Bryan Memorial Town Hall

Washington Depot, CT



November 2, 2016

7:30p.m. Main Level Meeting Room

Members Present:Mr. Frank, Mr. Hileman, Mr. Rimsky, Mr. Carey and Alt. Gager

Members Absent:Ms. Jahnke

Alternates Present:Ms. Gager

Alternates Absent: Ms. Ryland

Staff Present:Mrs. Hill, Ms. Pennell

Also Present: Ms. Ayer, Mr. Heffernon, Mr. Hollinger,

Mr. LaMuniere,Mr. Bowman, Mr. Sherr, Mr.

Charles,Mr. Wadelton, Mr. Armstrong, Mr.


Regular Meeting:

Mr. Frank called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.

Seated: Mr. Frank, Mr. Hileman, Mr. Carey, Mr. Rimsky,

Alt. Ms. Gager

Presentation by Jocelyn Ayer of the Northwest Hills Council of Governments: Work to Update the Regional Plan of Conservation and Development, followed by Discussion:

Mr. Frank introduced Ms. Ayer, Community and Economic Director of Northwest Hills Council of Governments (NHCOG).

Ms. Ayer stated that NHCOG is currently working on their new Regional Plan of Conservation and Development. The NHCOG now serves twenty one towns in the Litchfield County area. Ms. Ayer discussed towns working together to grow in the same direction with respect to land use, local food and agriculture, jobs, housing, conservation and recreation, etc.

Ms. Ayer discussed the plan, the updating and revision process and what to expect from it. She distributed a handout on Demographic, Economic, Housing, and Land Use data collected by town available through NHCOG on its website ( Ms. Ayer is hoping this will be updated at least every couple of years so that it can be utilized by towns. She discussed the importance of having their regional plan accurate and up to date so that when Town Planning and Zoning Commissions submit town plans and regulations they can be consistent with the regional plan. Ms. Ayer reviewed some of the area towns’ statistics and how the information was gathered, as well as its importance for future planning. She noted that while regional population was projected to remain flat over the next decade, there will be an increase in the over 65 group and a decrease in school age families. This is true statewide as well. The ratio of seasonal use homes is increasing in the region, with Washington estimated at 30%. Ms. Ayer will be making presentations to area towns Planning and Zoning Commissions, as well as regional events. Mr. Ayer explained that they hope to have a draft plan ready in the spring of 2017, with a final plan in the fall.

Ms. Ayer then had those present participate in a electronically recorded survey that pertained to the town of Washington and what they would like to see happen within the next ten years. After completion of this survey, results were reviewed. The survey is on the NHCOG website,, and all residents are urged to take the survey there to help shape the future of the towns and the region.

In closing, Ms. Ayer addressed questions from those present.

Privilege of the Floor:


Consideration of the Minutes:

The Commission considered the minutes of the October 5, 2016, Planning Commission meeting.

Mr. Frank noted a correction needed on page 1. Members seated incorrectly listed Mr. Carey, but should have read Mr. Rimsky.Also on page 4, first paragraph, last sentence should read, “He stated that the plaza plan hasn't changed a great deal at this point and the final plan will have to be presented to the public when completed, and to the Commission for an 8-24 report concerning consistency with the Plan of Conservation and Development.

MOTION: Motion to accept the minutes from the October 5, 2016 Planning Commission meeting as amended. By Mr. Rimsky, seconded by Ms. Gager, passed 5-0.


Plan of Conservation and Development:

Sustainability Subcommittee Report:

Ms. Susan Jahnke, Chair, was not present. Mr. Charles, member of the Committee, raised questions concerning the permeability of the paving materials proposed to be used in the Bryan Plaza improvement project, discussed below.

Plaza Improvement Committee Report:

Mr. Rimsky reported thata meeting was held and TPA, the Town’s design consultants, did present plans for various permeability options. TPA recommended that the fullest permeability option may not best serve the conditions the Town is faced with. Mr. Rimsky reported that the Committee discussed this and decided other than specific usages of curbing stones for infiltration into the center medians and limited use in other areasthat the extensive use of permeable surfaces would not serve the Town in a positive way economically or materially.

Mr. Charles stated that TPA did not take this to the Conservation District for their review in a timely manner. Mr. Rimsky replied stating that the Committee was presented with this information from the consultants and this is what the Committee accepted. Mr. Rimsky explained in detail why this decision was reached. There was further discussion, following which Mr. Frank stated that, while he believed that the appropriate forum for present discussion and resolution of this matter was the Plaza Improvement Committee.

Economic Development Advisory Committee Report:

Mr. Hileman was not able to attend the most recent meeting. However, he did note that CERC did complete the Washington survey and Mrs. Hill did email the results to members of the Commission shortly prior to the meeting.

Mr. Hileman was pleased to report that there were over 400 responses. He stated that 15% of respondents were from part timers, which was hoped to be a higher percentage. He noted that the part timers are younger, more educated and have higher income. Mr. Hileman reported that they use social, cultural and economic amenities while in the town. He stated the goal was to get a good read on the part time residents with respect to what attracts them to the town and what they do while here. This information was obtained and helpful.

Mr. Hileman briefly discussed the Gilmore Girls Festival that took place in the Depot. Mr. Rimsky added that he heard positive feedback from business owners, who were pleased with customers and the retail value. It was also noted that the event organizers did a good job with respect planning/organizing and made for a successful event.

Ingrassia/292 Bee Brook Road/6 Lot Subdivision:

Mr. Frank distributed copies of the email he sent to Atty. James Kelly on October 10, 2016, reporting the discussion at the October meeting. He noted that there has been no reply to this communication.


Motion: To adjourn the meeting at 8:44 p.m. By Mr. Carey, seconded by Ms. Rimsky, passed by 5-0 vote.


Donna Pennell/Land Use Secretary

November 9, 2016

Planning Minutes 11-02-16 1 | Page