Support for Improving Professional Practice

COUNTY: / Randolph / SUBMITTED BY: / Donna Simmons, Director of Special Education
What data did you analyze to determine district professional development, trainings and support?
Mentor Program Evaluation, Randolph County Schools 2013-2014 Staff Development Survey, Formative and Summative Assessment Data
Identify strengths and weaknesses as determined by the educator evaluation system and explain how these findings guided your professional development plan.
One strength that was found was the willingness of experienced teachers to mentor beginning teachers. Weaknesses included knowledge of the Common Core, student engagement, and student motivation. This Professional Development plan will concentrate on both the strengths and weaknesses.
Beginning Teachers
(Years 1 – 2) / 1. New Teacher Academy will be held prior to the beginning of the 2013-2014 School Year. (1) / Debbie Fincham, Pam Hewitt, Donna
Simmons / ☒Title I ☒ Title II
☒Sp. Ed. ☐CTE
☒Other: Staff Development Funds / Evidence:
1. An evaluation of the academies, Mentor Programs and the New Teacher Orientation Meetings will be completed by all participants. (3,4) 2. Data will be collected through the New Teacher Evaluation System (3,4)
2. New Teacher Orientation Meetings will be held monthly for 8 months throughout the school year for beginning, first and second year teachers. (1) / Total $:
3. Special Education Beginning Teacher Academy will be held at the beginning of the 2013-2014 School Year. (1, 6)
4. Job embedded New Title I Teacher Training will be held during September 2013. (1,6)
5. Job embedded Mentor Teachers will be assigned to each beginning teacher. (1,6)
6. Two job embedded Common Core Follow-up Trainings will be held during the 2013-2014 School Year. (5,7)
7. Mentor teachers will be provided with a notebook containing materials to be covered each 9 weeks with the newly employed teacher. They will be asked to meet at the end of each nine weeks. (1,6)
Experienced Teachers
(3+ Years) / 1. Summer Academy will be held on June 12, 2013. Emphasis will be based on technology in the classroom, student motivation, Engrade and student achievement and student behavior. (5,7) / Debbie Fincham, Pam Hewitt and Donna Simmons / ☒Title I ☒Title II
☒Sp. Ed. ☐ CTE
☒Other: Staff Development Funds / Evidence:
1. Sessions were developed from feedback provided by teachers throught the Randolph County Schools Staff Development Survey. (3, 4) 2. A Common Core template will be developed for principals and central staff to monitor the implementation of the Common Core in the classroom. (3,4) 3. Evaluations will be completed at the end of each Common Core training. (3,4)
2. Two job embedded Common Core Follow-up Trainings will be held during the 2013-2014 school year. (5,7)
/ Total $:
3. Grade Level Curriculum Meetings will be held in order to share Best Practices throughout the county. (7)
Student Teachers / 1. Five to seven Professional Development Schools are identified through Davis and Elkins College and the Kump Educational Center to be a bridge between the county school system and the student teachers from Davis and Elkins College. (2) / Debbie Fincham and Pam Hewitt / ☐Title I ☒Title II
☐Sp. Ed. ☐CTE
☐Other: Click to explain other source(s) / Evidence:
1. Cooporating teachers complete evaluations for each student teacher assigned. (3,4) 2. Liasons meet with student teachers on a daily basis (3,4)
2. Liaisons are hired through Randolph County Schools to mentor these beginning student teachers. (2) / Total $:

West Virginia Department of Education

Division of Educator Quality and System Support

Office of School Improvement