Online Readings

Where the titles of the online readings provided do not illustrate the nature of the content, a brief summary has been provided for clarification.

ABC News (2007) More Girls than Boys Using Internet: Study. Available at

Acronyms Online. (2008) Chat Room Acronyms. Available at

Amig,S. (2001) Internet Dilemmas: The Role of Technology in the Behavioural Health Field. Available at

Anthony, K. (2001) Online Relationships and Cyber Infidelity: The Implications for Practitioners. Available at

APA (American Psychological Association (2006)Internet Use Involves Both Pros and Cons for Children and Adolescents, According to Special Issue of Developmental Psychology.Press Release April 30th. Available at:

Armstrong,R. (2003)Human Subjects research and the Internet: Ethical Dilemmas. Available at: article discusses the need for efficacy, informed consent, and confidentiality within the increasing use of internet surveys and data gathering.

Barak,A. Michael,F. Suler, J and NickelsonD.(2002) Cyberspace Travels for Psychological Researchers, Educators, and Practitioners. American Psychological Association110th Convention. Available at: presentation offers discussion on the subject of how online psychology manifests itself across interests and specialty areas as it increasingly reflects twenty-first-century human experience.

Barak, A.(1999)Psychological Applications on the Internet: A Discipline on the Threshold of a New Millennium. Available at: With the current advancement in the use of the Internet for psychological interventions, this article provides a critical review of various psychological applications in use on the Internet. A particular focus is given to their promises and advantages as well as to their shortcomings and problems.

Cabaniss K. (2001)Counseling and Computer Technology in the New Millennium--An Internet Delphi Study. Available at: discussion focuses on the manner in which the use of computer related technology is featuring within counselling and as a training feature within counselling education programmes. The purpose of this study was to assess how much and in what ways counsellors believe computer-related technology (CRT) is being utilised by professional counsellors at the time of the study in addition to the projected use of CRT by the year 2008.

Cabaniss, K. (2001) Computer-related Technology use in the New Millenium: A Delphi Study. Available at: article provides a more detailed insight to the processes and rationale within the study mentioned in the previous online reading.

Baldwin Royston, N.(1998)Technology and Employment and Career Counselling: A Compendium of Thoughts.The Counselling Foundation of Canada. Available at: This article discusses the place of technology within the field of career and employment counselling and related activities.

Croft,C. (2007)Dilemmas of the Self and the Internet. Available at:

etherapylaw (2008)Ethics: Securing your Digital Couch. A Clearinghouse for Information on Legal Issues in Online Counseling. Available at: web page of the Etherapy law website provides ethical direction for a wide variety of specialism’s for US online practitioners and is a useful reference point for practitioners who are seeking guidance where the forming of an ethical code within their field of specialism has not yet been established.

Fenichel, M. (2002)Mangement of Cybersex and Cyber Affairs on the Internet: APA Convention. Available at:

Fenichel, M.(1996–2007) Current Topics In Psychology. Available at:

This link offers a wealth of online resources which are available via the web page provided by Fenichel.

Fenichel, M. (1997–2003)‘Internet Addiction’:Addictive Behavior, Transference or More. Available at:

Fenichel, M. 2006)Online Psychotherapy:Technical Difficulties, Formulations and Processes. Available at: article discusses the perceived technical difficulties inherent in practitioner efforts to transform face-to-face healing relationships into online formats, across Internet-facilitated boundaries and modalities.

Grohol, J. (1999-2004) E-Therapy Essays. Available at: series of essays have been written by John Grohol on a variety of subjects relating to the development of online therapeutic services.

ISMHO (2000)A Report from the Millennium Group.The Online Clinical Case Study Group of the International Society for Mental Health Online. Available at:

The report focuses on the conclusions of the ISMHO group, which focused on the discussion of psychotherapy cases and professional clinical encounters that involve the Internet.

ISMHO(2001–2002)Myths and Realities of Online Clinical Work: Observations on the Phenomena of Online Behaviour, Experience and Therapeutic Relationships. A 3rd year report from ISMHO’s clinical Case Study group. Available at:

King, S. (1999–2005) Articles and Essays. Available at: selection of articles by Storm King where subjects ranging from Internet Gambling addiction to family therapy using the Internet are presented.

La Rose, R., Eastin, M. and Gregg, J. (2001)‘Reformulating the Internet paradox: social cognitive explanations of Internet use and depression’, Journal of Online Behaviour. Available at:

Lundberg, D. and Cobitz, C. (1999)‘Use of technology in counselling assessment: a survey of practices, views, and outlook’, Journal of Technology in Counselling. 1(1). Available at:

Maulhauser,G. (2005)Observations about the Practice of Online Therapy. Available at:

McKimmie, M. (2007)‘Click here for better health: a cover story’,Health and Medicine. Western Australian. Available at: is a very interesting range of Australian news Articles which discuss the way in which modern technology is featuring within Australian health care and related areas.

Mindlin, A. (2007) ‘Girl power is in full force online’,New York Times. Available at:

This article discusses the results of a telephone-based study which sought to identify adolescent gender use of the Internet and related activities. The study used the results of 935 interviews with adolescents in the 12–17 age range.

Neault,R.(2006)Building a Working Alliance Online: The Pan-Canadian Sympodium on Carrer Development and Life-Long Learning and Work Force Development. Available at: This document discusses the relevance and impact of working online with clients and the potential for forming of a therapeutic alliance

Nowak, K. and Rauh, C. (2005)‘The influence of the avatar on online perceptions of anthropomorphism, androgyny, credibility, homophily, and attraction.’ Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 11(1), article 8. Available at:

Pelling, N., ‘The use of technology in career counselling’,Journal of Technology in Counselling, 2(2). Available at: This paper reviews the use of technology in career counseling using computers and the evolution of the Internet. The article discusses the relevance of careers guidance professionals becoming electronically and technologically competent to appreciate career development, job hunting, and employment difficulties in the twenty-first century.

Pew Internet and American Life Project,Reports: Internet Evolution. Available at: A useful internet-based daily reporting source which contains information relating to various topics related to internet use.

Rainie, L,. Fox, S., Horrigan, J., Lenhart, A. and Spooner, T. (2008)Tracking Online Life: How Women Use the Internet to Cultivate Relationships with Family and Friends. Available at: available online in PDF Format:

Sherwell, P.(2006)America's Therapists get Hung Up Over Boom in Internet andIinstant Message Extracted on 26 February 2008.Available at: article discusses the boom in internet counselling within the US and the associated dilemmas.

Siapera, E. (2006)‘Multiculturalism online’,European Journal of Cultural Studies, 9(1) 5–24. DOI: 10.1177/1367549406060804Sage. This article discusses political aspects of multiculturalism as encountered on the internet. The article proposes that the dynamics apparent on the internet induce similar multicultural dynamics to those experienced within face-to-face encounters.

Stofle, G., Hamilton, and Hamilton, S. (1998)Online Supervision for Social Workers. The New Social Worker Magazine. Available at:

Stokes, S. (2006) ‘Supervision in cyberspace counselling at work’, ACW Journal, Winter. Available at:

Stofle, G. (1997)Thoughts about Online Psychotherapy:Ethical and Practical Considerations.Available at:

Suler, J. (1996–2008)Psychology of Cyberspace: Full article Index and Contents. Available at: This link provides access to a comprehensive list of articles written by John Suler within his online book The Psychology of Cyberspace, including such titles as‘The First decade of CyberPsychology’ and ‘Online Disinhibition’, etc.

Tarr, J. and Warren, W. (2002)‘Virtual reality in behavioural neuroscience and beyond’,Nature Neuroscience 5, 1089–92. Available at:

piece has been extracted from the introduction to the article to provide an indication of the subject content:‘Virtual reality (VR) has finally come of age for serious applications in the behavioral neurosciences. After capturing the public imagination a decade ago, enthusiasm for VR flagged due to hardware limitations, an absent commercial market and manufacturers who dropped the mass-market products that normally drive technological development. Recently, however, improvements in computer speed, quality of mounted displays and wide-area tracking systems have made VR attractive for both research and real-world applications in neuroscience, cognitive science and psychology. New and exciting applications for VR have emerged in research, training, rehabilitation, teleportation, virtual archaeology and tele-immersion.’

Taylor, C. (2006)Prevention of Eating Disorders in At-risk College-age Women. Archives of General Psychiatry. Available at:

initial section of the report is quoted here to illustrate the context and objective of the report: ‘Context eating disorders, an important health problem among college-age women, may be preventable, given that modifiable risk factors for eating disorders have been identified and interventions have been evaluated to reduce these risk factors. Objective To determine if an internet-based psychosocial intervention can prevent the onset of eating disorders (EDs) in young women at risk for developing EDs.’

White, N. (2007) E-Therapy: Move the Couch Aside and Pull Up a Computer Chair-today’s clients can opt for a screen-to-screen cyber session. Available at:

Madahar, L. (2004) Managing e-Guidance Interventions within HE Careers Services.

Published by:HESCU: Graduate Prospects.

Sage online readings: (these require activation by Sage as they are within the online publications area of Sage Publications)

Barnett, J. (2005) ‘Online counselling: new entity, new challenges’, The Counselling Psychologist; 33:872

Caspar, F. and Berger, T. (2005) ‘The future is bright: how can we optomize online counselling, and how can we know if we have done so?’, The Counseling Psychologist. 33.:900.

Chang, T. (2005) ‘Online counseling: prioritizing, psychoeducation, self help, and mutual help for counseling psychology research and practice’, The Counselling Psychologist 2005; 33;881.

Gibbs, S. (1998) ‘Open forum women on the web’, European Journal Of Womens’ Studies. 5:253.

Madahar, L. (2004) Managing e-Guidance Interventions within HE Careers Services. HESCU Graduate Prospects.

Mallen, J. (2005)‘Online counseling: reviewing the literature from acounseling psychology framework’, The Counseling Psychologist 33:819

Mallen, J. (2005)‘Practical aspects of online counseling: ethics, training, technology, and competency’,The Counseling Psychologist 33:776.

Mallen, J. and Vogel, D. (2005)‘Online counseling: aneed for discovery’,The Counseling Psychologist 33:910.

Page-Sanchez, D. (2005)‘The online counseling debate: aview towards the underserved’,The Counseling Psychologist33:891.

Sampson, J. (1986)‘Computer technology and counselling psycholog: regression towards The machine’,The Counseling Psychologist. 14:567.