• Summary of Tanaath show Part 1 05-01
  • The Silver Legion along with other benevolent groups are here to improve life on Earth
  • They are involved in prevention of bad situations on Earth
  • Avoid posts that use trigger words angels, light, love and ascension followed by disempowering sentences
  • Most of universe is human/oid but not all have good intentions to us
  • Time travel exists
  • When transacting with spirit world, there must be an exchange between the two of you or it is not in your interest, ask them to leave
  • We are not beholding to anyone, we are not here to worship or idolize anyone including god/s or ascended masters
  • Source/god allows free will and does not judge you
  • Extolled the virtue of a positive society
  • Bad and negative behavior was introduce by bad bloodlines. i.e. hybridization
  • Manifestation by thought is much slower in 3D, higher realms almost instant
  • Tanaath has two off world connections Silver Legion and Confederation of Planets
  • Pineal gland calcification is reversible through diet
  • Asked us to ground ourselves each day if possible, by connecting with the light of the universe and radiating the light out to all
  • We can help Silver Legion through astral travel
  • Robert Monroe is best guide on the net for astral travel information
  • Cigarettes are not good for lung but tobacco has a spiritual and sacred value
  • Marijuana is only good with very small use as it opens the mind, recreational use has no value, regular use leads to mental health issues
  • Silver Legion can't land or manifest
  • If you are told that you have to leave Earth for ascension, this is deception
  • People who like 3D life will be given transport to new 3D planet, if you want to stay 3D you have to leave as Earth and all beings left are going into 4D
  • 4D is and will be instantaneous, it is a psychological change, before change we are in a process that will be ongoing
  • 4D life will not involve illness, diseases or deformities
  • Wheat is not good for you
  • Most of the positive societies have replicators
  • Poof, is empowering and encourages you to think for yourself
  • Cobra, didn't like him due to affiliation with GFOL
  • Nidle, Salusa not good they are GFOL, which is a reptoid front organization that operates on numerous planets, for the purpose of enslavement
  • Just because channeling or thought transfer is coming from spirit, doesn't mean it is true
  • Telepathy works in two ways, one is the public mind that is open to all, and one is the private mind for your privacy
  • Summary of Tanaath show Part 2
  • She said her soul was of a dragon and yes they do exist
  • Said she wasn't sure whether control/archon grid around Earth was valid as it depends on who gave the information
  • A lot of leaders in power around the world are not the originals, i.e. clones
  • Object of their movement is to correct the imbalance towards negative on Earth
  • Star Trek is heavily based on the truth, Q exists and are on our side
  • No group or people are any more special than anyone else on Earth
  • Pure humans have been badly diluted by hybridization
  • Biospheres in space that belong to many ET races may become available to us
  • 60% of Earth people are pure Terran, there are naturalized terrans that have come from other races and have been stuck here after incarnation
  • Incarnates come back here for a particular mission
  • Not all incarnates are aware of who they are, some may only find out after the Event
  • There are no more reptilian bases on Earth, reptilians are still around but vastly reduced both in numbers and power
  • Dulce is not a reptilian base (mainly grays)
  • Our shadow government bases have been removed by the Procyons
  • After Event, some Silver Legion will remain for a while as defenders of Earth, and also for training purposes
  • Ascension process is from 3D to 4D Crystalline bodies, projected timeline for event is 2014 to 2016
  • Galactic Federation of Light is based out of Sirius B, they are reptoid but have the blonde hair and blue eyes appearance, they are associated with Draco/ Hydra who are their parents, also attached with two negative Orion groups
  • Sirius A is a neutral planet
  • Galactic Federation of Planets is based from Tau Ceti, their planet is Xeta and they are human in origin, the tanned type (Mediterranean) have pointed ears (spock?) are tall and slender
  • GFOP are part of Andromeda Council
  • Reptilians came here roughly 26000 years ago and self appointed themselves as gods, our god/s are fake reptoids
  • 1/4 of Earth people came from Genghis Khan- Mongols
  • Any bad genes we have will be removed at Ascension
  • Annunaki are real and they are neutral, there are 5 species of them and 2 are human/oid
  • Annunaki were removed by terrans, their empire collapsed and they are not in a position to return
  • Silver Legion have weapons for defense, and also use "magic" for defensive purposes
  • There is life on nearly all planets throughout the Universe but not as we know it, a planet bare in 3D maybe bursting with life in higher realms
  • Summary of Tanaath show Part 3
  • Esther Hicks not as AbRAham(emphasis by me) said she wasn't familiar of her
  • Discernment required when presented with Angels and Archangels as not all are good
  • Ideology of others doing everything for everybody will not apply as we go forward (meaning we will be a collective effort)
  • Positive ET's focus on balance and harmony, not on difference and predjudice
  • 25Races ofET created/were involved the genetics that created humans on Earth
  • 1 Andromedan planet is completely gay, but have contracts with opposite sex for procreation, GFOP is not discriminatory, gay planet people are very combative against the reptoids
  • It will take a matter of months for GFOP to clean our water and air, when they are free to do so i.e. not being fired upon
  • Inner Earth has several different subterranean levels, some of which are inhabited, Argarthan is one of them, most underground beings are not nice
  • Freeing humanity is separate from ascension, stated it would be bettercoming before than after, much trauma if not
  • Suppression of information needs to be removed to then clear the air for your personal choices going into the transition
  • The money game being played out is one of the powerbases that stifles our freedom and disclosure, remove them and both have a clearer pathway, the reset of government also enables freedom pathway
  • Tolec has suggested a date in Jan 2014 for ascension, she said it is possible but dates are not set in stone and can alter, everyone needs to know the choices before hand, she said it would happen anytime up to 2016
  • Steven Greer started out with disclosure in mind, but has now turned to profit (although Greer was given/offered $2B to stop his movement a while back by agencies, which he refused, so not sure on this)
  • There are beings that are 6" tall and have been on Earth
  • Our progenitors are desperate to meet us but they have been prevented from doing so (archon shield?) would like to meet us before transition
  • Ashtar and his command existed but are no longer, basically they became mercenaries who sold out Earth
  • How to tell good from bad ET's, ask the heart and listen to the message they are giving you, empowering or disempowering
  • Nobody has total control of the Earth be it Rothschilds or ET's
  • GFOL can be prevented by the Procyon groups, Kaila is a 12foot commander of Procyon
  • Good guys in the Terran led liberation movement Drake, David Wilcock and all of us on Universal Voice. Off world is GFOP, Andromeda Council, Silver Legion with some neutral ET groups
  • Negative off world ET's are the Grays, Draco and Hydra reptoids
  • China & Russia are both in general working for our freedom, Russia are working with positive ET group, China are working with the White Dragon, who are not all good, some are of reptilian bloodlines
  • Summary of Tanaath show Part 4
  • Tanaath said she had been within source when she died, consciousness is source and we are all fractillic part of source
  • Anyone announcing I am God or ascended master are not good (worshipping others is giving away YOUR sovereignty and power)
  • Synchronicity helps the actors in the game fix and redress the balance, by triggering the actor
  • Reptoid shape shifting is real but is limited to a certain caste, blue is the main shape shifting group, sometimes shape shifting is a breakdown in the holographic shield, sometimes 4 and 5D "leak" into our 3d world and we experience it briefly (if blue is the main shape shifters, is this related to the blue bloodline groups here I wonder?)
  • Some reptoids are not shape shifters but they operate in an illusionary way, sometimes their loss of control enables us to see the illusion
  • Arizona Wilder is not necessarily trustworthy
  • Mind control has to and will be removed
  • Tanaath said we can remove control system ourselves, one is a perimeter grid the other is the personal grid, this can be achieved by grounding and centering yourself and then by the use of telepathy, but for it to work you must trust and believe in it. You use your own imagery to develop the shield around i.e. walls, doors, metal etc (I would use a sticky fly trap, collect them all and remove)
  • Venus is inhabited but has no idea who are there
  • There is and has been a battle going on in middle Earth involving Agarthan's
  • Full Disclosure is dependant on us only, we have to make those decisions
  • GFOP wants to come and help us
  • Future is not written, we are creating it (does this mean there are no timelines left?)
  • Prophecies are bogus and were generally put there by time travelers
  • Transition to 4D is a natural process and is not preventable
  • GFOP want to be are mentors, teachers and partners, but ultimate solutions lie with Terrans, GFOP want to "open up the planet" and make it more open to outside realities, but they are currently unable to (this suggests to me the archon shield, control grid or matrix shield around the planet is still in force, things can't advance until this shield is removed)
  • GFOP are worried if they make decisions the impact of it going wrong for Terrans, trying to balance helping us without damaging our sovereignty
  • Replicators, Free Energy devices, Faster than light travel, no emission travel technology all exist on Earth, but they are currently being suppressed
  • Other star systems have their advanced technology they some may be better than ours and some of it not, disclosure will lead to a comparison of all the technologies and the best parts to be selected to go forward with
  • Some of the advanced technology we have created ourselves, not all reverse engineered
  • Summary of Tanaath show Part 5 (Final Part)
  • Question was how can we the people help with movement, answer was they cannot tell us what to do, we have to make our own decisions
  • You can help in many ways but first you have to take stock of who and what you are, what are your abilities.
  • You are contributing by speaking to people
  • Chemtrails are an issue regarding soil degradation, agenda 21 issues and also to prevent GFOP from entering, anyone saying geo-engineering through chemtrails is not for our good
  • ET's have helped with the HAARP issue
  • There are or were bases on Mars, she is not sure about now Your relations and offspring's will go with you in transition
  • Atlantis was around 26000 years ago, but there was previous civilizations before that
  • Channeling is not good and deep hypnosis connections with spirit could potentially be far worse, as it is a loss of conscious control
  • Adonis beings, she is not familiar with them
  • Don't listen to people/beings promising oneness, we are already oneness and don't need to create it
  • Tanaath stated she would like to be involved with us on a semi level basis and there is a possibility of a further show next Wednesday.
  • End of show