Steven Goykhberg, MBA, CBA

Steven Goykhberg, MBA, CBA

Steve Goykhberg is a Principal with Litigation and Liability Management (LLM), LLC. LLM specializes in advising and assisting corporate clients and counsel with financial, accounting, cost and operational analyses of various types for litigation and regulatory disputes, insurance claims, financial planning and reporting, transactions and other business needs. Mr. Goykhberg has nearly 20 years of experience in the field of valuation and litigation consulting, corporate finance, and transaction advisory consulting. Prior to joining LLM, Mr. Goykhberg was a Director in the Transaction Advisory Services group of BDO (formerly SS&G) in Cleveland, Ohio.


»Provided litigation support services in multiple contexts, including commercial damages, domestic relations matters, and insurance and environmental claims,including assistancewith dispute mediation, settlement negotiations andexpert witness testimony.

»Workeddirectly with owners on providing strategic, financial, and operational oversight for existing investments and evaluating new opportunities across multiple industries, including industrial manufacturing and distribution, plastics, restaurants, business and environmental services, healthcare, and information technology, amongst others.

»Performed forecasts and projections, mergers/acquisitions consulting, start-up consulting, cash flow analysis, and financing services for closely-held businesses. Also conducted operational assessment of businesses and assisted with due diligence for mergers and acquisitionsand other transactional matters.

»Overseen business valuation engagements for purposes of estate and income tax planning, transaction planning, bankruptcy, reorganizations, corporate conversions, financial reporting (including asset impairment), shareholder disputes, and domestic relation matters.

Representative Engagements

»Retained as damages expert by counsel on behalf of a Fortune 500 company in litigationagainst numerous parties selling merchandise designated as scrap by the company as first quality goods. Our analysis calculatedvarious damages suffered by the company as a result. A favorable settlement was reached and the client was able to remove damaged goods from the marketplace.

»Retained as damages expert by counsel on behalfof an insurance carrier to review and opine on a damages claim brought up by a manufacturing company. Deposition testimony was provided and a favorable settlement was reached in this matter.

»Retained as a consultant by counsel on behalf of a specialcommittee of a publicly-traded company to assist with issues relatedto self-dealing, pricing, compensation, and asset-transferring, amongst others. Our work scope included analyses of multiple entities and assets owned by related parties in addition to their ownership interests in the publicly-traded company.

»Retained as a valuation expert by a publicly-traded company to perform annual/quarterly goodwill impairment tests. The engagement was conducted successfully on a stringent timeline to meet SEC filing deadlines.

»Engaged by a plastics company to assist with their acquisition strategy. Developed multiple models for various target companies to help management assess whether to proceed with contemplated acquisitions and the related potential impact on various product lines andon the company as a whole. On behalf of management, renegotiated various loans and related covenants.

»Retained as a consultant by a steel distribution company to advise them on a phantom stock plan and other compensation-related issues, enabling the company to hire two key executives it was targeting.

»Engaged by a commercial services company to assist with stock option calculations and to consult on dilution implications of issuing new classes of securities. Multiple challenges were identified and resolved during the successful recapitalization of the company to ensure it had sufficient capital to grow.

»Retained as a consultant by a commercial/real estate developer to develop a financial model for a multi-phase development with numerous “what-if”scenarios. The model included ownershippreferences stacks with corresponding waterfall return calculations. The client was able to raise the necessary funds to proceed with the development.

»Engaged by an estate to appraise minority interests in multiple operating companies, real estate investments, hedge-fund companies, and private equity companies. Worked with executrix of the estate to comply with challenging filing requirements.

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