November 9, 2009


SUMA regional meetings deadline is Tuesday

From Swift Current to Tisdale to many locations in between, SUMA fall regional meetings will be taking place throughout the province from November 16-24.The registration deadline is Tuesday, November 10. Business will include workshops for newly elected council members and regional committee elections. For more information, contact Gail Meyer at 306-525-4398, or visit the SUMA website to learn more.

For those seeking SUMA Regional Committee positions at the regional meetings,we want you to be aware of important information regarding elections, including nominations, who is eligible to vote and opportunities for candidates to promote their candidacy through SUMA.

Has your municipality submitted election results?

Municipal Affairs would like to remind municipalities that The Local Government Election Act requires a municipality to notify the Minister of Municipal Affairs of the outcomes of the election. This includes the names and addresses of those elected or re-elected to council (even by virtue of acclamation), and the names of those candidates defeated. Municipalities can meet the requirements of The Act by completing the municipal election results electronic form, available on our website at . If you require assistance completing the form, please call (306) 787-2680.

Municipalities are also encouraged to update the municipal directory, accessible at , as soon as your election results are known. This will ensure the directory remains an important link between municipalities, government ministries, and the public. If you have questions regarding accessing and updating the system, please call (306) 787-4340.

SUMA Board update: Moose Jaw rep introduced

Terry Coleman, former Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs and recently elected Moose Jaw City Councillor has been appointed by the City of Moose Jaw as the city’s Director on the SUMA Board. Welcome, Terry – we look forward to working with you (again)!

Urban Linear Asset Costing Survey Information

The Urban Linear Asset Costing information is now available atwithin the resources section. It is important that prior to using the survey information that the disclaimer, assumptions and instructions are read. The information collected from the survey is not as comprehensive as it could have been. This is due in part to a low level of response from urban municipalities. If you have any questions concerning the asset costing information, please contact the Support Program via the on-line web form at

Building Momentum: a SUMA Convention update

Registration information will soon be on its way

We have a great line up in store for you at the 2010 SUMA Convention.

  • Our Sunday night event – an Evening at the RCMP Heritage Museum – will be an opportunity to check out one of Saskatchewan’s premiere tourist attractions. Tickets will be in limited supply, so be sure to get yours early!
  • This year’s Keynote speaker is Saskatchewan’s own Gavin Semple.Mr. Semple is the CEO of the Brandt Group of Companies - Saskatchewan’s largest privately held company. Under his leadership, Brandt has won several prestigious awards, among them the designation of one of Canada’s 50 Best Managed Companies.

Your registration package will be mailed this week. So, watch your mailbox and stay tuned to the SUMA website for more information!

Call for 2010 SUMA Convention resolutions

Members are encouraged to submit resolutions for the 2010 SUMA Convention. While resolutions may be submitted at anytime throughout the year, the deadline for receipt of council resolutions for the 2010 Convention is Tuesday, November 24, 2009. Please submit resolutions electronically to

Give us ‘the Scoop’

Municipalities are encouraged to submit applications for the Scoop Lewry Award. ‘The Scoop’is presented at the SUMA Convention in recognition of outstanding service in municipal government or administration, on a local and provincial/national basis. Those eligible to be nominated are elected officials, administrators, SUMA officials and personnel in Municipal Affairs and First Nations and Métis Relations.

Upcoming Events:

Evergreen Canada Workshop – Saskatchewan Green Trades Conference and Tradeshow

November 13-14


Brought to you by the Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association (SPRA) and partner organizations, this event will bring together staff and stakeholders from various horticulture sectors, including commercial operators and those responsible for municipal planning and maintenance of parks. Sessions will provide an overview on best practices, highlighting effective, but often underutilized tools, for “getting more green” in the community.

For further information on the Saskatchewan Green Trades Conference and Tradeshow call 1-866-457-2377 or 1-306-694-3459. Or, register at:

2009 Newly Elected Workshops/SUMA Regional Meetings

November 16-24

Locations throughout Saskatchewan

Participants will receive a certificate of completion of the Municipal Leaders Roles and Responsibilities module of the Municipal Leadership Development Program (MLDP). View the agenda or go to the registration form.

The New Design of Steel Structures Standard

Tuesday, November 17


Brought to you by the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, this one-day course presents a thorough examination of the newest edition of the CSA Standard S16-09 Design of Steel Structures. The 2009 Edition contains numerous additions and new Annexes covering various topics.Click to view the brochure and to register.

For more events, visit the SUMA events calendar

Corporate Services:

Prepare for the flu season with Chatterson Janitorial

Chatterson Janitorial is urging its customers to prepare for a second wave of H1N1 virus. Chatterson has all you need to prepare your workplace for the cold and flu season- including hand sanitizer productsandgloves, masks and disinfectant cleaners. Phone (306) 525-3568, toll-free 1-800-667-8178 or email