Common Area Lesson Plans

Hallway Procedures

We are Respectful * We are Responsible * We are Safe

Teacher Defined Procedures:

v  Students should be hallway ready before leaving classroom.

v  Be sure students are using the Skelly Stroll.

v  In hallway, position your class to walk in a single file line as far right as possible without touching the wall or lockers.

v  Position yourself where you can always see your entire class

o  Utilize landmarks as a stopping point to keep the class together and in your line of sight.

o  If your class is not complying with hallway procedures, stop and address it before proceeding.

v  Stay with your class until you have passed them to the next supervising adult.

What needs to be taught:

v  Skelly Stroll

o  Hands buckled behind our backs

o  Form a single file line, facing forward

o  Voices off

o  Listening ears

v  Demonstrate how to walk on the right side of the hallway, without touching the walls or lockers.

v  Remind students that these procedures should be used in the hallways AT ALL TIMES.

Step 1: Tell students – Review everything verbally in classroom before demonstrating in hallway. Discuss how following these guidelines promotes the Skelly pledge and expectations.

Step 2: Show the students what to do – Take students in the hallway and show them how to use the Skelly Stroll and keep to the right of the hallway. Model the correct and incorrect examples of behavior. Remind them how everything ties in with the pledge and expectations, as stated above.

Step 3: Practice – Have students demonstrate parts of the procedure in pairs. Have them show you as a group what to do. Ask them how what they are doing ties in to the pledge and expectations.

Step 4: Monitor and Feedback – If students seem to have difficulty with certain parts of the procedure, have them draw what it should look like. Remind them of the pledge and expectations and have them repeat and practice with pairs. Practice and review again until everyone is clear.

Common Area Lesson Plans

Cafeteria Procedures

We are Respectful * We are Responsible * We are Safe

Teacher Defined Procedures:

v  Hand our lunch cards to each student before leaving the room.

v  Walk your class into cafeteria using the Skelly Stroll.

v  Walk your class all the way into the cafeteria and to the counter.

v  Class remains seated until teacher arrives to pick them up.

o  IF teacher is 5 minutes late, class will be lined up against the nearest available wall to make room for incoming classes to sit for lunch. Please be mindful and respectful of time for those on lunch duty.

What needs to be taught:

v  Have your lunch card in your hand and enter cafeteria using Skelly Stroll.

v  Get milk and go by salad bar before you sit down (only one milk allowed).

v  Leave ketchup and salad dressing bottles at the salad bar.

v  Once seated, stay in your seat on your behind and facing the table.

v  Raise your hand for help.

v  Remember to use good table manners and use inside voices.

v  Keep food on tray or inside your mouth so that it does not end up on table or floor.

v  Eat only your food.

v  Raise hand to ask for salad bar seconds. You must have permission from the duty adult to visit the salad bar again.

v  “Silver Spoons” will be picked by the adult on duty. 5 minutes before it is time to leave, “Silver Spoons” will be allowed to start sweeping and cleaning off tables.

v  Keep all lunch trash together and on tray.

v  Clean up your area and remain seated until classroom teacher arrives.

Step 1: Tell students – Review everything verbally in classroom before demonstrating in cafeteria. Discuss how following these guidelines promotes the Skelly pledge and expectations.

Step 2: Show the students what to do – Take students to the cafeteria and show them the procedures. Model the correct and incorrect examples of behavior. Remind them how everything ties in with the pledge and expectations, as stated above.

Step 3: Practice – Have students demonstrate parts of the procedure in pairs. Have them show you as a group what to do. Ask them how what they are doing ties in to the pledge and expectations.

Step 4: Monitor and Feedback – If students seem to have difficulty with certain parts of the procedure, have them draw what it should look like. Remind them of the pledge and expectations and have them repeat and practice with pairs. Practice and review again until everyone is clear.

Common Area Lesson Plans

Bathroom Procedures

We are Respectful * We are Responsible * We are Safe

Teacher Defined Procedures:

v  Grade level teams may decide bathroom process, whether to take whole group breaks, etc.

v  Grade level should use only their designated bathrooms.

What needs to be taught:

v  Enter bathroom as directed by teacher

v  Give others privacy

v  Do your business and flush

o  Bathroom business should be flushed so it does not end up on the floor or wall

v  Wash hands

o  Use 1 pump of soap and 3 pulls of paper towels

o  Soap and water stay in the sink

v  Throw paper towel in the trashcan

v  Keep bathroom clean and picked up

v  Get in and get out

o  No standing around to talk

v  Report bathroom problems or messes to teacher

Step 1: Tell students – Review everything verbally in classroom before demonstrating in bathroom. Discuss how following these guidelines promotes the Skelly pledge and expectations.

Step 2: Show the students what to do – Take students to the bathrooms and remind them of the procedures.Model the correct and incorrect examples of behavior. Also remind them how everything ties in with the pledge and expectations, as stated above.

Step 3: Practice – Have students demonstrate parts of the procedure in pairs. Have them show you as a group what to do. Ask them how what they are doing ties in to the pledge and expectations.

Step 4: Monitor and Feedback – If students seem to have difficulty with certain parts of the procedure, have them draw what it should look like. Remind them of the pledge and expectations and have them repeat and practice with pairs. Practice and review again until everyone is clear.

Common Area Lesson Plans

Playground Procedures

We are Respectful * We are Responsible * We are Safe

Teacher Defined Procedures:

v  Active supervision

o  Circulate and monitor all students

o  Position yourself so that you are able to see all student areas

v  You are responsible for all students

v  Teachers should remain on duty and students must be monitored at all times

v  Use your assigned playground area only at your designated recess time

o  Assigned Playground Areas


§  1st& 2nd—New Big Toy by 1st Grade Hall

§  3rd& 4th—Existing Big Toy Northwest of Building

§  5th& 6th—Fitness Area at West end of track

v  Take cell phone outside with you and make sure your cell number is on record with the office in case of emergency.

v  If for some reason you are going outside at an unscheduled time, notify the office before going out.

What needs to be taught:

v  Students should Skelly stroll to the playground/track with the teacher until they are told otherwise.

v  Keep hands to yourself and use only RESPECTFUL language.

v  Track procedures

o  Stay on the track

o  Talk only to Skelly staff and students.

o  Report anyone else to the nearest adult.

v  Big toy procedures

o  Slide DOWN the slides only.

o  Stay within the common areas where everyone else is.

o  Be sure to hold onto the bars as you climb down carefully to the ground.

o  Do not throw rocks or mulch. They should be left on the ground for safety reasons.

v  Do not bring food, candy, or drinks outside.

v  Students should line up with class as soon as they are notified by teachers.

Step 1: Tell students – Review everything verbally in classroom before demonstrating on the playground. Discuss how following these guidelines promotes the Skelly pledge and expectations.

Step 2: Show the students what to do – Take students to the playground and show them how to use the equipment appropriately. Model the correct and incorrect examples of behavior. Remind them how everything ties in with the pledge and expectations, as stated above.

Step 3: Practice – Have students demonstrate parts of the procedure in pairs. Have them show you as a group what to do. Ask them how what they are doing ties in to the pledge and expectations.

Step 4: Monitor and Feedback – If students seem to have difficulty with certain parts of the procedure, have them draw what it should look like. Remind them of the pledge and expectations and have them repeat and practice with pairs. Practice and review again until everyone is clear.

Common Area Lesson Plans

Arrival Procedures

We are Respectful * We are Responsible * We are Safe

Teacher Defined Procedures:

v  One-two teachers from each grade level will have morning duty daily.

v  Classroom teachers are responsible for getting their breakfast from the cafeteria or making arrangements with a buddy teacher. (No student helpers.)

v  All students will enter through main doors and go directly to their assigned areas.

v  At 7:25, 1st grades – 3rd grades will sit with their grade level in the gym.

v  At 7:25, 4th grades – 6th grades will sit with their grade level in the auditorium.

v  When the first bell rings at 7:45, the morning duty teacher(s) will walk their respective grade levels to their hall.

v  Teachers should greet students at the classroom doors.

v  Breakfast and Morning Meeting/Community Circle should be taking place in all classrooms from 7:45-8:15.

v  Teacher chooses no more than 2 students to return breakfast tub, with trash in it, to the cafeteria no later than 8:30. These students are to be taught the procedures for returning breakfast, and instructed to return immediately to class.

What needs to be taught:

v  No one is allowed in the building until 7:25.

v  Everyone enters at the front main doors only.

v  Show students where they are to go in the morning

o  1st-3rd in the gym against designated wall

§  1st Grade—West Wall

§  2nd Grade—East Wall

§  3rd Grade—North Wall

o  4th-6th in the auditorium in designated section

§  4th Grade—Front West Section

§  5th Grade—Front Center Section

§  6th grade—Front East Section

v  Students should go directly to their “holding area” no stops at lockers, bathroom, etc.

v  Remind students that they should stay quietly seated in their area once inside the gym/auditorium

v  At 7:45 students should stay in line with the morning duty teacher until they reach their classroom/hallway.

v  Procedures for returning breakfast tubs to cafeteria:

o  Take tub with trash sack in it directly to the cafeteria.

o  Enter and exit through correct, designated doors.

o  Deliver tub to “Fab-4” 6th graders, then leave cafeteria immediately.

o  Go directly back to class…no stops along the way.

Step 1: Tell students – Review everything verbally in classroom before demonstrating in gym/auditorium. Discuss how following these guidelines promotes the Skelly pledge and expectations.

Step 2: Show the students what to do – Take students into the gym/auditorium. Model the correct and incorrect examples of behavior. Remind them how everything ties in with the pledge and expectations, as stated above.

Step 3: Practice – Have students demonstrate parts of the procedure in pairs. Have them show you as a group what to do. Ask them how what they are doing ties in to the pledge and expectations.

Step 4: Monitor and Feedback – If students seem to have difficulty with certain parts of the procedure, have them draw what it should look like. Remind them of the pledge and expectations and have them repeat and practice with pairs. Practice and review again until everyone is clear.

Common Area Lesson Plans

Dismissal Procedures

We are Respectful * We are Responsible * We are Safe

Teacher Defined Procedures:

v  Make sure to have students packed and ready to go at scheduled time. Students should be outside in their dismissal area by these times, exiting through designated doors:

o  1st grade – 2:35

§  All 1st—Front North Doors

o  2nd grade, 4th grade – 2:40

§  Steinocher, Rowland, Givens, McClendon—Main Doors

§  Yelton, Fahey—Front North Doors

§  Pabon, Beech, Calhoun—Main Doors

§  Warterfield, Sowle, Schweikhard—Front North Doors

o  3rd grade, 5th grade – 2:45

§  All 3rd—Main Doors

§  All 5th—Front North Doors

o  6th grade – 2:50

§  All 6th—Main Doors

v  Teachers should escort their classes to their designated outside area (look for grade level painted on the sidewalk) and make sure to walk them ALL THE WAY.

v  Make sure walkers leave promptly and that car riders remain seated in their designated area.

v  Bus riders and Destination FUN students will be picked up by designated bus duty staff according to schedule that will be developed and distributed.

v  Casey will begin picking up After Care students at 2:30, starting in the 1st grade hallway followed by 2nd and 3rd grades.

v  Specific duty responsibilities will be provided.

On Inside Dismissal Days:

v  Bus riders and Destination FUN students will be picked up as usual.

v  Walkers should stay with class until they reach the closest exit door, where they are to check out with their teacher before leaving the building.

v  ALL grades report to the auditorium, entering through the WEST doors at the same scheduled time as outside dismissal, and sit in the assigned grade level area:

o  1st grade – 2:35 Front West Section

o  2nd grade—2:40 Front Center Section (Fill in all front rows)

o  3rd grade—2:45 Front Center Section (Fill in all back rows)