Territory Records Act 2002


PART 12: 15 March 2005 - 13 March 2006

PART 12: 15 March 2005 - 13 March 2006 1

Submission no: / Title / Decision no: / Date
845 / Restricted – Appropriation Framework / 1923 / 24/03/2005
849 / Statute Law Amendment Bill 2005 / 1871 / 14/03/2005
852 / Government Response - ACT Gambling and Racing Commission Review of the Casino Control Act 1988 / 1875 / 14/03/2005
853 / Tree Protection Bill 2005 / 1872 / 14/03/2005
854 / Amendments to the Unit Titles Act 2001 - Staging of Class A Units / 1879 / 14/03/2005
855 / Repeal of Insurance Authority Act 2000 (Act) and Enactment of the Insurance Authority Bill 2005 (Bill) / 1874 / 14/03/2005
856 / Public Consultation on an ACT Disability and Community Services Commissioner / 1880 / 14/03/2005
857 / Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2005 / 1876 / 14/03/2005
1907 / 22/03/2005
858 / Planning Concept for City Hill / 1878 / 14/03/2005
1929 / 29/03/2005
1960 / 04/04/2005
1985 / 18/04/2005
1998 / 26/04/2005
2033 / 09/05/2005
859 / Human Rights and Service Review Commission Bill 2005 and Human Rights and Service Review Legislation Amendment Bill 2005 / 1870 / 14/03/2005
1905 / 22/03/2005
1926 / 29/03/2005
1956 / 04/04/2005
860 / Water Resources Amendment Bill 2005 / 1873 / 14/03/2005
861 / Planning for Bushfire Mitigation / 1908 / 22/03/2005
1927 / 29/03/2005
1987 / 18/04/2005
862 / Restricted – Block 21 Section 52 Belconnen - Direct Grant / 1909 / 22/03/2005
1928 / 29/03/2005
863 / Building Act 2004 and Construction Occupations (Licensing) Act 2004 – Miscellaneous Amendments, and Water and Sewerage Act 2000 Minor and Technical Amendments / 1910 / 22/03/2005
Submission no: / Title / Decision no: / Date
864 / Restricted – 2005-06 Community Consultation Budget Submissions / 1901 / 22/03/2005
1925 / 24/03/2005
866 / Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2005 in-principle-agreement / 1912 / 22/03/2005
1931 / 29/03/2005
1962 / 04/04/2005
867 / Regulation of Biomarker Maintenance Claims / 1906 / 22/03/2005
868 / Government Response to Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure Report No.5 of 2004 Status of Volunteers in Members’ Offices / 1903 / 22/03/2005
869 / Restricted – 2005-06 Budget Update / 1892 / 18/03/2005
870 / Restricted – Expenditure Review Committee – Reports on the 2004-05 Reviews of Information Technology and Procurement Services / 1922 / 24/03/2005
871 / Restricted – Expenditure Review Committee (ERC) Progress Report on the 2004-05 Review of the Department of Urban Services / 1922 / 24/03/2005
872 / Direct Sale of Part Block 12 Section 56 Lyneham / 1988 / 18/04/2005
873 / Restricted – ACT Health Portfolio Medical Officers Agreement 2005-2008 / 1959 / 04/04/2005
874 / Restricted – Changes to rates - Increase rates by actual CPI plus 1 per cent / 1936 / 29/03/2005
1941 / 02/04/2005
1945 / 04/04/2005
875 / Restricted – Changes to rates - Emergency Services Levy / 1937 / 29/03/2005
1941 / 02/04/2005
1944 / 04/04/2005
876 / Government Position - Private Member’s Bill - Land (Planning and Environment) (Unit Developments) Amendment Bill 2005 (Deb Foskey MLA) / 1963 / 04/04/2005
877 / Restricted – 2005-06 Capital Works Program / 1941 / 02/04/2005
1953 / 04/04/2005
1971 / 08/04/2005
1975 / 11/04/2005
Submission no: / Title / Decision no: / Date
878 / Restricted – Capital Works Reform - Capital Upgrade Funding Model / 1941 / 02/04/2005
1954 / 04/04/2005
1972 / 08/04/2005
1976 / 11/04/2005
879 / Animal Legislation (Penalties) Amendment Bill 2005 / 1958 / 04/04/2005
880 / Restricted – Gaming Machine Tax Rates / 1941 / 02/04/2005
1943 / 04/04/2005
881 / Restricted – Agency response to efficiency savings of 5% / 1940 / 02/04/2005
882 / Restricted – Expenditure Review Committee (ERC) Further Advice on the Reviews of Information Technology and Procurement Services / 1939 / 02/04/2005
883 / Crimes (Sentencing) Bill 2005 and the Crimes (Sentence Administration) Bill 2005 / 1957 / 04/04/2005
884 / Amendment to the Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991 - Definition of Concessional Lease / 1986 / 18/04/2005
885 / Restricted – Revised Performance Measures for Budget Paper 4 / 1977 / 11/04/2005
886 / Government Submission to the Standing Committee on Public Accounts on the Auditor-General’s Report No. 8, 2004 - Waiting Lists for Elective Surgery and Medical Treatment / 1984 / 18/04/2005
887 / Amendments to the Emergencies Act 2004 / 1991 / 18/04/2005
888 / Progress of the ACT Asbestos Task Force / 1990 / 18/04/2005
889 / ACT Government Submission to the Commonwealth Parliamentary Inquiry into the Adoption of Children from Overseas / 1989 / 18/04/2005
890 / Introduction of New Sustainability Tool for the A.C.T. Residential Sector / 1999 / 26/04/2005
891 / Restricted – 2005-2006 Appropriation Bill / 1982 / 18/04/2005
892 / Amendments to Health Records (Privacy and Access) Act 1997 - approval to draft / 1997 / 26/04/2005
893 / Water Resources Amendment Bill 2005 / 2009 / 02/05/2005
894 / Direct Sale of Land - Block 2 Section 199 Kambah to the New Creation Church / 2013 / 02/05/2005
895 / Future Policy Directions for Services for Forensic Mental Health Offenders and Alleged Offenders / 1996 / 26/04/2005
Submission no: / Title / Decision no: / Date
896 / Government Response to the Standing Committee on Community Services and Social Equity Report No 6 The forgotten victims of crime: Families of offenders and their silent sentence / 2005 / 02/05/2005
897 / Introduction of the Utilities (Shortage of Essential Services) Amendment Bill 2005 / 2008 / 02/05/2005
898 / Alexander Maconochie Centre (AMC) - Updated Health Costs / 2011 / 02/05/2005
899 / Government Response to Standing Committee on Public Accounts Report No. 11 of 2004: The General Agreements on Trade in Services (GATS) with Special Reference to the Australian Capital Territory / 2006 / 02/05/2005
900 / Rates Amendment Bill 2005 / 2010 / 02/05/2005
901 / Mental Health (Treatment and Care) Amendment Bill 2005 – Introduction / 2012 / 02/05/2005
2032 / 09/05/2005
902 / Government Position on Private Members Bill: Public Sector Management Amendment Bill 2005 / 2007 / 02/05/2005
903 / National Model Heavy Vehicle Compliance and Enforcement Legislation / 2035 / 09/05/2005
904 / Amendments to the Dangerous Substances Act 2004 and the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1989 (Review of Act Provisions) / 2034 / 09/05/2005
905 / Legislation Governing the Operation of the Alexander Maconochie Centre (AMC) / 2031 / 09/05/2005
906 / Draft Annual Report Directions 2004-05 / 2030 / 09/05/2005
907 / Forde Joint Venture / 2039 / 16/05/2005
908 / Planning System Reform Project / 2037 / 16/05/2005
909 / Direct Grant of Block 9 Section 501 Isaacs to the Tamil Senior Citizen’s Association (ACT) Incorporation / 2040 / 16/05/2005
910 / ACT Report to the National Competition Council (NCC) for the Period Ending 31 March 2005 / 2038 / 16/05/2005
911 / Domestic Animals (Cat Containment) Bill 2005 / 2053 / 23/05/2005
912 / Public Sector Workplace Injuries / 2051 / 23/05/2005
913 / ACT Government Community Engagement Initiative / 2074 / 30/05/2005
914 / Restricted – Improving Educational Outcomes / 2052 / 23/05/2005
915 / Possible impact of deferral of land sales / 2062 / 23/05/2005
Submission no: / Title / Decision no: / Date
916 / Direct Sale of Blocks 3 and 4 Section 23 Gungahlin and the service road / 2073 / 30/05/2005
917 / Urban Development Program Committee / 2087 / 14/06/2005
2102 / 20/06/2005
2117 / 27/06/2005
918 / Restricted – Merger of Environment ACT and ACT Forests / 2071 / 30/05/2005
919 / University of Canberra Amendment Bill 2005 / 2082 / 06/06/2005
920 / Final Lowland Native Grassland Conservation Strategy Action Plan No. 28 / 2072 / 30/05/2005
921 / Business Viability Review of Capital Linen Service, Department of Urban Services / 2089 / 14/06/2005
922 / Direct Sale to Kaydot Pty Limited for air rights on Blocks 1 and 2 Section 53 Kingston / 2086 / 14/06/2005
923 / Building Our Community – the Canberra Social Plan Progress Report / 2084 / 14/06/2005
924 / FILE MISSING - Amendments to the Emergencies Act 2004 / 2090 / 14/06/2005
925 / ACT Property Crime Reduction Strategy 2004-07 – Building a Safer Community: First Progress Report / 2098 / 20/06/2005
926 / Memorandum of Understanding between the ACT and the National Association of Testing Authorities Australia (NATA) / 2085 / 14/06/2005
2097 / 20/06/2005
927 / Business Viability Review of Road Maintenance Services, Department of Urban Services / 2106 / 20/06/2005
928 / Australian Government Funding Agreements / 2088 / 14/06/2005
929 / Development of Private Sector Investment in Affordable Housing / 2105 / 20/06/2005
930 / ACT Government Submission to the Standing Committee on Education, Training and Young People Inquiry into Restorative Justice / 2104 / 20/06/2005
931 / Civil Law (Property) Bill 2005 – Exposure Draft / 2099 / 20/06/2005
932 / Criminal Code Harmonisation Bill 2005 / 2101 / 20/06/2005
933 / Criminal Code (Administration of Justice Offences) Amendment Bill 2005 / 2100 / 20/06/2005
934 / Amendments to the Children and Young People Act 1999 – Quamby Youth Detention Centre / 2103 / 20/06/2005
935 / Revised National Packaging Covenant / 2113 / 27/06/2005
Submission no: / Title / Decision no: / Date
936 / The Standing Committee on Education Report No. 5 Teaching in the ACT: Shaping the Future / 2120 / 27/06/2005
937 / Progress on Affordable Housing in the ACT - Report to the ACT Legislative Assembly – Implementation of Assembly Motion / 2122 / 27/06/2005
938 / Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2005 (No.2) / 2114 / 27/06/2005
939 / Litter Amendment Bill 2005 / 2123 / 27/06/2005
940 / Restricted – Improving Educational Outcomes / 2119 / 27/06/2005
941 / Direct Sale of part Block 37 Section 7 Hume to SingTel Optus / 2118 / 27/06/2005
942 / Government Response to Select Committee on Estimates 2005-2006 / 2115 / 27/06/2005
943 / Mental Health (Treatment and Care) Amendment Bill 2005 – Introduction / 2116 / 27/06/2005
944 / Australian Government Funding Offer for the Supported Accommodation Assistance Program Agreement 2005-2010. (SAAP V) / 2121 / 27/06/2005
945 / Restart ACT Business Migration Program and New Skilled and Business Migration Strategy / 2134 / 04/07/2005
946 / Options for the Capital Region Employment and Enterprise Development Association (CREEDA) and Related Issues / 2135 / 04/07/2005
947 / ACT Government Submission to the Standing Committee on Public Accounts Inquiry into the Auditor-General’s Report No.1 – Management of Government Grants to the ACT Multicultural Council Inc. / 2137 / 04/07/2005
948 / Direct Sale of land - Block 25 Section 183 Ngunnawal to the Ainslie Football and Social Club Incorporated / 2136 / 04/07/2005
949 / ACT Government Response to House of Representatives Standing Committee on Health and Ageing Inquiry into Health Funding / 2145 / 11/07/2005
950 / Membership of ACT Government Boards and Committees Report to 31 December 2004 / 2142 / 11/07/2005
951 / Australian International Hotel School Sale Proposal / 2143 / 11/07/2005
952 / Restricted – Proposal to Change Governance of Calvary Public Hospital / 2144 / 11/07/2005
953 / Possible extension of waiver of General Rates, Water and Sewerage Charges and Land Taxes for urban residential and commercial blocks affected by the January 2003 bushfire / 2153 / 18/07/2005
Submission no: / Title / Decision no: / Date
954 / Direct Sale of part Block 15 Section 275 Kambah to Wat Lao Buddhanimit Canberra Incorporated / 2154 / 18/07/2005
955 / Direct Sale of part Block 62 Section 51 Holt / 2155 / 18/07/2005
956 / Direct Sale of land – Blocks 283 and 331 Stromlo to The Scout Association of Australia ACT Branch / 2156 / 18/07/2005
957 / Green Electricity / 2160 / 18/07/2005
958 / Integrated Management System (IDMS) Forward Strategy / 2161 / 18/07/2005
2180 / 01/08/2005
2194 / 15/08/2005
959 / Radiation Protection Bill 2005 / 2157 / 18/07/2005
960 / Restricted – Building Better Schools, Building Brighter Futures / 2159 / 18/07/2005
961 / Spring 2005 Legislation Program / 2152 / 18/07/2005
962 / National Electronic Health Transition Authority / 2158 / 18/07/2005
963 / Levels of Public Liability Insurance Required by ACT Government Departments / 2172 / 25/07/2005
964 / ACT Government Submission to the Standing Committee on Health and Disability Inquiry into Appropriate Housing for People with Mental Illness / 2174 / 25/07/2005
965 / Medicines, Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Legislation / 2173 / 25/07/2005
0966 (MAG) / Monthly Report on Agency Recruitment and Restructuring / 2171 / 25/07/2005
967 / Future ACT Participation in the Murray-Darling Basin Initiative / 2177 / 01/08/2005
968 / Budget and Forward Estimates – Update on Major Influences / 2178 / 01/08/2005
2191 / 08/08/2005
969 / Direct Sale of Block 17 Section 26 Belconnen (strip of land) and Block 1 Section 197 Belconnen (air rights) to McDowall Properties Pty Ltd / 2179 / 01/08/2005
2215 / 22/08/2005
970 / RESTRICTED: Joint Study into ACT Policing: Policing for the Future – Final Report / 2181 / 01/08/2005
2203 / 15/08/2005
971 / Direct Sale of part Block 1603 District of Belconnen to ACTEW Corporation Limited / 2200 / 15/08/2005
972 / Bilateral Agreement (Older Carers Respite Initiative) to the Commonwealth State Territory Disability Agreement (CSTDA) / 2201 / 15/08/2005
Submission no: / Title / Decision no: / Date
973 / Financial Management Legislation Amendment Bill 2005 / 2199 / 15/08/2005
974 / Improving Transparency of Intergovernmental Negotiations and Agreements / 2195 / 15/08/2005
975 / ACT-NSW Agreement for the Regional Management Framework / 2197 / 15/08/2005
976 / Motion by the Speaker, Mr Wayne Berry MLA, Regarding a Code of Conduct for Members of the Legislative Assembly / 2196 / 15/08/2005
977 / ACT Government Response to the Human Rights Audit of Quamby Youth Detention Centre / 2202 / 15/08/2005
978 / Finalisation of Negotiations between the Territory and the Intercontinental Hotel Group for Upgrade of the National Convention Centre / 2211 / 15/08/2005
979 / ACT/NSW Cross Border Agreements (Memorandum of Understanding – MoU’s) for Regional Settlement and Water Resources / 2198 / 15/08/2005
2280 / 04/10/2005
2292 / 10/10/2005
2301 / 17/10/2005
2364 / 28/11/2005
2419 / 12/12/2005
980 / Government Response to the ACT Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on Health Report No.8 A Pregnant Pause: The Future for Maternity Services in the ACT / 2214 / 22/08/2005
981 / Monthly Report on Agency Recruitment and Restructuring / 2212 / 22/08/2005
982 / The Territory as Parent (Vardon) Report and The Territory’s Children (Murray) Report – Second Six Month Status Reports on Implementation (August 2005) / 2220 / 22/08/2005
983 / Asbestos Task Force Report / 2221 / 22/08/2005
984 / Amendments to the Education Act 2004 / 2219 / 22/08/2005
985 / Direct Sale of part Block 15 Section 275 Kambah to Subud Canberra Incorporated / 2216 / 22/08/2005
986 / Direct Sale of land – Slivers of land along Genge, Petrie and Bunda Streets and airspace above Petrie Street in the City to Queensland Investment Corporation (QIC) and Canberra Centre Investments Pty Ltd (CCI) / 2217 / 22/08/2005
987 / Transfer of Block 3 Section 57 Braddon to the Commissioner for Housing / 2218 / 22/08/2005
988 / Environment Protection (Fire Hazard Reduction) Amendment Bill 2005 / 2213 / 22/08/2005
Submission no: / Title / Decision no: / Date
989 / Review of the Housing Assistance Act 1987 / 2231 / 29/08/2005
990 / ACT Fire Brigade Work Value Review / 2232 / 29/08/2005
991 / Firearms Amendment Bill - In Principle Agreement / 2237 / 05/09/2005
992 / Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2005 (No 2) / 2236 / 05/09/2005
993 / Intelligent Access Program Certification and Auditing Group (IAP C&AG) Board (now known as Transport Certification Australia) / 2247 / 12/09/2005
994 / Managing the Risk of Suicide in the ACT 2005-2008: A Suicide Prevention Strategy for the ACT / 2244 / 12/09/2005
2266 / 19/09/2005
995 / Government Submission to the Productivity Commission Research Study into the Health Workforce / 2245 / 12/09/2005
996 / Restricted – 2006-2007 Budget Process and Indicative Timetable / 2243 / 12/09/2005
997 / Restricted – Interim Canberra Central Taskforce Report - future direction for the planning and development of the City Hill precinct / 2242 / 12/09/2005
998 / Government and Plant Industry Cost Sharing Deed in respect of Emergency Plant Pest Responses / 2265 / 19/09/2005
999 / Australian Government Multilateral Agreement in Relation to the Supported Accommodation Assistance Program (SAAP V) / 2246 / 12/09/2005
1000 / Government Response to Mr Stefaniak’s Sentencing and Corrections Reform Amendment Bill 2005 / 2264 / 19/09/2005
1001 (Memorandum) / Currong Apartments / 2274 / 19/09/2005
1002 / Directions on Cabinet Procedure: ACT Government Cabinet Handbook September 2005 / 2262 / 19/09/2005
1003 / Road Transport Legislation Amendment Bill 2005 / 2267 / 19/09/2005
2277 / 26/09/2005
2283 / 04/10/2005
1004 / Gungahlin Drive Extension – status / 2261 / 19/09/2005
1005 / Shaping Our Territory - In-Principle Agreement to Land Swap (Blocks 4 and 5 Section 55 Duffy and Blocks 1203 and 1204 Weston Creek) / 2263 / 19/09/2005
1006 (ERC) / Restricted – Expenditure Review Committee (ERC) - Status of the ERC Program / 2259 / 19/09/2005
Submission no: / Title / Decision no: / Date
1007 (ERC) / Restricted – Expenditure Review Committee (ERC) Summary Report on the Department of Justice and Community Safety (JACS) / 2260 / 19/09/2005
1008 / Building and Construction Legislation Amendment Bill / 2282 / 04/10/2005
1009 (Memorandum) / Protected – Monthly Report on Agency Recruitment and Restructuring / 2275 / 26/09/2005
1010 / Protected – Budget and Forward Estimates - Update on Major Influences - September 2005 / 2281 / 04/10/2005
1011 / Protected, Limited Distribution – Special Council of Australian Governments Meeting on Counter-Terrorism: 27 September 2005 / 2276 / 26/09/2005
1012 (Memorandum) / Planning for the Centenary of Canberra / 2289 / 04/10/2005
1013 / Extension of the mobile speed camera network / 2294 / 10/10/2005
1014 / Agreement Between the Australian Government and the ACT Government for the Provision of Housing for Indigenous People / 2293 / 10/10/2005
1015 (Memorandum) / Protected, Limited Distribution – Acting Justice Miles’ report on the inquiry into the fitness to plead in the murder trial of David Harold Eastman / 2297 / 10/10/2005
1016 / ACT Government Submission to the ACT Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on Health and Disability Inquiry into Health Sciences in the ACT / 2305 / 17/10/2005
1017 / Government Position on Dr Foskey’s Court Procedures (Protection of Public Participation) Amendment Bill 2005 / 2303 / 17/10/2005
1018 (Memorandum) / Report and Ministerial Statement on the Medicinal Use of Cannabis / 2309 / 17/10/2005
1019 / Review of the Singapore Australia Free Trade Agreement / 2302 / 17/10/2005
1020 / Statute Law Amendment Bill 2005 (No 2) / 2304 / 17/10/2005
1021 (Memorandum) / Wheelchair Accessible Taxis Reference Group / 2315 / 24/10/2005
1022 (Memorandum) / Review of Quamby Youth Detention Centre Standing Orders pursuant to Section 419 of the Children and Young People Act 1999 / 2314 / 24/10/2005
1023 (Memorandum) / Monthly Report on Agency Recruitment and Restructuring / 2321 / 31/10/2005
Submission no: / Title / Decision no: / Date
1024 / Relationships Legislation - In-Principle Agreement / 2318 / 31/10/2005
2324 / 07/11/2005
2332 / 14/11/2005
1025 / Preferred Location for New Youth Detention Centre / 2319 / 31/10/2005
1026 / Education Amendment Bill 2005
1027 / ESA Headquarters and Support Complex - Fairbairn Precinct Canberra Airport / 2325 / 07/11/2005
1028 (Budget) / Protected – 2006-07 Priority Review Process - Fiscal Strategy / 2323 / 07/11/2005
1029 / Direct sale of land - Blocks 2068 and 2088 Jerrabomberra to The Canberra Model Aircraft Club Incorporated / 2333 / 14/11/2005
1030 / Government Response to the Education Amendment Bill 2005 / 2334 / 14/11/2005
1031 / Casino Control Bill 2005 / 2346 / 21/11/2005
1032 / Amendments to the Powers of Attorney Act 1956 - In-Principle Agreement / 2342 / 21/11/2005
1033 / Protected – 2006-07 Priority Review Process - Initiative Concept Briefs (ICBs) / 2330 / 14/11/2005
1033 / Protected – 2006-07 Priority Review Process - Initiative Concept Briefs (ICBs) / 2340 / 21/11/2005
1034 / Amendments to the Workers Compensation Act 1951 / 2348 / 21/11/2005
1035 / A Progress Report on the Implementation of Breaking the Cycle: The ACT Homelessness Strategy for the Period July 2004 – June 2005 / 2349 / 21/11/2005
1036 / First Progress Report on Caring for Carers in the ACT – A Plan For Action 2004-2007 and the proposed Government Response to the Report on the Review of Carers Legislation in the ACT / 2350 / 21/11/2005
1037 / Redevelopment Options - Pierces Creek Settlement / 2341 / 21/11/2005
2363 / 28/11/2005
2384 / 05/12/2005
2404 / 12/12/2005
2424 / 19/12/2005
2444 / 23/01/2006
1038 / Government Agreement to the Australian Health Ministers’ Conference Regarding Nationally Consistent Medical Registration / 2347 / 21/11/2005
1039 / Crimes (Offences Against Pregnant Women) Amendment Bill 2005 / 2343 / 21/11/2005
Submission no: / Title / Decision no: / Date
1040 / Civil Law (Property) Bill 2005 / 2345 / 21/11/2005
1041 Memorandum / Phillip Oval - Upgrade and Ongoing Maintenance / 2356 / 21/11/2005
1042 / Protected, Limited Distribution – Review of the findings and methodology of the Joint Study into ACT Policing - Policing for the Future / 2365 / 28/11/2005
1043 (Budget Cabinet) / Protected – 2006-07 Priority Review Process - Project Concept Briefs (PCBs) / 2362 / 28/11/2005
1044 / ESA Headquarters and Support Complex, Fairbairn Precinct, Canberra Airport. Supplementary Submission / 2368 / 28/11/2005
1045 / Asbestos Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 / 2395 / 05/12/2005
1046 / Protected – Technical Adjustment to the 2006-07 Budget / 2387 / 05/12/2005
1047 / Protected, Limited Distribution – Additional Policing Resources / 2367 / 28/11/2005
1048 / Protected, Limited Distribution – 2005 Policing Arrangement and Revised 2005-06 Purchase Agreement / 2366 / 28/11/2005
1049 Memorandum (MAG) / Monthly Report on Agency Recruitment and Restructuring / 2357 / 28/11/2005
1050 / Guidelines for Water Sensitive Urban Design / 2389 / 05/12/2005
1051 / Enterprise Bargaining Framework Arrangements for the ACT Public Service - Next Bargaining Round / 2394 / 05/12/2005
2411 / 12/12/2005
1052 / Direct Sale of Block 11 Section 48 Belconnen / 2388 / 05/12/2005
1053 / Public Interest Disclosure Bill 2006: In-principle agreement / 2385 / 05/12/2005
1054 / Government Responses to Standing Committee Inquiries into 2003 - 2004 Annual and Financial Reports / 2405 / 12/12/2005
1055 / Protected – ACT Government Teaching Staff Certified Agreements - Negotiations 2005 / 2393 / 05/12/2005
1056 / Planning System Reform Project - Consultation Report and Final Proposals / 2390 / 05/12/2005
1056 (MAG) / Planning System Reform Project - Consultation Report and Final Proposals / 2420 / 12/12/2005
1057 / Government Position on the Review of the Administration and Policy for the Concessional Lease System in the A.C.T. / 2391 / 05/12/2005
1058 / Canberra Central Taskforce Final Report / 2392 / 05/12/2005
Submission no: / Title / Decision no: / Date
1058 (MAG) / Canberra Central Taskforce Report / 2421 / 12/12/2005
1059 / ESA Headquarters and Support Complex Third Submission / 2399 / 05/12/2005
1059 (SCUD) / ESA Headquarters and Support Complex Third Submission / 2403 / 06/12/2005
1060 / Anti-Terrorism Legislation Package / 2386 / 05/12/2005
1061 / Consultation for the Development of Sustainability Legislation for the ACT / 2406 / 12/12/2005
1062 / Freedom of Information Amendment Bill 2005 - In-Principle Agreement / 2407 / 12/12/2005
1063 / Defamation Law - Civil Law (Wrongs) Amendment Bill (No 2) 2005 / 2408 / 12/12/2005
1064 / Council of Australian Governments Health Working Group Recommendations / 2409 / 12/12/2005
1065 / Joint Ventures for Lyons and Kingston / 2415 / 12/12/2005
2436 / 19/12/2005
1066 / Australian Government Bilateral Agreement in Relation to the Supported Accommodation Assistance Program (SAAP V) / 2414 / 12/12/2005
1067 / Introduction of the Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2005 (No 2) / 2413 / 12/12/2005
1068 / Monitoring and Enforcement of Prohibition on Tobacco Sales to Minors / 2410 / 12/12/2005
1069 / Building Better Schools interim report and recommendations / 2412 / 12/12/2005
1070 / Autumn 2006 Legislation Program / 2422 / 19/12/2005
1071 / Urban Development Program / 2432 / 19/12/2005
2459 / 30/01/2006
1072 Memorandum / ACT Influenza Pandemic Planning and response / 2441 / 19/12/2005
1073 / Protected – Governance Arrangements for Calvary Public Hospital / 2429 / 19/12/2005
1074 / Direct grant of a lease over additional agistment land to be consolidated with the grant of a further rural lease to Richard and Josephine Martin in the Tennent District in accordance with the Rural Policy / 2431 / 19/12/2005
1075 / Criminal Code (Mental Impairment) Amendment Bill 2005 / 2427 / 19/12/2005
1076 / Duties Amendment Bill 2006 / 2428 / 19/12/2005
1077 / Direct Sale of land - Section 52 Belconnen to Westfield / 2433 / 19/12/2005
1078 / Direct Sale of part Block 15 Section 2 Greenway to St Vincent de Paul Society / 2434 / 19/12/2005
1079 / Cabinet Decision Implementation Register 1 April 2004 - 30 June 2005 / 2423 / 19/12/2005
1080 / Proposal for Model Legislation on Criminal History Checks for People seeking work with Children in an Educational Setting / 2435 / 19/12/2005
Submission no: / Title / Decision no: / Date
1081 / Response to the Productivity Commission Position Paper - Australia’s Health Workforce / 2430 / 19/12/2005
1082 Memorandum / Monthly Report on Agency Recruitment and Restructuring / 2440 / 19/12/2005
1083 / Government Response to the Auditor-General’s Report No. 3 of 2005 - Reporting on Ecologically Sustainable Development / 2426 / 19/12/2005
1084 / ACT Government’s Response to ACTEW’s reports on Future Water Supply Options / 2425 / 19/12/2005
2456 / 30/01/2006
2464 / 06/02/2006
1085 / Amendments to Building and Construction Industry and Contract Cleaning Industry Long Service Leave Schemes / 2448 / 23/01/2006
1086 / Motor Sport (Public Safety) Bill, 2005 / 2446 / 23/01/2006
1087 / National Guidelines for the Deployment of Police to High Risk Situations, Deployment of Negotiators and the Use of Lethal Force 2005 / 2450 / 23/01/2006
1088 / Draft Aquatic Species and Riparian Zone Conservation Strategy - Action Plan No. 29 - ‘Ribbons of Life’ / 2445 / 23/01/2006
1089 / Australian Government Bilateral Agreement in Relation to the Supported Accommodation Assistance Program (SAAP V) / 2449 / 23/01/2006
1090 (Memorandum) / DUS Bushfire Management / 2454 / 23/01/2006
1091 / Ginninderra District High School - final decision and public report / 2447 / 23/01/2006
2455 / 24/01/2006
1092 (Memorandum) / EACT Bushfire Management / 2454 / 23/01/2006
1093 / ACT Government Response to a request by the Department of Environment and Heritage for comments on the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Environment and Heritage inquiry into Sustainable Cities / 2457 / 30/01/2006
1094 / Implementation of the Territory Records Act 2002 / 2460 / 30/01/2006
1095 / Monitoring and Enforcement of Prohibition oh Tobacco Sales to Minors / 2458 / 30/01/2006
1096 (Memorandum) / Bushfire Mitigation Planning in the ACT / 2461 / 30/01/2006
1097 / Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 - In-Principle Agreement / 2467 / 06/02/2006
Submission no: / Title / Decision no: / Date
1098 / Direct Sale of land - Block 7 District of Cotter River to Airservices Australia / 2470 / 06/02/2006
1099 / ACTION Fleet Replacement Strategy / 2469 / 06/02/2006
1100 / ACTION Funding Arrangements / 2468 / 06/02/2006
1101 / Government Submission to the Public Accounts Committee Inquiry into the Auditor-General’s Report No.6 of 2005, Government Procurement / 2465 / 06/02/2006
1102 / Response to the Productivity Commission Final Report - Australia’s Health Workforce / 2466 / 06/02/2006
1103 (Memorandum) / ACT Clinical Services Plan / 2492 / 13/02/2006
1104 / Council of Australian Governments Meeting: 10 February 2006: Proposed National Reform Agenda / 2463 / 06/02/2006
1105 / Government’s Response to the Standing Committee on Public Accounts Report No.4 of 2005, Review of Auditor-General’s Report No.10 of 2004: 2003-04 Financial Audits / 2479 / 13/02/2006
1106 / 2005-06 Budget Mid Year Review / 2473 / 13/02/2006
1107 / Human Rights Commission Legislation Amendment Act 2006 / 2476 / 13/02/2006
1108 / The Territory as Parent (Vardon) Report and The Territory’s Children (Murray) Report – Third Six Month Status Reports on Implementation (February 2006) / 2481 / 13/02/2006
1109 / Information Papers for the ACT Housing Summit to be held on 28 February 2006 / 2480 / 13/02/2006
1110 / Racing (Jockeys Accident Insurance) Amendment Bill 2006, amending the Racing Act 1999 / 2478 / 13/02/2006
1111 / Submission to the Select Committee on Working Families in the ACT / 2497 / 20/02/2006
1112 / Road Transport (Alcohol and Drugs) (Random Drug Testing) Amendment Bill 2005 - Private Member’s Bill / 2484 / 13/02/2006
1113 / Human Cloning and Embryo Research / 2495 / 20/02/2006
1114 / Domestic Animals (Validation of Fees) Bill 2006 / 2482 / 13/02/2006
1115 / Road Transport (Alcohol and Drugs) Amendment Bill 2006 / 2483 / 13/02/2006
1116 / Direct grant of leases over additional land to be consolidated with the grant of further rural leases in accordance with the Rural Policy / 2496 / 20/02/2006
1117 / Government’s response to Mrs Vicki Dunne’s Civil Law (Wrongs) Amendment Bill 2005 / 2477 / 13/02/2006
Submission no: / Title / Decision no: / Date
1118 / Monthly Report on Agency Recruitment and Restructuring / 2474 / 13/02/2006
1119 / Taxi Licence Reform Program / 2498 / 20/02/2006
1120 / Issues Arising from the Proposal by J.G.Service and Baulderstone-Hornibrook for a New Convention Centre at West Basin / 2494 / 20/02/2006
1121 / Dragway Feasibility Report for Block 51 Majura and Proposed Next Steps / 2493 / 20/02/2006
1122 / ACT Climate Change Strategy and Energy Policy - Discussion Papers / 2503 / 27/02/2006
1122 / ACT Climate Change Strategy and Energy Policy - Discussion Papers / 2511 / 06/03/2006
1123 / Pest Plants and Animals Amendment Bill 2006 / 2505 / 27/02/2006
1124 / Protection of Personal Details of Housing ACT Tenants / 2506 / 27/02/2006
1125 / Centenary of Canberra Task Force Report and Interim Strategy / 2502 / 27/02/2006
1126 / Water Reform and National Competition Policy Assessment 2005 / 2512 / 06/03/2006
1127 / Government Submission to the Inquiry of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts into the Auditor-General’s Report No. 7 of 2005 - ‘2004-05 Financial Audits’ / 2516 / 06/03/2006
1128 / ACT Government Response to two reports from the Senate Community Affairs References Committee Inquiry into Children in Institutional Care / 2517 / 06/03/2006
1129 (Memorandum) / The Canberra Plan - Ministerial Statement / 2518 / 06/03/2006
1130 / Cross Border Service Delivery: Funding Issues for the ACT / 2515 / 06/03/2006
1131 / Government Position on Private Members Bill: Annual Report (Government Agencies) Amendment Bill 2005 / 2514 / 06/03/2006
1132 / Public Consultation on Proposed Changes to ACT Adoption Legislation / 2529 / 13/03/2006
1133 / Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 / 2526 / 13/03/2006
1134 / Review of Ownership Agreements / 2527 / 13/03/2006
1135 / Proposed Assistance for ITL Limited / 2528 / 13/03/2006
1136 / Convention Centre Terms of Reference / 2524 / 13/03/2006
1137 (BUDGET) / 2006-07 Budget Recurrent Initiatives – PROTECTED / 2534 / 14/03/2006
1138 (Memorandum) / The sale of the Capital Region Employment and Enterprise Development Association (CREEDA) and related issues / 2533 / 13/03/2006
1139 / Floor Amendments to the Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2005 (No 2) / 2525 / 13/03/2006

PART 12: 15 March 2005 - 13 March 2006 1