Security: Staff Security Report

Report BackgroundThe Staff Security Report can help security personnel monitor the

Business Function and Security Attributes assigned to agency staff.

In addition, there is information on the workers’ Role, the Date

CONNECTIONS was last accessed, the number of times they have

logged onto CONNECTIONS, and other security fields.

Report PurposeProvides a list of agency staff with Business Function, Security Attributes, and other security related information.

Target UsersSecurity personnel.

ClassificationOperational report

PromptsUsers enter an Agency Code and optionally chooses Active or Deleted in the Worker Status list box prompt.

  • Agency Code:

Enter the Local District or Voluntary Agency code for the report.

  • Worker Status:

This optional list box allows users to select: Active or Deleted or both as the Worker Status to be reported.

Click the Finish Button to run the report.

NotesNo special processing.

Data Item / Data Definition
Agency / The agency code and agency name of the LDSS or Voluntary Agency corresponding to the Agency Code parameter.
Office Type / The type of office associated with the Agency (District or Voluntary).
Data as of Date / The latest refresh date of the OCFS Data Warehouse – that is, the last time data was retrieved from CONNECTIONS.
Date of this Report / The date on which the report was run.
Site-Unit / The office Site-Unit assoicated with the worker.
Staff Name / The name of the worker.
NT Login / The worker’s (staff) NT Login.
Unit Approver / Yes/No whether the worker is a Unit Approver.
Staff Role / The role of the worker.
Business Function / The last name, first name, and middle initial of the tracked child.
Security Attribute / Child Person ID - a unique identifier for the tracked child that is generated from the CONNECTIONS application.
Assignee or Designee? / Yes/No whether the worker is an Assignee or Designee.
Case Assignable? / Yes/No whether the worker is Case Assignable.
Date last accessed since 3/28/03 / The date the worker last accessed CONNECTIONS (since 3/28/2003).
# of CONX access since 3/28/03 / The number of times the worker accessed CONNECTIONS since 3/28/2003.
Worker Status / Active or Deleted

Security: Staff Security Report – Data Definitionsrevised 3/29/2010

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