The RE office needs a Baptismal Certificate for each child. Please bring/send us an original Baptismal Certificate from the parish of Baptism. Once we have seen the Certificate, we will copy the original and return it to you. If your child was baptized at St. Raphael, please give us the exact date of Baptism.

Tuition Schedule:One Student $150.00 Two Students $225.00 Three or more $275.00

Sacramental Activities Fee: $50.00 for students receiving First Eucharist in Spring 2015

$100 for students receiving Confirmation in Spring 2015 (includes Confirmation Retreat)

Please make checks payable to St. Raphael Church or pay via your Faith Direct account.

Sunday / Sunday / Sunday / Monday / Monday / Tuesday
10:00AM / 11:30AM / 7:00-8:15PM / 4:30-5:45PM / 7:00-8:15PM / 4:30-5:45PM
3 and 4 year olds / only 3 y-o / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A
Kindergarten / Full / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A
Grade 1 / N/A / N/A / N/A
Grade 2 / N/A / N/A / N/A
Grade 3 / N/A / N/A / N/A
Grade 4 / N/A / N/A / Full
Grade 5 / N/A / N/A
Grade 6 / N/A / N/A
Grade 7 / N/A / N/A / Full / N/A / N/A
Grade 8 / N/A / N/A / Full / N/A / N/A
High School / N/A / N/A / Full / N/A / N/A

Father’s Name:______Father’s Phone:______Religion:______

Mother’s Name(including maiden): ______Mother’s Phone: ______Religion: ______

Street Address:______City, State, Zip______

Home Phone: ______ Primary language of parents: ______

Mother’sEmail:______Father’s Email______

Names of Children
(Include last name if different from parent) / Birth Date / Grade in
Sept 2014 / School Attending
Sept 2014 / Has child received the following
sacraments? / Preferred Time and Day
Yes/No / Eucharist
Yes/ No / Confirmed
Yes/No / Day / Time

Your Religious Education Program NEEDS YOU!

The continued success of the St. Raphael Religious Education program depends on the involvement of both parents and other parishioners. We are all asked to give freely of our time, talent, and treasure.

Please reflect on your own skills and abilities and take a moment to let us know the area or activity below in which you would prefer to assist during the coming Religious Education year.

One parent from each family is asked to volunteer in some capacity. We will do our best to accommodate your preferences and to put your particular experience and knowledge to best use. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration as we prepare for coming year.

______*Catechist or Co-Catechist:Grade______Day______Time______

______#Classroom Aide (Adult or Teen): Grade______Day______Time______

______#Office Aide:

Every Monday 4:30 PM ______Every Tuesday 4:30 PM ______

Every Monday 7:00 PM ______

______#Child Care Aide (Adult or Teen)

Monday 4:30-5:45 PM______Monday 7:00-8:15PM______

Tuesday 4:30-5:45 PM______

______Substitute CatechistGrade______Day______Time______

______Assist with Children’s Liturgy of the Word on Sunday mornings at

10:00 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. Mass

______Service Project Assistant

______Confirmation Retreat Chaperone

______Newsletter Contributing Writer (quarterly)

______Religious Education Advisory Board

______First Communion Help

______Confirmation Help

______Catechist Appreciation Set-up/clean-up


*There is no tuition fee for children of full-time catechists and co-catechists. Catechists and co-catechists are required to attend training and in-service programs and to spend time preparing for class each week.

#Full time aides (classroom, office, child care) pay half tuition.

All adults who have substantial contact with children must complete the Archdiocese of Washington Child Protection program.



It is important that we know about any learning difference, health challenge (including allergies, special medications, etc.), language problem, or home situation which may affect your child’s ability to learn or participate fully in his or her religious education classes. If your child has an IEP, please describe the accommodations provided by his or her school.

Child's Name (last, if different than parent)Describe health, education or other issues:



Child's Name (last, if different than parent)Describe health, education or other issues:



Child's Name (last, if different than parent)Describe health, education or other issues:



If parent cannot be reached, person to be contacted in case of emergency:


Relationship to Child______


I authorize the staff of St. Raphael (salaried and/or volunteer) to administer first aid and/or take my child to a physician or hospital for emergency treatment in the event it appears necessary and neither parent nor guardian can be contacted. We will notify the rescue squad in emergency situations.

Pictures will be taken at various events during the year, a Parent or Guardian must sign a photo opt out form if you wish to not have pictures taken of your child.

Signature of Parent/Guardian:______Date:______