Guiding Engineers through a Self-Regulated

Life Long Learning Pathway


It is now -more than never- necessary that engineering candidates understand that receiving a diploma is not the end of their education pathway. Consequently it is necessary to demonstrate the candidates that they need to constantly renew their knowledge. This paper proposes models for learning programs so that the candidate starts to develop a “self-regulated” life long learning pathway while in school. These models will help the graduate to update the information when the time comes.


If we admit that the half-life of a new engineering knowledge –borrowing the term from radioactivity technology- is becoming shorter and shorter each year, drastic changes must be made on the way we approach to engineering education. To cope with these rapid changes, the goal of an educational institution must be now to develop theLearning to Learn (L2L)skills,this being the main topic of this paper.

Due to the changes in engineering sciences and technology, in the recent decades organizations–examples are given in the paper- have taken over the role of providing life long education of their staff. Following this trend, in order to help learners to develop L2L skills, the author has developed -during the last seven years- a technique to facilitate the meta-cognitive change required. Learners used to memorize and blindly apply knowledge are turned into innovators.


Once the learner has acquired L2L skills it is imperative that self-regulating learning habits be developed. This requires an important behavioral change. Used to prepare the assignments as they are required by the instructor, the learner should adopt an exploratory learning approach. The learner takes full control of the learning process. A “situated learning environment” –where the learner is “submerged” in real working conditions- will enhance the educational process.

The well known example of a famous university providing open courseware for 1600 courses is investigated. It is important to understand that learning will only take place when the learner is able to grasp the concepts developed in these course-wares. When the learner is able to fully implement this knowledge in real projects, the education process will be completed. With the help of computer software work will be facilitated

Full utilization of computer networks will help the learning process. Forums can replicate the real working conditions were teams of engineers are expected to cooperate in the accomplishment of a project. Adequate guidance should be provided during this process since many learners are not trained to work in “communities of practice”. Real time “carrot and stick” must be provided: leadership in industry is possible by continued improvements and changes. We wish to praise the work of Graaff and Kolmos, on active learning environments1.


The L2L technique starts by depicting the concepts and selecting the objects and processes involved in the knowledge domain. Once these objects and processes are clearly understood –borrowing from “object oriented programming” techniques developed in software engineering- related events are described. Several examples can be given where learners were expected to complete the individual project they were assigned at the beginning of the course. We have adopted the graphical notation proposed by Dori, concepts are drawn in circles, objects within squares (with their attributes), processes in ellipses and events shown using triangles2.

Exhibit 1. A model for “Learning to Learn” based on Object Oriented Programming

Since the new approach in engineering education is to develop L2L skills, the role of the universities must change form being the providers instruction material to that of being the guides along a roadmap best suited –a tailor made approach- to each learner. The university key function of evaluation of learners’ performance and giving accreditation for the profession will continue to exist.It is the main duty of the instructors to provide as complete as possible. A modest example -shown in Exhibit 2.- developed by the author for mechanical engineering, includes all phases of the profession integrating theory with practice.


Our experiences shared with many young engineers points to the need to give support to candidates at different stages of their life. Candidates must be encouraged to draw –as shown in Exhibit 3.- a plan having a life-long perspective. This plan should start with the preparation stage when basic material and skills are acquired. The most production stage takes places from 30 to 60 years when the maturing engineering should contribute to his community with the fruits of the knowledge accumulated. All the experiences should be compiled and published in the last stage for the benefit of the new comers.Weshould help the engineersto a) build on a life long plan, b) develop a general perspective in philosophy, c) arrange networking with people and d) give news about developments in the world.

Exhibit 3. Life-Long S-Curve for an Engineering Candidate

Participation in professional meetings organized by different associations –such as design engineering, distance education, biomedical engineering- can help an engineer to develop the healthy habit of self-regulated learning. Knowing other professionals –birds of the same feathers- in such meeting motivates to continuing on learning. There is no end to learning. We should encourage each other to move on. It is now fashion to talk of “communities of practitioners”, the Linux working group being a success story. Self-regulated learning is transforming into a co-regulated learning approach. Dedicated software is helping professionals to communicate and make instant decisions at a distance. According to Popper“a signpost on [the] way to creative and happy life: however happy you may be with a solution, never think of it as final”3.


Engineering education should focus on the delivery of products or services that the professionals provide to the community. Keeping these in mind, the engineering practitioner should reflex constantly on how to enhance the wealth of knowledge and skills to improve the wellbeing of the environment. Fortunately there is a wide range of alternatives and possibility for constant enrichment. “Employability” is a now a catch word in the human resource organizations: constant improvement in skill is needed.It is the right time -the author has spent the last four decades in teaching, implementing and publishing- to disclose the findings.

Professionals should feel the responsibility of their actions and help in preparing for the next generations. We welcome the ASEE K12 approach we should all support. Our experience shows that engineers have difficulties in expressing their ideas. We need a scheme that will help in the processes of report writing. Here some possible clues: a) state the claim based on the known acceptedpremises, b)support the claim with arguments and evidences, c) propose new ideas based on affordability, usability, manufacturability, maintenability, reliability, disposability and feasibility and d) project the findings to possible work in the future

Guiding engineers for a life long pathway should be based on personal past performances. Teaching material on computer, design, graphics in industry (textile, paper, petroleum and automotive), energy (wind and solar), marketing (control and welding) is available. We regret to having had the “administrative muscle power” to make the changes needed in engineering education based on the lessons learned in the past years. To assess the outcomes –as required by ABET 200- of education we should be able to trace the performance of former graduate and adjust our “navigation rudder” accordingly.

We hope that this conference will provide the necessary environment to transmit -with de development of digital technology we are now living in a “small village”- the now hidden legacy.A logbook (now called blogs) containing all the professional activities can be suggested.Every engineer as a developer of new ideas is an innate researcher which is moved by her desire to be of use to his -now the global- community. The case of recent project of computers for underdeveloped countries – the well known 100 $ laptop- tells very well the story we wish to describe.


We remain in debt to the late Director of the Environmental Sciences Institute Prof.Kriton Curi for his support in making this work possible.


1 Graaff, Erik de & Kolmos, Anette “Characteristics of problem-based learning”. International Journal of Engineering Education. 19, 5, p. 657-662, 2003

2. Dori, D. “Object-process methodology : a holistics systems paradigm”, Berlin : Springer, 2002.

3. Popper, K. “All Life is a Problem Solving”, Routledge, London, pp.161, 1999