1. Aqueous Solutions

Some conceptual things to know…

  1. This unit was about three main categories of reactions that take place in what medium/environment?
  1. All solutions are made by combing ______with a ______, of which water is the most universal.
  1. Water is the universal solvent because H2O molecules have ______created by….
  1. Solutes dissociate. What does this mean? So what does it mean for something to dissolve?
  1. Why do some things dissolve while others do not? In other words, how can we know if a substance will dissolve in a particular solvent?
  1. If a solute fully dissolves/dissociates, it is considered a _____ electrolyte while a solute that does not fully dissolve/dissociate (or dissolve/dissociate at all) is considered a _____ electrolyte.
  1. Be able to explain what hydration is, and to demonstrate hydration of ions by drawing H2O molecules in the correct direction for cations and anions.
  1. Solutions are mixtures, not compounds. What does this imply about hydration; does hydration result in compounds or mixtures?
  1. What are the three main categories of reactions?
  1. What are the five main types of reactions?

3. Precipitate Reactions

  1. What is a precipitate?
  1. So what is a precipitate reaction?
  1. What two reactions types are most common for this reaction category?
  1. Know the solubility rules to predict products for precipitate reactions.
  2. TIPS
  3. Does NO3- ever result in a precipitate? NO3-! (get it??)
  4. Alkali metals NEVER result in a precipitate.
  5. Ba(OH)2 is SOLUBE, NO precipitate, but other 2+ charge cations do form precipitates
  6. The BIG 3 cations are important because they generally form precipitates.
  7. Be able to write complete ionic and net ionic equations
  8. Be able to identify spectator ions

4. Acids & Bases

  1. Be able to distinguish acid from bases
  1. Memorize the six strong acids!!
  1. How are strong acids/bases different from weak acids/bases?
  2. Why is this important to know??
  3. How will this affect the writing for complete ionic and net ionic equations?
  1. What are the products of an acid&base reaction?
  2. When are gases produced in an acid base reaction?
  1. Be able to describe how solutions are diluted in a lab.
  1. Be able to describe how to perform a titration, and explain the functions/purpose of a titration lab; what is it useful for?

5. Solution Stoichiometry

  1. Know how to use the molarity formula with stoichiometry calculation to calculate grams of precipitate produced or the concentrations of various solutions involved in the reaction.
  2. When and only when shoul M1V1 = M2V2 be used?
  1. Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
  1. How are redox reactions different from reactions that involve salts (ionic compounds)?
  1. Be able to assign oxidation states/numbers
  2. Know the rules for assigning oxidation numbers
  1. Be able to identify which substance is oxidized and which is reduced.
  2. OiL Rig
  1. Be able to balance redox reactions in both acidic and basic solutions
  2. What extra steps are required for basic solutions?