Summer Assignment for

Future Fifth Graders

READING: Students are to read for at least 20 minutes a day for 30 days, for a total of 600 minutes. This may be done on consecutive days or spread out in any way that is convenient within your vacation schedule. Students may read more than 20 minutes in a day, but a new log must be recorded for every 20-minute interval. Logs may be kept on loose leaf paper, or typed. A log entry should include

  • a main idea sentence for the portion of the book read
  • a list of any new vocabulary words
  • definitions for the new words
  • context clues that helped you understand the words.

You may not necessarily have new words every time you read, but if you have few or none for an entire book, it may be that the book was too easy for you. There is no requirement for the number of books that must be read, just that they are grade-level appropriate. A parent should initial each entry. Two sample logs are shown below.

Title: Tuck Everlasting

Author: Natalie Babbitt

Date: June 30, 2016

Main idea: Winnie Foster, an eleven-year old girl who lives in a touch-me-not cottage near a wood her family owns, decides to run away because she feels overprotected by her family and longs to do something important.

New words: Bovine – having to do with cows. “The road that led to Treegap had been trod out long before by a herd of cows…”

Date: July 1, 2017

Main idea: A man in a yellow suit comes to the Foster cottage and wants information about a certain family in the area.

New words: Marionette – a puppet on a set of strings. “Indeed, he seemed to almost hang there suspended in the twilight.”

MATH: Practice multiplication and division facts until you know them by heart. This will be an enormous help to you. There are many free apps that can make the practice fun on a tablet or phone.