RISK ASSESSMENT No / RA 004-C / Page 1 of 2
Work Activity:
Use and Maintenance of Lifting Equipment and Accessories.
Lifting equipment includes Overhead Travelling Cranes, Hoists, Lift Trucks, A-Frames, Chain Blocks, etc .
Lifting accessories include Chains, Ropes, Slings, Shackles, eye Bolts, etc. / 
Thornliebank Industrial Estate Glasgow G46 8JW
Tel: 0141 638 7916 Fax: 0141 638 8111
Star Factories and Branch Offices
Those at Risk / Y/N / Comments - enter names or general groups
Star Employees:
Other workers:
General Public: / Y
Y / Any Star staff who may use lifting equipment as part of their general duties.
Star sub-contractors, visitors, inspection and maintenance engineers.
Comments: No young person (under 18 years) will be allowed to operate lifting equipment unless a competent person closely supervises them.
1)  Dropping of load due to mechanical failure of load-bearing component (equipment or accessory).
2)  Dropping of load due to unbalanced load or incorrect use of lifting accessories (chains, slings, eye bolts, etc).
3)  Dropping of load due to overload of crane or sling.
4)  Collision of the suspended load with people or plant.
5)  Cuts and abrasions whilst handling chains and slings.
6)  Crushing injuries to the toes.
Lifting equipment maintenance or repair work by specialist sub-contractor may involve the following;
7)  Working at height.
8)  Electrocution.
9)  Weld flash or hit by grinding debris from work below

Control Measures (existing or planned)

Control / Details
PPE: / 1)  Leather or similar handling gloves for handling chains and slings
2)  Steel toe-cap boots to prevent crushing injuries to the toes
3)  Overalls
Equipment: / 1)  Only use lifting equipment and accessories that have a current colour coding tag.
2)  Only use lifting equipment and accessories if the safe working load is clearly marked on it.
Information, Instruction, and Training / 1)  Only those persons named in the company register (held in the safety meeting minutes of production departments) of crane operators/slingers may operate a crane or carry out slinging operations.
2)  Lifting equipment operators and slingers will attend a lifting and slinging course, this may be an external or internal course.
3)  Lifting accessories will be returned to an appropriate storage area or container after use.
4)  Staff will report any damaged lifting equipment or accessory to the Production or Branch Manager. Damaged equipment will be removed from service immediately.
5)  When moving large loads a banksman may be required in order to prevent collisions with persons or plant.
6)  The weight of the load must be known before lifting equipment or accessories can be selected. This may be obtained from drawings, data plates, or packing notes on delivered goods. Select equipment and accessories with a safe working load greater than the weight being lifted.
7)  Before the lift, ensure that there are no loose items that may fall off during the lift.
8)  No one may work or access beneath a suspended load – if work or access beneath a load is required, even for a short duration, the load must firstly be supported on suitable trestles.

Control Measures Continued

Control / Details
Supervision: / The Production or Branch Manager will;
1)  Maintain a register of competent lifting operators/slingers
2)  Ensure that lifting equipment is thoroughly examined every 12 months and lifting accessories are thoroughly examined every 6 months by an independent competent person (usually an insurance company engineer) and maintain records.
3)  Colour code all inspected equipment and display a sign indicating the current colour
4)  Arrange annual maintenance of the lifting equipment by a specialist.
5)  A certificate for each new piece of equipment or accessory which confirms initial test or type approval and which specifies the safe working load must be kept on file.
Environment; / 1)  An area must be prepared for setting down of any load prior to it being lifted.
Procedures, documents etc / 1)  Records of tests and thorough examinations of lifting equipment and accessories will be maintained. These may be required for examination by a Factory Inspector.
Communications: / 1)  The Production or Branch manager will obtain and examine method statements and risk assessments from the maintenance specialists before allowing maintenance to proceed.
Emergency action/procedures / 1)  Normal first-aid provision is sufficient
Access: / 1)  Lifting equipment operators must warn other staff of the path of a load.
2)  Under no circumstances must a load be traversed over other staff, sub-contractors and visitors.
Maintenance / 1)  Before maintenance work is carried out on electrically powered lifting equipment a suitable means of electrical isolation will be agreed. (this will include lock-off procedures)
2)  When working at height crane maintenance workers will wear a safety harness and lanyard unless work can be carried out from a scaffold.
3)  The area beneath where maintenance work is being carried out will be cordoned off to prevent injury from falling objects.
4)  Star will suspend welding and grinding activities beneath and in the vicinity of a crane undergoing maintenance or repair.

Risk Evaluation of Identified Hazards

Likelihood / Highly unlikely = 1 / Unlikely = 2 / Likely = 3
Severity / Slightly harmful = 1 / Harmful = 2 / Extremely harmful = 3
(Likelihood x Severity = Risk level) 1 = Trivial, 2 = Tolerable, 3-4 = Moderate, 6 = Substantial, 9 = Intolerable
Identified Hazards (base scores on existing or planned control measures) / Triv' / Tol' / Mod' / Sub' / Int'
1 Dropping of load due to mechanical failure 1x2
2 Dropping of load due to incorrect use of lifting tackle 1x2
3 Dropping of load due to overload of crane or sling. 1x2
4 Collision of the suspended load with people or plant. 1x2
5 Cuts and abrasions whilst handling chains and slings. 2x1
6 Crushing injuries to the toes 1x1
Crane maintenance or repair work
7 Working at height 1x2
8 Electrocution. 1x3
9 Weld flash or hit by grinding debris from work below 1x2 / 1 / 2
2 / 3

Note: Moderate scores; Thought should be given to reducing risk, but the cost and time requirements of prevention

should be carefully considered and limited.

Substantial: Work should not be started until the risk has been reduced, for work in progress, urgent

action is required. Considerable resources may have to be allocated.

Intolerable: If unlimited resources cannot reduce risk, work will be prohibited.

Is risk adequately controlled using the above control measures Y/N / YES / If "NO" State further action required
State further action required:

Note : This risk assessment is only valid when all control measures are in place before the work or activity commences and will be reviewed 4/4/2016 or earlier if the nature of the work changes or there is a dangerous occurrence.

Assessor: / (Print) C Haslam / (Sign) / Date 04/04/2011

References: Safe use of lifting Equipment approved code of practice L113