Expressions of Interest
LMBR Training and Deployment Officer
Group 8,Local Deployment Team (LDT)83
4 positions: 29 May 2017 to 19 December, 2017
Expressions of Interest are invited from interested applicants from school for temporary appointment to the position of Training and Deployment Officer with Local Deployment Team (LDT) 83 from 29 May 2017 to19 December 2017.
LDT 83 will operate from the LMBR Learning Hubs at Delungra Public School (2 positions) and Moree Secondary College (Albert Street)- (2 positions) to support 33 schools that will be deployed in Group 8 from the following Principals Network: Barwon.
Interested staff are asked to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI), indicating their capacity to undertake the role with reference to the attached position description (up to three pages). The EOI should include the names and contact details of two referees who can talk about your work in the school. Your principal should be your first referee and must be prepared to release you for the full duration of the projected deployment period.
If you are offered one of these positions you will retain your current School Administrative and Support Staff (SASS) position and work under SASS conditions. You will continue to be paid your existing SASS rate of pay and will also be paid a higher duties allowance that is based on the difference between your current rate of pay and the maximum rate of pay of a Clerk Grade 5. Further information about payment for additional hours and leave entitlements can be found in the Fact Sheet that accompanies this EOI.
Expressions of Interest should be forwarded to Rebecca Langdon Director PS NSW, BarwonPrincipals Network () by 8:00am on Friday, 10 March 2017.Please indicate clearly which Principals Network you are currently working within.
Interviews for the position will be held in the week beginning Week 9, Term 1, 2017.
For further information about the position please contact Rebecca Langdon, Director PSNSW on6757 3000.
The LMBR TrainingandDeploymentOfficersupports an identified group of School Administrative and Support Stafftosuccessfullyimplementthenew financial,studentadministrationandstudentwell-beingsystems.
Position Description (Key Accountabilities)
- Plan,monitorandreport onthe localimplementationofschoolbasedchangeandbusinessreadiness activitiesacrossschools in specific deployment groups.
- Successfullydeliverprescribedtrainingmodulestoparticipatingschoolstoprepareschoolstaffforthe implementationof newsystemsprocesses.
- SupporttheLeader,SchoolsDeploymentbyidentifyingissuesand risksatthelocal levelandeither resolveorescalate identifiedrisks.
- Trackschooldeploymentandbusinessreadinessprogressaccordingtotheagreedschedule,monitor schoolstafftraining,schooldeploymentreadiness andprovide‘golive’supporttospecific schoolsduringthedeployment period.
- Developandmaintaineffective,frequentandinteractivecommunicationswithdeployingschools and Local DeploymentTeamstoensurethatschoolsarewell preparedandunderstandtheactivities neededforsuccessful implementation.
- Respondtoconcernsfromschool basedstaffrelatingtothe requiredreadiness,trainingand implementationactivities.
- Theabilitytosuccessfullyapplytotheroleknowledgeandexperience inschoolbasedadministrative supportand/ormanagement activitiesincludingknowledgeofstudent administrationprocesses,human resources andsystemsincludingOASIS,ERN,SBSRandothercentrallysupportedsoftware.
- Capacitytoworkas partofateam,effectivelytrainstaff,comprehendvarioustechnologyterms and clearlycommunicatethesetoschool basedstafffortheimplementationof newtechnologysystemsin schools.
- Utilisehighlevelwritten,oralandinterpersonalcommunicationskillstoprovideavarietyof administrativesupportfunctionstoassistwithschooldeployment,communications,training,reporting andriskmanagement activities.