University of Connecticut

Kellogg Dairy Center

At Birth- Give Calf guard orally. Wait 40 minutes give E coli tube and colostrum. Feed the Holstein calves 4 quarts of colostrum replacer for the first feeding. Feed the Jersey calves 2 quarts of colostrum replacer for the first feeding. If they don’t drink all of the colostrum or replacer, tube them with it. The second feeding start them on milk replacer.

Day 2-5-Calves are given !cc Immunoboost (mycobacterium Cell Wall Fraction Immunostimulant).

4 Months of Age-Bovashield 4L & Ultrabac 7

5 Months of Age- Bovashield 4L & Ultrabac 7

Between 4-8 months of age- Brucella, rabies and check for extra teats (This all done by Tufts veterinarians)

Remember for calves to separate any stresses (vaccinating, dehorning or moving) by a week.

Vitamin A & D shots are done every three weeks from birth to 4 months of age.

12-14 Months of Age – Virashield 6 & Ultrabac 7, Magnet

Pregnancy Confirmation- Virashield 6

Bred Heifers 6 Weeks prior to calving – J5 & Scourguard 4KC

Bred Heifers 3 Weeks prior to calving- MuSe, J5 & Scourguard 4KC

4 Weeks after calving-J5

100-130 days in milk-Virashield 6 & Ultrabac 7

200 days in milk-J5

At Dry Off-J5 &Scourguard 4KC

Prefresh cows- Virashield 6 & J5


Bova-Shield Gold FP L5- (Modified Live Virus) Bovine Rhinotracheitis, Virus Diarrhea, Parainfluenza 3, Respiratory Syncytial virus, Leptospira-Canicola, Grippotyphosa, Hardjo, Icterohaemorragiae, Pomona bacterin

Ultrabac 7-Clostridium Chauvoei-Septicum-Novyi-Sordellii-Perfringens Types C & D Bacterin Toxoid

J5-E-coli mastitis prevention

Virashield 6- an aid in the prevention of disease caused by infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), bovine virus diarrhea (BVD Type 1 and BVD Type 2), parainfluenza Type 3 (PI3), and bovine respiratory syncytial (BRSV) viruses and Campylobacter fetus, Leptospira canicola, grippotyphosa, hardjo-bovis, icterohaemorrhagiae, and pomona

ScourGuard 4KC- an aid in preventing diarrhea in calves caused by bovine rotavirus (serotypes G6 and G10), bovine coronavirus, enterotoxigenic strains of Escherichia coli having the K99 pili adherence factor, and Clostridium perfringens type C.