Name: Period: Date:

Evidence Guide: Ch. 14.1 Revolutions in Russia (p. 433-439)

Read the following statements and circle if they are True or False by reading the chapter. Write down the page number, paragraph number, and if it is True, write the phrase as evidence.

1.  True or False

Revolution broke out in Russia in 1917 from decades of oppression by czar rule.

Page #____ Paragraph #:_____ Evidence sentence:

2.  True or False

Czars in Russia tolerated different religions and languages used in Russia.

Page #____ Paragraph #:_____ Evidence sentence:

3.  True or False

Alexander III attempted to prevent revolutionaries by allowing free speech and respecting privacy rights.

Page #____ Paragraph #:_____ Evidence sentence:

4.  True or False

Alexander III realized how oppressive czar rule was to Jews, Polish, and Russia, thereof, he decided to get rid of the Russian autocracy.

Page #____ Paragraph #:_____ Evidence sentence:

5.  True or False

Between 1863 and 1900, factories doubled which made Russia the most industrialized nation compared to industrial countries of western Europe.

Page #____ Paragraph #:_____ Evidence sentence:

6.  True or False

Industrialization of Russia brought many problems such as child labor and low standards of living, which led people to begin striking.

Page #____ Paragraph #:_____ Evidence sentence:

7.  True or False

Karl Marx predicted that the proletariat would overthrow dictators, in which Marxist revolutionaries believed that the Russian people would finally overthrow the czar.

Page #____ Paragraph #:_____ Evidence sentence:

8.  True or False

An extremist group called the Bolsheviks supported revolutionaries and Vladimir Lenin became major leader in the revolution against the czar.

Page #____ Paragraph #:_____ Evidence sentence:

9.  True or False

Bloody Sunday is known as the day that revolutionaries killed Czar Nicholas II and his followers in Winter Palace in St. Petersburg.

Page #____ Paragraph #:_____ Evidence sentence:

10.  True or False

Czar Nicholas II agreed to a constitutional monarchy and finally ended czarist oppression in Russia.

Page #____ Paragraph #:_____ Evidence sentence:

11.  True or False

The March Revolution was a long march for celebrating the end of czarist rule.

Page #____ Paragraph #:_____ Evidence sentence:

12.  True or False

The provisional government, headed by Kerensky decided to continue to be in WWI, which dragged bad conditions in Russia, in which made socialist revolutionaries to form soviets.

Page #____ Paragraph #:_____ Evidence sentence:

13.  True or False

Bolsheviks, also known as the Red Guards, took over the Russian government and distributed farmland.

Page #____ Paragraph #:_____ Evidence sentence:

14.  True or False

The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk helped form a groups against Bolshevik rule, called the White Army.

Page #____ Paragraph #:_____ Evidence sentence: