Heading will be added later on…

Template for papers for
BME Scientific Conference

preliminary note:

This template was developed to create a uniform formatted conference proceeding. Please write your article in accordance to the used templates (t). For further information please contact

Mrs. Ulrike Müller (; +49 (0)931 318 24 06).

Please save this document under a new name and use this copy as the basis of your article!


Kopfzeile wird später hinzugefügt

{title of your article } (FV „Teil Titel“)

by {your Name} (t „Autorenname“)

1{Chapter 1} (FV „Überschrift 1“)

1.1{Chapter 1.1} (FV „Überschrift 2“)

For structuring your article you can have two hierarchical level that will be printed in the index of contents. For further structuring please use the subheading as described below.

Subheading (t „Überschrift ohne Zählung“)

The subheading is subordinated directly underneath „Überschrift 2“.

Lists/Enumerations (t „Überschrift ohne Zählung“)

If you want to use lists in your article they should be formatted as described below:

Point 1, (FV: „Aufzählungszeichen“)

Point 2, (FV: „Aufzählungszeichen“)and

Point 3 (FV: „Aufzählungszeichen“)

1.2Layout and footnotes (t „Überschrift 2“)

Please use the template „Standard“ for your text. Important words or passages can be emphasized in bold or italics.

Putting a square around them can emphasize the most important sentences. (t „Kasten Text“)

You can use footnotes to write down sources or to comment on certain passages, abbreviations and so on.[1]

1.3Figures and charts (t „Überschrift 2“)

figures (t „Überschrift ohne Zählung“)

Please note that the used figures should be „printable“. If possible they should be created by yourself (e.g. Powerpoint) and send to us in original. Pictures that can’t be adapted (e.g. „jpg“) are problematic especially when copied from the Internet. Usually they are of bad quality. In case of doubt please print the figure on an ordinary laser printer. It should be clearly readable!

The maximum width of a figure is 12,0 cm. Please use the template „Grafik“ for figures

figure1:Example of a figure (t „Beschriftung“)

Please copy example of the figure given above and adapt it according to your figures. Only then the consecutive numbering can be guaranteed.

The maximum width of a chart is 12 cm. Please copy the example of the chart given and adapt it according to your needs. Only then the consecutive numbering can be guaranteed.

chart1:Example of a chart

t „Tabelle Überschrift“ / t „Tabelle Überschrift“
t „Tabelle“ / t „Tabelle“ / t „Tabelle“ / t „Tabelle“
t „Tabelle“ / Text (t Tabelle) / Text (t Tabelle) / Text (t Tabelle) / Text (t Tabelle)
t „Tabelle“ / Text (t Tabelle) / Text (t Tabelle) / Text (t Tabelle) / Text (t Tabelle)
t „Tabelle“ / Text (t Tabelle) / Text (t Tabelle) / Text (t Tabelle) / Text (t Tabelle)

1.4Conclusion and/or future prospects (t „Überschrift 2“)

Literatur, auf die Sie im Beitrag verweisen, geben Sie bitte am Ende des Beitrags an.Your article should end with a conclusion and/or future prospects.Sources you refer to in your text should be specified at the end of your article.

Literatur: (t “Überschrift 1”)

{name}, {first name} ({year}): {title, in: {journal}, issue {#}, {year}, S. {##-##}. (example of a journal, t „Literatur“)

{name}, {first name}. ({year}): {title}, {place year}. (example book, t „Literatur“)


[1]This is an example of a footnote. You could write down sources or comment on passages.