Protégé Information Gathering Observation Form

Protégé Reflection Form

This structure is designed for the protégé to observe their mentor and collect ideas for Domain 2: The Classroom Environment using the Protégé Information Observation Gatheringform. Having the protégé observe the mentor will help encourage and build trust between the mentor and protégé prior to the mentor doing a more formal observation of the protégé. This structure emphasizes that this is a collaborative effort with communication flowing between the mentor and protégé.

Mentor and Protégé have a Pre-Conference. At this conference mentor will invite protégé to their classroom for information gathering. Give protégé the form with the questions that will guide them in gathering information and strategies for Domain 2. Set a time for protégé to observe in mentor’s classroom.

At the Post Observation Conference use the Protégé Information Gathering Observation form to generate a discussion of the PAI and how Domain 2 is part of their evaluation. The questions on their form were derived from the components of Domain 2. This would be an appropriate time to discuss the four domains and that the Cobb County PAI is based on the four domains. They should have a copy of PAI standards…if not provide one.

Have protégé fill out Post Observation Conference Protégé Reflectionform at the post-conference with you. Bring reflections and a copy of the Protégé Information Gathering Observation form to the September meeting.

Explain that you will be observing in their classroom for Domain 2 and together choose a focus area.

NOTE: Mentors are to bring these to the next monthly meeting.

Protégé Information Gathering Observation Form

Protégé ______Mentor ______

Questions / Observation Notes

How do students know they are respected?
What were some examples of Teacher/Student interaction? Student/Student interaction?
How does a teacher establisha classroom learning environment?
What does it mean to have high expectations for student learning?

What are some examples that this classroom has high expectations for all students and students have a safe environment for taking risks?
What are some examples that students take pride in their work?
Questions / Observation Notes

What techniques were used for transition?
How was the group work organized so that students were engaged?
Were routines for handling materials and supplies seamless (with little or no loss of instruction time)?
How were other non-instructional duties handled?

What are the classroom expectations for conduct?
How is student behavior monitored?
How does the teacher respond to inappropriate behavior?

How is the room arranged? How does this enhance student learning?
Protégé Reflection Form
From your observation notes what insights did you have?