English IV Regents

Class Syllabus

Mrs. Refermat

Room 240 / 686-3255

Objective: The English IV class is focused on the common theme of college and career readiness, as well as the analysis of classic and contemporary literature. With these themes, students will learn the basis of thesis writing, as well as how to effectively communicate through the writing of a variety of different genres, as well as reading and interpreting different genres. Some of the literature will be contemporary, while others will be “classic” literature. This mixture of genres will include fiction, non-fiction, plays, poetry, and short stories.

The overall goal of this English class is to help students gain and maintain an appreciation for English, and be able to acquire the skills that students will need after they graduate from high school, both in an academic and professional setting.

This class will be worth 1 credit, and is mandatory for graduation.

Grading: All of the assignments, quizzes, tests, participation/preparation, etc. will be averaged based on their point value. All grades are inputted into eschool in a timely manner, and can be found on the portal. I am a fair grader, but I do not permit assignments to be turned in late. For each day late, 10 points will be deducted, and after three days, the assignment will no longer be accepted, resulting in a zero. Homework must be present in class for any type of credit.

Homework: Homework will be assigned on an intermittent basis. Homework is gone over in class to clarify questions, and will be checked for completeness as part of your homework grade. A reasonable attempt must be made on all assignments. Time is usually given at the end of class to begin homework assignments, and time for questions to be answered. If for any reason you are unable to complete a homework assignment, you must contact me prior to class to receive an extension.

Quizzes Quizzes will be given sporadically throughout the different units to check for understanding. Most will be

& Tests: announced prior, however, some will be at random, and unannounced. A unit test/final assessment will be given at the end of each unit. The test formats will vary from multiple choice, short answer & essay, and also creative projects.

Exam: A final exam will be given in class at the end of the school year. Format and specific dates will be given at a later date.

Bryant & Lancaster High School participates in Bryant & Stratton’s Jump Start Writing 101 program. Here, students will get a

Stratton: taste of a college writing course. The work associated with this program is mandatory towards part of the English IV curriculum, and students can obtain 3 credit hours after successful completing of the program and assignments.

CAP/CEP 24 hours community service + writing components quarterly ~or~ 24 hours job shadowing + writing components quarterly – Handouts / Expectations can be found on my classroom website. There will be more information to come. CAP/CEP is mandatory for graduation.

Due Dates: 1st quarter: Thursday, November 2

2nd quarter: Thursday, January 18

3rd quarter: Thursday, April 12

Final project: TBD

Novels: Over the course of the school year, our core novels will be:

1.  Tuesdays With Morrie – Mitch Album

2.  Hamlet – William Shakespeare

3. Catcher in the Rye – J. D. Salinger

Besides those novels, we will also read and study:

1. Various Short Stories: Salinger, Fitzgerald, Saki, Bradbury

2. Poetry

3.  College Preparation / Job Skills / Bryant & Stratton

4.  SSR

5.  Different modes of writing – SPECIFICALLY THESIS and professional (Resume, College Application Essay, etc.)

Supplies: 1. Pocket folder or binder (For class work, handouts, assignments, etc.)

2.  Notebook – Spiral/composition – Preferably with two sections for notes and journal

3.  Pens, pencils, highlighter – EVERYDAY!!!

4.  Loose-leaf paper – a lot of it!!

5.  A box of tissues and or hand sanitizer

Attendance: Absence from class does not excuse you from the material and work covered. When you are legitimately absent from class, get the notes/handouts that you missed from myself or another classmate. If you miss a quiz, you must make it up when you return, or soon after. If you are absent due to music lessons, field trip, or situation that you are aware of in advance, please notify me a day ahead. Prolonged absences will be dealt with on an individual basis.

The building attendance policy will be followed for credit purposes. Attendance: Remember, 14 = Level 1 & 29 = AUDIT.

Rules: 1. Be on time to class. (3 lates = detention with me.)

2. Be prepared with all supplies and homework every day.

3.  Raise your hand to ask and answer questions.

4.  Stay in your seat until I dismiss you.

5.  Treat all classmates, teacher and materials with respect. You are young adults, so please act like it!!!

6.  NO Cell phones or electric devices unless I give the OK!!! Meaning, none on my time!!

Extra Help: I am available for extra help during my planning periods and after school. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL LAST MINUTE FOR HELP!!! I can be found in my office/classroom 240, the MC, or the English Office (121) if you need me at any other time.

My free periods are: ______

Student Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______