopoushak. By mid March there will be a website for the SGPCH, its address will be At that time regular updates will be available on the website as well as any changes in the contact information.


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