Main Stories 25 September 2011
· Technical dialogue produced the political one (Koha Ditore)
· Krasniqi decides on Konjuvca’s chair (Koha Ditore)
· No Kosovo and EU (Express)
· KFOR tired, requests political dialogue (Zëri)
Kosovo Media Highlights
Technical dialogue produced the political one (Koha Ditore)
Koha Ditore reports that the Regional Representative of Rockefeller Brothers, Haki Abazi, has stated that lack of preparedness of Kosovar party for the technical dialogue, has produced as a consequence the new situation in the field, which necessarily has raised the level of the dialogue from the technical level, to the political one. According to him, considering the situation in the north, the Government should also discuss with the representatives of the Serbs in this part. However, Kosovo Minister of Internal Affairs, Bajram Rexhepi, denied such a possibility. He stated that illegal representatives can never become partners of dialogue. “We can discuss with representatives of the community, but unfortunately, none of them is a legitimate representative, and as illegal structures, they can never be our partners,” said Rexhepi.
Krasniqi decides on Konjuvca’s chair (Koha Ditore)
Koha Ditore reports that based on the regulation of Kosovo’s Assembly, Jakup Krasniqi has the last say if Glauk Konjuvca or someone else from the Alliance of the Future of Kosovo will have the seat of the Assembly Deputy Speaker. Now that Vetëvendosje does not have 14 seats at the Assembly, as in February of this year, when it used to be together with the Movement for Unification, Vetëvendosje has 12 seats at the Assembly, or the equal number with the Alliance of the Future of Kosovo, it remains for the Assembly Speaker Krasniqi, to decide who will be his deputy.
No Kosovo and EU (Express)
Express reports that the former American diplomat, James Hooper says that the leaders of the European Union countries, should make it clear to Serbia that there will be no membership in the Union, if it does not change the policy towards Kosovo. According to him, Belgrade should be told that the north of Kosovo cannot be separated, and the borders in Balkans cannot be changed. “Belgrade needs support to understand that the game is over, that it will not lead the north, that it will not control the north and that it will never become part of Serbia. It is simply, part of Kosovo”, said American diplomat.
KFOR tired, requests political dialogue (Zëri)
Zëri reports that KFOR international peacekeepers, who appear to be out of breath to face Serb extremists in the north and tired from the efforts to block alternate roads in the north, have raised the flag and expressed the need for the beginning of a political dialogue for the north. “We are playing cat and mouse, we are blocking alternate roads opened by Serbs in the north, and in the meantime they are opening another one”, said for Zëri, KFOR spokesperson, Ralph Adametz.
This media summary consists of selected local media articles for the information of UN personnel. The public distribution of this media summary is a courtesy service extended by UNMIK on the understanding that the choice of articles translated is exclusive, and the contents do not represent anything other than a selection of articles likely to be of interest to a United Nations readership. The inclusion of articles in this summary does not imply endorsement by UNMIK.