Curriculum Vitae


name: / Marek Palka
nationality: / Polish
date of birth: / 29 November 1958
address: / ul. Rusinów 8E, 43-190 Mikołów, Poland
contact: / email:
mobile: +48605109 986
2003 - 2007 / Silesian Higher School of Management – Engineer in information technology
Since April 2007
August 1999 – March 2007
September 1998 – July 1999
August 1995 – August 1998
December 1992 – July 1995 / Software Engineer for Asseco Poland S.A., Katowice
Working in multitier project on computerization of public insurance institution in Poland (ZUS); main part of the work includes xml with xslt technology, c++ programming on Windows NT/XP platform using COM technology
Programmer for Prokom Software S.A., Katowice
As above.
Programmer for ComputerLand, Katowice
Programming on Windows NT/XP platform using Progress 4GL language in project for The Labour Ministry
Programmer for Computer Systems For Business International S.A., Katowice
Programming on Windows NT/XP platform using Progress 4GL language in project for The Labour Ministry
Programmer for BSW Software Product, Katowice
·  very good knowledge of office software (MS Office, Lotus Notes. MS Project),
·  maintain information about application defects and tests results in systems: JIRA
·  experience in working with database: Informix, DB2,
·  creating databases with use of such CASE tools as: MS Access, Oracle Designer, Visio, EasyCASE, MS SQLServer,
·  very good knowledge of SQL,
·  good knowledge of programming in HTML-5,CSS-3, JavaSript, JQuery framework, PHP,
·  very good knowledge of programming in Windows environment (Delphi, Borland C++, XSLT-FO, XML),
·  responsibility, accuracy, precision,
·  like team working,
·  ability to work well under time pressure,
·  ready to learn new things,
·  systematic, well organized,
·  inquiring, patience, observant.
Polish - native, English – good

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