Approved at University Studies sub-committee March 23rd. A2C2 action pending.

Approved by Faculty senate April 4, 2005.



Department _____Communication Studies______Date ___Feb. 17, 2005______

____451______Topics in Communication Studies______3____

Course No. Course Name Credits

This proposal is for a(n) __x____ Undergraduate Course

Applies to: ___x___ Major ___x___ Minor

__x___ Required _____ Required

__x___ Elective __x___ Elective

University Studies (A course may be approved to satisfy only one set of outcomes.):

Course Requirements:

Basic Skills: Arts & Science Core: Unity and Diversity:

_____ 1. College Reading and Writing _____ 1. Humanities _____ 1. Critical Analysis

_____ 2. Oral Communication _____ 2. Natural Science _____ 2. Science and Social Policy

_____ 3. Mathematics _____ 3. Social Science _____ 3. a. Global Perspectives

_____ 4. Physical Development & Wellness _____ 4. Fine & Performing Arts _____ b. Multicultural Perspectives

_____ 4. a. Contemporary Citizenship

_____ b. Democratic Institutions

Flagged Courses: _____ 1. Writing

__x___ 2. Oral Communication

_____ 3. a. Mathematics/Statistics

_____ b. Critical Analysis

Prerequisites ______CmSt 191, 282, or instructor’s permission for non-majors.______

Provide the following information (attach materials to this proposal):

Please see “Directions for the Department” on previous page for material to be submitted.

Attach a University Studies Approval Form.

Department Contact Person for this Proposal:

__Dr. Amy

Name (please print) Phone e-mail address



Routing form for University Studies Course approval. Course______

Department Recommendation _____ Approved _____ Disapproved
Department Chair Date e-mail address
Dean’s Recommendation _____ Approved _____ Disapproved*
Dean of College Date
*In the case of a dean’s recommendation to disapprove a proposal, a written rationale for the recommendation to disapprove shall be provided to the University Studies Subcommittee.
USS Recommendation _____ Approved _____ Disapproved _____ No recommendation
University Studies Director Date
A2C2 Recommendation _____ Approved _____ Disapproved
Chair of A2C2 Date
Faculty Senate Recommendation _____ Approved _____ Disapproved
President of Faculty Senate Date
Academic Vice President Recommendation _____ Approved _____ Disapproved
Academic Vice President Date
Decision of President _____ Approved _____ Disapproved
President Date
Please forward to Registrar.
Registrar ______Please notify department chair via e-mail that curricular change has been recorded.
Date entered

University Studies Course Proposal

Department or Program: CMST
Course Number: 451
Course Title: Topics in Communication Studies
Catalog Description: 451-Topics in Communication Studies-3 S.H.

An in-depth specific course. Topics vary. Prerequisite: CMST 191 and 282 or instructor's permission for non-majors. May be repeated with different topics. Offered yearly.

This is an existing course that has previously been approved by A2C2: Yes.
Department Contact Person for this course: Dr. Amy Hermodson 457-5482

The proposed course is designed to satisfy the requirements in: Oral Flag

Course Requirements: Students will increase their proficiency in public speaking beyond the skills taught in CMST 191. Students will deliver graded individual speeches which will constitute a significant portion of the final grade in the class. This course strives to make students more aware of their current skills as an oral communicator, empower students to become more effective speakers, and help students to become better listeners through the process of exposure to various peer speeches.

This course includes requirements and learning activities that promote students' abilities to...

a. Earn significant course credit through extemporaneous oral presentations: A significant portion of the final grade comes from delivering individual speeches and presentations. The sample syllabus provides examples of the types of speeches that could be done in the Topics course. It should be noted that each student is graded INDIVIDUALLY on their performance and work on each of the speech projects in the class, even though some of the presentations are performed as a group.

b. Understand the features and types of speaking in their disciplines: While the types of speeches given in the Topics class may vary from instructor to instructor, the sample syllabus provides the range of possibilities that could occur in the Topics class. For example, in the mini presentations, students will learn how to synthesize the material from a scholarly communication studies journal article and present it to the class in a way that can be easily understood by the audience. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to learn how scholars in the discipline of communication present their research at our national and regional conferences by putting together panel presentations of their own scholarly work.

c. Adapt their speaking to field-specific audiences: As noted above, the students will do speeches that directly relate to speaking experiences commonly found in the discipline of communication (conference style presentations, extemporaneous speeches, research summary presentations, etc.). For each of these speeches, students will learn techniques in audience analysis and adapt their speeches to the appropriate communication studies audience.

d. Receive appropriate feedback from teachers and peers, including suggestions for improvement: All speeches are graded individually and student progress is made evident through written critiques, oral feedback, and peer review.

e. Make use of the technologies used for research and speaking in the fields: Students are encouraged to enhance speaking effectiveness through technology and visual aids. Some examples are power point, overhead projectors, TV/VCR and media visual aids.

f. Learn the conventions of evidence, format, usage, and documentation in their fields. Students present claims and evidence in traditional inductive, deductive and narrative forms. Students are instructed as to the proper citation formats such as APA and MLA. Emphasis is also put on standard forms of outline and proper structure of presentations.

Sample Syllabus for Topics in Communication Studies

Communication Studies 451

Instructor: Professor X

Office: PAC Rm 215

Phone: x5238


Office hours: MTWTF 12-2. And by appointment.

Required Materials: Text of the professor’s choosing.

Course Goals:

This is a University Studies Basic Skills Course. It satisfies the Oral Flag Requirement. The outcomes listed for the University Studies Oral Flag Requirement specify that the course provide students the activities and opportunities to:

a.  earn significant course credit through extemporaneous oral presentations

b.  understand the features and types of speaking in their disciplines

c.  adapt their speaking to field specific audiences

d.  receive appropriate feedback from teachers and peers, including suggestions for improvement

e.  make use of the technologies used for research and speaking in fields

f.  learn the conventions of evidence, format, usage and documentation in their fields


Exams 2 @ 100 = 200

[Exam Preparation Journal 13 @.77 extra = 10]

Group Presentation 1 @ 50 = 50 (a-f)

Mini Presentation 1 @ 30 = 30 (a-f)

Panel Presentation 1 @ 50 = 50 (a-f)

Panel Paper 1 @ 75 = 75

Feedback Assignment 3 @ 10 = 30 (d)

Attendance ½ point per day = 15 (b, c, d, f)

= 450

A= 403-450 B= 358-402 C= 313-357 D= 268-312 F= 0-267

All assignments need to be typed, put into the required formats, and references need to be put into APA style


You will take two exams this semester. Exams will be in the true/false, multiple choice, and short answer format. Content will cover the text, the class notes, and the group and mini presentations. You will need to bring a scantron and pencil to class on the day of the exam. In-class reviews for the exam take place before the exam. You are encouraged to do the exam preparation journal for extra credit to prepare you for the exam review and the exams. I am more than willing to help you prepare for your exam and give you studying advice if you ask.

Exam Preparation Journal

You may fill out this exam study guide for extra credit. To get the full points for this extra credit, you need to turn each day’s study guide on the day that chapter is presented in class. You will get the study guide back the next class period so that you can review it throughout the semester. I encourage you to put each key concept on a note card, with the definition, an example of the concept, and other related information on the back of the note card for easy studying for the exam.

Grading Criterion

You will receive full credit for completing each item on the study guide list.

Group Presentation

You will choose a group of 5-6 people with which you will put together a group presentation on one of the following topics: family patterns, family rituals or narratives, family roles, power and the family, or family conflict. You need to imagine that your group has been asked to help your class improve their communication in this area of family communication. You will need to do some research in your area (outside of information in your textbook or class notes), identify key ideas that you can discuss with your audience, and address ways to improve communication in your area. Additionally, you will include your audience in some assessment activity or training activity to help them understand and improve their own communication skills in your chosen area. You should follow these guidelines:

1.  The presentation will be at least 30 minutes long

2.  Each person must contribute to the presentation equally – I grade each individual’s part of the presentation separately from the group

3.  You will cite at least five academic sources in your presentation

4.  You will turn in a copy of your sources of information, your presentation

notes, and training activity materials

5.  You will be professional, prepared, organized, creative and engaging


6.  To avoid redundancy with the class material presented by Dr. Amy, I will

ask that you NOT use your textbook or class note material in your own

presentations. The content in your presentations should be new material

that has not been presented to the class during the semester.

7.  Your class will be taking notes on your presentations, and the content of your

presentations will be on the final exam. You MUST make your presentation

“note-taker” friendly. This includes, but it not limited to, slowing down your presentation so that people can follow you, presenting the material in “listener friendly” terms (ex: translate definitions or research findings into simple phrases or key words), using plenty of visual or outline support, giving lots of examples to support each point you present, pausing to allow for note-taking, etc.

Grading Criteria

Meets or exceeds minimum time requirements 5 points

Cites at least five academic sources in the presentation 10 points

Includes each of the following requirements: 20 points

-presents current research in topic area

-identifies and describes key ideas to be addressed

-includes assessment or training activity

-demonstrates clear plan for improving communication

Organized/clear 5 points

Polished/professional/extemporaneous delivery 5 points

Creative and engaging 5 points

Mini Presentation

You will be assigned a day in which you will give your mini presentation. The topic of your mini presentation will be the topic listed in the schedule of class sessions. You will be asked to find an academic research article that is related to the topic to which you are assigned. On your assigned day, you will give a 5-7 minute mini presentation on the content of your article. Your class will be taking notes on your presentation, and the content of your presentation will be on the exam. You MUST make your presentation “note-taker” friendly, as noted in the group presentation above.

Grading Criteria

Meets time requirements 5 points

Includes a summary of the purpose of the study, a brief 10 points

summary of the methods used to reach the study

conclusions, and a detailed summary of the discussion

and conclusions the researcher(s) reached in their study

Organized/clear 5 points

Polished/professional/extemporaneous delivery 5 points

Creative and engaging 5 points

Panel Presentation

You will be assigned to a panel comprised of students with similar interests in family communication. As a group, you will decide the theme of your panel presentation. Each individual will then write his/her own research paper on some aspect of that theme and give a 7-9 minute presentation on his/her paper.

Grading Criteria

Meets time requirements 5 points

Includes a summary of the purpose/rationale for the paper, a brief 15 points

synopsis of the literature review, a detailed summary of the

conclusions drawn from the research, and suggestions for

future research in the chosen area

Organized/clear 10 points

Polished/professional/extemporaneous delivery 10 points

Creative/engaging 10 points

Panel Paper

As noted above, you will be assigned to a panel and will do a research paper based on the theme chosen by your group of panelists. All papers will have an introduction that introduces the reader to your topic area, includes a summary of the purpose of the study, includes a rationale/importance for studying this topic statement, and thoroughly previews all parts of your paper. Additionally, the paper will have a literature review that synthesizes at least five academic research articles. The next section of the paper will do one of the following options:

a)  review the weaknesses/gaps in the current research (based on the authors’

discussion sections) and propose an original research study to fill in the gaps

b)  analyze a fictional family using the information gained in the research articles

c)  analyze a trend in family communication and explain that trend using the information gained in the research articles

d)  proposal of an alternative assignment – must be approved by Dr. Amy before proceeding

Finally, the paper will conclude with directions for future research and strong concluding thoughts on the topic.

Grading Criteria:

Write an APA title page 2 points

Have a running head with pagination on every page 1 point

Summarize the full title on the first page 2 points

Write an introduction that introduces the reader to your topic 10 points

area, include a summary of the purpose of the study, include

a rationale/importance for studying this topic statement, and

thoroughly preview all parts of your paper

Write an literature review of your 5 sources 20 points