Minutes of Meeting May 5, 2016

336 Alexander Avenue, Susanville, CA


Jim Chapman, Commissioner

Melody Brawley, Commissioner

Anita Osborn, Commissioner

Mary Ann Murin, Commissioner

Gene Smith, Commissioner

Wendy Blackmon, Commissioner

Mae Sherman, commissioner

Katherine Nielson, Alternate Commissioner

Jessica Jones, Commissioner

Laura Roberts, Staff

Visitors: Patty Gunderson, Wendy Jacobs

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1:40 p.m. by Vice Chairperson Mae Sherman. Everyone was welcomed.

Chairman Wendy Blackmon arrived at 1:47 p.m.

PUBLIC COMMENT: Superintendant Gunderson announced that due to the rainy weather and the forecast for rain and lightening on the day of the Children’s Fair that the event is cancelled until next year. There were no further comments received.

AGENDA APROVAL: Commissioner Smith left the room. Commissioner Brawley made a motion to approve the agenda with the updated financials being added and also the topic of Big Valley Preschool as an emerging initiative being added. Commissioner Sherman seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the motion passed with no abstentions. Commissioner Smith returned to the room.

APPROVAL OF ACTIONS OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: There were no actions of the Executive Committee during April 2016.

INFORMATION AND CONSENT CALENDAR: The May Financial Report and approval of Transfer of Funds from Trust Account and Payment of Obligations were pulled from the Consent Calendar and added as a supplemental item on the agenda item 5a. Commissioner Smith made a motion to approve the amended information and consent calendar which contained the Minutes of the Minutes of the April 2016 meeting, and Commissioner Brawley seconded the motion. The motion passed with no abstentions.

FISCAL REPORT AND REQUEST FOR TRANSFER OF FUNDS: The current financial report and request for transfer of funds from trust account and payment of obligations was reviewed by the Commission. No questions or concerns were expressed. Commissioner Smith made a motion to approve the May 5th Financial Report and authorize transfer of funds from trust account and payment of obligations. . Commissioner Sherman seconded the motion. There was no further discussion and the motion passed with no abstentions. The items approved are as follows:

May 5, 2016 for Fiscal Year 2015-2016
Transfer of Funds Request
Lassen Diversified Management / $6,925.00 / Contract Implementation for May 2016 Inv. 4913
Lassen Diversified Management / $510.24 / Duplication & Postage for April 2016 Inv. 4914
Modoc County Office of Education / $286.44 / Adin State Preschool days in April, Inv. AR16-00090
Pathways to Child & Family Excellence / $53,020.00 / 3rd Quarter payment 2015-16, Invoice 162
Smiles for Life, Inc. / $1,151.76 / March 2016 Expenses, Invoice 313
Total / $61,893.44

Lassen County Children & Families Commission

Minutes of May 5, 2016

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REVIEW OF APPLICATION FOR COMMISSION MEMBERSHIP: Wendy Jacobs submitted an application for membership on the commission. The application was reviewed. Wendy stated why she would like to be a Commissioner, indicating that her experience in early childhood education makes her an asset to the Commission. Commissioner Sherman made a motion to recommend to the Board of Supervisors that Wendy Jacobs be appointed as a Section 3 member of the Commission. Commissioner Murin seconded the motion. There was no further discussion and the motion passed without abstention.

EMERGING INITIATIVE -- BIG VALLEY PRESCHOOL: Commissioner Smith left the room. Extensive discussion ensued concerning the development of a preschool in Big Valley. Adin Preschool is closing in Adin and moving to Alturas. Superintendent Gunderson provided information indicating there were 17 children waiting to enroll in the preschool. These children have no opportunities for a preschool experience in Big Valley. All aspects of a preschool being developed on an existing Big Valley school campus are being explored. The Commission discussed the existing need, indicating that emerging initiative funding would be a good fit, if needed, to purchase supplies and equipment for the preschool. The subject is for discussion only at this time and should be placed on the next agenda for possible action. Commissioner Smith returned to the meeting.

CONTINUED ANNUAL REVIEW OF STRATEGIC PLAN, LONG RANGE FINANCIAL PLAN: Changes in the strategic plan and long range financial plan that were requested at the previous meeting were reviewed. No further changes were requested. Commissioners indicated that the documents appear ready for public hearing. It was reported that the Oral health subcommittee of the Health collaborative is scheduled to meet on May 12th.


QRIS/FIRST 5 IMPACT Project Update: Commissioner Smith gave a brief update and indicated that he would share additional information at a future meeting. .

Home Visiting: An updated report was provided to the Commission in their packet.

Oral Health: A report was provided to the Commission in their packet.

Touchpoints: Commissioners Murin briefly updated the commissioners on positive feedback that has been received concerning the last training.

Young Child Wellness System: Commissioner Brawley reported on the YCWS, indicating that Mollie West is leaving the program so recruitment will begin for a new Program coordinator. The Help Me Grow model of a Young Child Wellness System continues to be explored. Certain aspects of it appear to be difficult to fit into a very rural setting. Information has been received that a Lassen program could be developed as an affiliate of Help Me Grow under a different name and with reporting requirements similar to the existing Maternal Child and Adolescent program.

Health Collaborative: The Collaborative is working well and being facilitated by consultant Rudeen Monte. The Health Collaborative is a local effort based upon the California Collaborative of Rural Health Initiatives.

Other: The Hands on Health Van will be at McKinley Full Inclusion Preschool and the TK program on the 11th of May. Their theme will be Talk, Sing, Read.

ADJOURN: The Meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m. The next meeting is June 2nd, 2016.

Respectfully Submitted,

Laura J. Roberts

Executive Director