




Date:10/09 / (1 HOUR)
OBJECTIVES: / After working through this lesson, participants will be able to:
Describe the digestive tract.
Explain what acid reflux disease is.
List ways to prevent acid reflux.
Teach others with the acid reflux book.


This series of lessons is based on the Health Education Program for Developing Countries, 2010, which is available from The illustrated manual and lessons are also available for download or for purchase at

These lessons are accompanied by a series of health teaching booklets on the individual topics. They are based on information and standards from the World Health Organization and can be used with adults or with older children and teens.






Illustration:Show or draw the picture, Digestive Tract. What happens to food after you eat it? / 5”

----SH questions----

S = What do you See?
H = What is Happening?
I. / Acid reflux disease / 10” / I. / Acid reflux disease
A. / What happens to food after you eat it?
Have one participant show the route as the others describe it. / A. / What happens to food after you eat it?
When you swallow food, it passes from the mouth into the esophagus and on to the stomach.
The esophagus is the food tube between the mouth and the stomach.
From the stomach, the food passes to the small intestines, where much of it is digested.
The liver and the pancreas make chemicals to help digest or break down the food.
Much of the food is digested and absorbed, to build the body and give it energy.
The remainder of the undigested food passes on to the colon (large intestine) and the rectum.
Stool (poop) is passed out of the body at the anus.
B. / What is acid reflux? / B. / What is reflux?
Reflux means to flow back or return.
Have one person show the reflux of food from the stomach to the esophagus and mouth. / Sometimes the food in the stomach goes back up into the esophagus or even into the mouth.
The valve or sphincter between the stomach and the esophagus opens up so the food can escape
Digestive juices or acid from the stomach mixes with the food, giving it an acid taste.
When acid from the stomach reaches the lining of the esophagus, it causes a burning feeling or heartburn.
C. / What is acid reflux disease? / C. / What is acid reflux disease?
Everyone has reflux once in a while.
But reflux that occurs frequently may damage the esophagus and cause pain.
This pain is called heartburn or acid indigestion.
Heartburn is a common cause of pain in the upper stomach and lower chest.
Another name for acid reflux is gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD.
II. / Preventing acid reflux / 20” / II. / Preventing acid reflux
A. / Give out the Preventing Acid Reflux handout. What are some ways to prevent acid reflux? Why does this work? Work in small groups and report back. / A. / Preventing acid reflux:
Stop smoking! Smoking increases acid production and weakens the sphincter muscle at the bottom of the esophagus.
Avoid alcohol. Alcohol also weakens the sphincter and increases the acid.
If you have acid reflux, avoid aspirin and medicines like ibuprofen.
Go for a walk after meals.
Don’t lie down for two or three hours after a meal.
If you have reflux when you sleep, lie on your left side and raise the head of the bed about 15 cm. (or 6 to 8 inches). Put wooden blocks under the bedposts.
Fried or fatty foods, coffee, soda, and spicy or “hot” foods may trigger heartburn.
Lose weight if you are overweight.
Eat smaller portions or smaller foods. (You may need to eat more often with smaller meals.)
Garlic, onions, and tomatoes and spaghetti sauce may make reflux worse.
Chocolate and peppermints may make reflux worse.
Avoid foods that make your reflux worse.
Wear loose-fitting clothes.
B. / Are there medicines to prevent reflux? / B. / Medicines?
Yes, there are many medicines to prevent or treat reflux?
Antacids block the acids in the stomach.
Several other medicines work in other ways.
Always check with your health care provider before taking medicines.
III. / Further care
Discuss in small group. / 5” / III. / Further care
A. / When should you go see your health care provider? / A. / See a health care provider it:
Your stomach pain continues or gets worse.
You have blood in your stool (poop).
You throw up blood.
You are losing weight.
You have gnawing pain in your stomach that is relieved by food.
IV. / Picture books / 20” / IV. / Picture books
A. / Divide into pairs. Practice teaching each other the Acid Reflux Diseasepicture book. / A. / Practice teaching
B. / During the week, visit your friends and neighbors to teach about acid reflux disease using the picture book. / B. / Home visiting


Handbook, Health Education Program for Developing Countries. 2009. Available from

Illustrations, Health Education Program for Developing Countries. 2009.Available from:

National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse. 2007. Heartburn, Gastroesophageal Reflux (GER) and Gastroesopphageal Reflux Disease (GERD). Available from:

ATTITUDE: / Most acid reflux can be prevented.
SKILL: / Participants will learn ways to prevent acid reflux disease.
EVALUATION: / Are the participants able to teach others using the picture book?


/ -Newsprint, markers, masking tape
-Digestive Tract illustration
-Preventing Acid Reflux handout
-Preventing Acid Reflux picture book

This lesson is used in: Health Promotion/ Health Education; and in Children/ Physical.




Source: Illustrations, Health Education Program for Developing Countries.2009. Available from: