Invitation to Tender for College Transport Services
Commercial in Confidence
Tender Reference: STS1617
Closing Date: 23rd May 2016
Table of Contents
- Introduction3
- Instructions to Tenderers5 -11
- Submission of tender11 – 15
- Freedom of Information Act 200015
- Schedule A – Specification of Requirements16
Part Two17
- Schedule G – Minimum Levels of Suitability Questionnaire18 - 33
- Schedule H – Form of Tender and Certificates34 - 37
- Schedule I – Tender Application Form38 - 47
- Schedule J – Qualification of Offer48
- Appendix A – Reference Questionnaire51 - 53
1.1New College Stamford’s requires transport providers to operate its transport services on the routes as described in this tender document effective from September 2016. This Invitation To Tender has been offered to suppliers that have expressed an interest in these services following publication of a notice to tender via OJEU and the in-tend system.
1.2You are therefore invited to submit a Tender for this provision.
Enclosed within this Invitation to Tender are the following documents:
Part 1: To be retained by the supplier
Instructions to Tenderers
Schedule A: Specification of Requirement
Part 2: To be returned to the College
Schedule G: Minimum Levels of Suitability
Schedule H: Form of Tender and Certificates
Schedule I: Tender Application Form
Schedule J: Qualification of Offer
1.3Please ensure that you read this document, the specification of requirements and any appendices carefully before completing the tender forms.
1.4Your submission must be returned on this document via post to:
Director of IT and Resources,
New College Stamford,
Drift Road,
The sealed envelope should contain two paper copies andbe marked Transport Tender and received no later than 12 noon on 23rd May.
We look forward to receiving your completed submission.
Yours sincerely,
Rob Cottrell
Director of IT and Resources
2Instructions to Tenderers
2.1Instructions and Conditions
2.1.1These Instructions and Conditions apply to the tendering process for this contract to ensure that all tenderers are treated equally and fairly and to provide for compliance with other relevant legal requirements. Failure to comply with these Instructions and Conditions may invalidate your tender.
2.2Completion of Tender
2.2.1Applicant’s name to be inserted in the footer of all tender submission documents.
2.2.2All answers to be completed in the spaces provided where requested as concisely and accurately as possible.
2.2.3Any supporting documents that are requested should clearly state the tenderer’s name, the number of the question to which the enclosure refers, and inserted after the question to which they relate or, if necessary, appendixed at the end of your submission.
2.2.4The College reserves the right not to accept or consider any incomplete submission. This includes questions that are not answered or where supporting documentation is omitted
2.2.5The questions must be answered in the order asked. If it is in any way altered or edited, the subsequent submission may be deemed inadmissible.
2.2.6Where a question is not relevant to the responder’s organisation, this should be indicated ‘N/A’, but should always include an explanation.
2.2.7Should there be any doubt or confusion as to the meaning of any provision contained in the tender documentation or you have any queries or concerns with the tender documentation including the terms and conditions of contract, you should obtain clarification prior to the submission of your tender. All tenderers will be informed of any points of clarification and the College’s response. The identity of the tenderer requesting clarification will not be disclosed.
2.2.8Failure to complete the Schedule of Prices correctly may result in the tender being rejected by the College.
2.2.9Your tender return should be returned to the College as requested and comprises the following documents:
Part 2: To be returned to the College
Schedule G: Minimum Levels of Suitability
Schedule H: Form of Tender and Certificates
Schedule I: Tender Application Form
Schedule J: Qualification of Offer
2.2.10Schedule G – Minimum Levels of Suitability
You are required to complete the Minimum Levels of Suitability Questionnaire to confirm that you meet the minimum mandatory requirements to deliver the service.
2.2.11Schedule H - Form of Tender and Certificates
In the Form of Tender and Certificates you are required to confirm that you are not aware of any conflict of interest or any circumstances that could give rise to a conflict of interest in the performance of the proposed contract. Complete and sign.
2.2.12Schedule I –Tender Application Form
Complete by inserting all of the detail requested, your answers should relate only to the provision of this service and method of recompense set out in this document.
Where additional information is requested or you have additional information to support your tender it should be attached in the specified format.
The prices you quote should exclude VAT.
2.2.13Schedule J - Qualification of Offer
Include here details of any areas where you will not be able to comply with this Invitation to Tender. Qualifications should only be made if you cannot comply with the requirements of the contract at any price.
2.2.14If your tender is qualified we reserve the right to reject it in total.
2.3Conditions of Tender Submission
2.3.1Contents of the Tender
The tender is to be made strictly in accordance with the requirements of this document which, together with any appendices that are issued, are together referred to as the Invitation To Tender.
2.3.2Enquiries concerning the Tender
a)Any query in connection with this Tender must be submitted via email to Rob Cottrell at .
b)All questions and answers received during the tender period will be circulated anonymously to all interested parties.
c)On no account before the Tender Date is the tenderer to contact or communicate with any other person involved in work concerning the tender unless the College redirects the enquiry.
2.3.3Independent Tender
By submission of a tender, the tenderer warrants that:
(a)The prices in the tender have been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication, agreement or understanding for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices, with any other tenderer or with any competitor.
(b)Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in the tender have not knowingly been disclosed by the tenderer, directly or indirectly, to any other tenderer or competitor, nor will they be so disclosed.
(c) No attempt has been made or will be made by the tenderer to induce any other person or firm to submit or not to submit a tender for the purpose of restricting competition.
2.3.4Modification by the College
Any advice of a modification to this Invitation To Tender shall be issued at least seven days before the Tender Date and shall be issued as an addendum to, and shall be deemed to constitute part of the Tender. If necessary, the College shall revise the Tender Date in order to comply with this requirement. Except under exceptional circumstances no extension of time and date by which the tender must be submitted will be granted.
2.3.5Delivery of Tender
Full details of the documents to be returned are given in this Tender pack. These documents shall together comprise the "Tender". All Tender submissions must be submitted via post. Please refer to section 1.4.
2.3.6Tender Return Date
The Tender must be despatched in the manner described in section 3 and delivered no later than, 23rd May at 12 noon this date being the Tender Return Date.
2.4Tender Process
2.4.1These instructions are designed to ensure that all tenders are given equal and fair consideration. It is important therefore that you provide all the information asked for in the format and order specified. Failure to do so may result in your tender being excluded.
2.4.2The purpose of the tender is to collect information in a structured format to enable the College to evaluate the tender submissions and identify the one(s) that will be selected to win the contracts.
2.4.3By completing this document, the person signing it, is confirming that the information provided is correct, to the best of their knowledge, and that they are authorised to complete this document on behalf of their organisation.
2.4.4This document is being made available on the condition that the information contained within it is used solely in connection with the competitive process for the College Transport Service procurement and for no other purpose.
2.4.5The information contained herein must not be copied, reproduced, distributed or passed to any other person at any time, unless explicitly agreed in writing the College.
2.4.6Whilst every endeavour has been made to give Tenderers an accurate description of the requirement, Tenderers should form their own conclusions about the methods and resources needed to meet those requirements.
2.4.7Neither the College nor any of its advisers accept any liability or responsibility for the adequacy, accuracy or completeness of any information or opinions stated in this document. No representation or warranty, express or implied is or will be given by the College or by any of its representatives, employees, agents or advisers with respect to the information or opinions contained in the document or on which it is based. Any liability for such matters is expressly disclaimed.
2.4.8The agreement and subsequent contract will be subject to the College general conditions of contract and also to any special conditions of contract which may be included within the tender document. Where the standard conditions are inconsistent with the special conditions, the special conditions will prevail.
2.4.9Compliance with all relevant legislation is required both in the contract award procedure and during the term of any resultant contract.
2.4.10The contract will commence on 1st September 2016 being the commencement date referred to in the contract conditions and will operate for an initial period of three years (subject to satisfactory performance and the outcome of periodic reviews) with the option to extend for two further periods of one year (i.e. five years in total, subject to satisfactory performance).
2.4.11The College does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any offer, and reserves the right to accept tenders in whole or in part.
2.4.12The College reserves the right to cancel the entire or parts of the tender, without such an action conferring any right to compensation on the Tenderers.
2.4.13Only the information contained within this Invitation To Tender document, or otherwise communicated in writing to tenderers with direct reference to this tender should be considered by tenderers when making their offer.
2.4.14The College shall not be responsible for the payment of any expenses incurred by any firm in the preparation and submission of tenders.
2.4.15The College’s purchasing strategy is designed to promote fair and open competition, constructive co-operation and to achieve continuing improvement through value for money based on whole life costs and quality. This also includes environmental issues such as running costs, recyclability and cost of disposal.
2.4.16A submitted tender is an irrevocable offer by the tenderer and the tenderer separately undertakes with the College that the tender will remain open for acceptance by the College for a period of 3 calendar months calculated from the day following the closing date for receipt of tenders.
2.4.17Only Tenderers that state acceptance off the College’s terms and conditions for the basis of any contract will be considered.
2.4.18Tenders shall only be submitted on the basis that they are bona fide competitive tenders. It is therefore agreed that the College shall have the power to cancel the contract and to recover from the tenderer the amount of any loss arising from the cancellation if either the tenderer:
i) shall have offered or given or agreed to give any officer or member of the staff any gift or consideration of any kind as an inducement or bribe to influence its decision in the tendering procedure. The word "tenderer" for these purposes shall be deemed to include any and al persons employed by the tenderer, or who are purporting to act on the tenderer’s behalf whether the tenderer is aware of their acts or not, or
ii)shall have communicated to any other person the amount or approximate amount of the proposed tender other than in confidence in order to obtain quotations necessary for the preparation of the tender, or for insurance purposes, or
iii)shall have entered into any agreement or arrangement with any person as to the amount of any proposed tender or that person shall refrain from tendering.
2.4.19The submission of false or incorrect information or declaration(s) will invalidate your tender and, if not identified by the College until after the award of the contract, will be considered a fundamental breach of the contract.
2.4.20Tenders must be submitted with the official Form of Tender provided with the tender documents. The Form of Tender must be completed in all material respects. Tenders not complying with these requirements may be rejected.
2.4.21To enable us to assess your organisation's suitability, we require you to provide all of the information requested. Failure to complete the tender documentation in full or to provide any of the documents requested may result in your application being rejected. Rather than leaving answer spaces blank, if the question does not apply to you please write ‘Not applicable’ or ‘N/A’. If you do not have / know the answer please write ‘Not known’ or ‘N/K’.
2.4.22Tenderers are requested to specify with reasons if any information contained in its tender submission is confidential. The College will use reasonable endeavours to keep such information confidential but does not guarantee to do so if it is obliged to disclose such information pursuant to its duties under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
2.4.23In case a tender appears to be abnormally low in relation to the services to be provided, the College will request a clarification in writing and/or explanation concerning its elements. The College reserves the right to exclude a tender, if after a verification process based on the explanations and evidence received it comes to the conclusion that the tender is abnormally low.
2.4.24The College reserves the right to seek clarification, after tenders have been received, from any tenderer, on any aspect of their tender.
2.4.25Written acceptance by the College of this tender, (or part of this tender), shall create or constitute an agreement between the College and the Tenderer, expressly incorporating the Form of Tender, the Conditions of Contract, any Special Conditions of Contract, the Specification, the Proposal (where applicable) and any Contract Drawings or similar. If the tender documents require the Contractor to enter into a formal written agreement with the College then unless and until that formal written contract is executed by the College and the tenderer, together these documents shall form the contract.
2.4.26The College reserves the right to publish details of the successful Contractor and the total contract value.
2.4.27The College reserves the right to make changes of a minor drafting nature to the contract documentation.
2.4.28Where reference is made within this tender to any UK standard or legislation and you are not currently subject to UK standards or legislation, you are required to provide details of any equivalent standards or legislation that apply to your organisation. It is the tenderers responsibility to demonstrate that any alternative standards are equivalent to the standards specified
2.4.29The Tenderer agrees to notify the College and provide additional information if at any stage after submitting the tender any information contained in it becomes no longer true or accurate.
2.4.30The College reserves the right to retain all and any of the information supplied to it by the Tenderer(s)
2.4.31The College may at its discretion extend the closing date and time for receipt of tenders by written notice to all tenderers.
2.4.32Withdrawal of tender. Once a tender has been submitted it may only be withdrawn before the closing date and time by correspondence through the Colleges In-tend system.
2.4.33Post tender negotiations. Following the receipt of tenders and prior to any acceptance, the College reserves the right to enter into post tender negotiations on the prices tendered. Such negotiations will be held in accordance with European legislation. If no tenders are received for a contract then the College may enter into separate negotiations for a service.
2.4.34The tender and all accompanying documents are to be in English.
2.4.35Tender prices shall be in sterling (GB pounds)
3Submission of Tender
3.1The College accepts no responsibility for any misunderstanding of these instructions.
3.2The College will only accept documents submitted via post, refer to details in section 1.4.
3.3A submission of tender is deemed for all purposes to be the true and legal version, in writing, duly authorised and duly executed by the tenderer and intended to have binding legal effect.
3.4Tenders submitted via post must be received in full prior to the Tender Return date.
3.5Tender Timescales
Date / Action19th April 2016 / Publish ITT via OJEU and In-Tend
16th May 2016 / Deadline for requests for clarification
23rd May 2016 / Deadline for receipt of tenders.
Tenders to be submitted Via post.
Late responses will not be accepted.
7th June 2016 / Supplier Interviews, if applicable
14th June 2016 / Contract Awarded - Standstill period begins
1st September 2016 / Contract Start Date
3.6Tender Criteria
When considering tenders the following criteria will be applied:
Minimum Levels of Suitability: The Minimum Levels of Suitability Questionnaire in Schedule G must be completed in full and with satisfactory answers to progress to the tender award stage. Each section will be scored on a Pass / Fail basis. The table below provides guidance on the responses required to achieve a Pass mark.
Section / Pass Mark Criteria1. Supplier Information / All fields completed as required.
Appropriate licensing and registration held
2. Grounds for Mandatory Exclusion / Negative response to all questions or satisfactory explanation where requested
3. Grounds for Discretionary Exclusion / Negative response to all questions or satisfactory explanation where requested
4. Economic & Financial Standing / Copies of Financial Accounts submitted
5a. Technical & Professional Ability - Experience / Demonstration of existing business activities and expertise relevant to the nature of this contract.
Receipt of satisfactory references or satisfactory explanation of why these cannot be provided.
5b. Technical & Professional Ability - Safeguarding / Positive response to all questions or satisfactory explanation where requested
6. Insurance / £5 Million Public Liability, £10 Million Employer Liability insurance held or willingness to purchase.
Motor insurance held
7. Diversity and Equality / Negative response to all questions or satisfactory explanation where requested
8. Environmental Management / Negativeresponse to all questions or satisfactory explanation where requested
9. Health and Safety / Health and Safety policy compliant with legislative requirements.
No or satisfactory explanation in response to 9.2 and/or 9.3.
Those tenderers who fail the minimum levels of suitability will not progress to the tender award stage and their Tender Application Form will not be evaluated.