Grading Policies and Procedures
Algebra 1B Ms. Hansen
Classroom Rules:
1) Come to class prepared with all necessary materials, pencils, paper, ruler, erasers, graphing paper.
2) Do not leave your seat without permission, especially during a lecture!!!
3) NO I-pods, cell phones, or electronic entertainment devices. If any of these items are out and visible, they will be confiscated. You may pick them up at the end of the day in the counseling office.
4) Treat all students, adults, and school property with respect. Inappropriate behavior, teasing, name calling, harassment will result in immediate discipline.
5) Do not talk during lessons, class work or home work review.
Tardies – Do Not Be Tardy To My Class!!!!
1-3 tardies – verbal warning with letter sent home.
4-6 tardies – one hour detention assigned after school plus a phone call home.
7-9 tardies – referral to counselor, Saturday Work assigned, plus parent conference.
Absent Work and Late Work
You will be given two days for every day you are absent to make up your homework. If you do make up an assignment due to an absence, then all warm-ups and class work done the day you were absent will be excused. But, if you do not make up homework from an absence, then you will receive no credit for warm ups or class work we did that day. You are also responsible for getting the notes for the day you were absent from another student. There is a red folder on my front table marked “Absent Work or Late Work”, please place your missing homework assignment in that red folder. If it is work from an absence, write “ABSENT” on the top.
Each homework assignment is worth 3 points. Each day that it is late you will receive one point off. Late work will not be accepted after 3 days.
How to Title Your Work
All assignments must be titled the same way. In the upper right hand corner print your first and last name. Then under that write the assignment, page number and problems. Under that write the date that you turned it in.
How Your Grade is Calculated – Your grade is a weighted grade, and is calculated using a set of proportions.
Homework – 20% - This includes daily homework assignments, class work, warm ups, and notes.
Quizzes – 30% - You will be given various quizzes to assess your progress though out the course. Most quizzes are between 20 and 30 points and are given on Friday’s.
Tests – 50% - A test will be given at the end of each unit of study. All future test dates and quiz dates are posted on the front board, and will also be announced frequently in class. All tests will contain 2-3 questions that will require that you explain your reasoning.
Each homework assignment is worth 3 points. You will be graded on completeness, and amount of work shown. If a set of problems require a certain amount of work to be shown, and you have only an answer written down, then points will be subtracted. Homework assignments are posted in my classroom and on my teacher page on the El Dorado website.
I will provide tutoring every day at lunch in my classroom, and every Wednesday and Friday after school. From 2:45 – 3:45 pm.
1) First offence – Verbal warning (you will be told to stop whatever behavior you are doing, don’t worry I will be very clear)
2) Second offense – Sent to another classroom for a period.
3) Third offense – 1 hour detention assigned on a Wednesday or Friday after school in MY classroom. If you don’t show I will write a referral and you will receive a Saturday school.
4) Fourth offence – Phone call home, referral to counselor, Saturday school.
5) Fifth offense – Suspension from class for 2 days, plus meeting with parents and counselor.
Please tear off and turn in. Last day to turn in will be Friday 9/5 to receive full credit.
Print Student Name ______
Parent Signature______