Telephone (203) 563-0100
Fax (203) 563-0299
Email to: / / Lynne A. Vanderslice
First Selectman
Michael P. Kaelin
Second Selectman
Lori A. Bufano
David K. Clune
Richard J. Dubow
238 Danbury Road
Wilton, CT 06897


Contact: Lynne. A. Vanderslice

(203) 563-0100 April 19, 2017

At this year's Annual Town Meeting, in addition to the question on the FY 2018 budget, voters will be asked to vote on seven additional questions: the discontinuance of a town road known as Old 2 Rod Highway, a change in the ordinance for the sale of alcohol at restaurants and five bonding proposals.

Among the bonding proposals is funding to address the overcrowding, infrastructure and compliance issues within police headquarters. Funding will allow the town to perform engineering analyses of the headquarters and other Town Hall campus buildings and develop a conceptual plan and cost estimate for a proposed expansion of the police headquarters. These plans would be presented at next year’s May 2018 Annual Town Meeting for discussion and a vote.

The town is providing two opportunities to assist voters in learning more about the questions prior to theMay 2nd Annual Town Meeting and Saturday May 6th adjourned vote.

Police Chief John Lynch invites residents to attend open houses at police headquarters on Tuesday, April 25th and Saturday April 29thfrom 9:00am to 11:00am. Chief Lynch, along with members of the department, will be on hand to answer questions and provide tours of the building. Immediately following the open houses, First Selectman Lynne Vanderslice invites the public for special Lunches with Lynne from 11:00am to 1:30pm in Room B of the Town Hall. Lynne and members of town staff will explain the ballot items and answer questions about the Board of Selectmen FY2018 proposed budget or any other Town matter.

If you are unable to attend on either of the two dates, Chief Lynch invites you to contact the Chief’s office to schedule a date that is convenient for you. An additional opportunity to ask questions will be available at the May 2nd Annual Town Meeting which begins at 7:30pm at the Clune Center.

We look forward to seeing you on the 25th or the 29th and on May 2nd. For questions, please contact Kris Fager at

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