Action 1: Fish Switch BLM

Name: ______Class: ______Data collection period: ______

Use the categories on the next page to fill in the chart.

Trip # / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Main reason for trip1
Date of trip (start)
Time of day2
Start location
End location
Distance travelled (km)
Duration (min.)
Mode of transportation5
Land, water or air?6
Specific vehicle type7
Fuel/energy source8
Most passengers on vehicle9

1Main reason for trip

CHOOSE ONE OF: school, work, practice or game, see friends or family, shopping, eating out, vacation, other (specify)

2Time of day

CHOOSE ONE OF: weekday morning, weekday afternoon, weekday evening, weekend


CHOOSE ONE OF: below -20˚C ,-19˚C to - 10˚C, -9˚C to 0˚C, 1˚C - 10˚C, 11 ˚C to 20 ˚C, 21 ˚C to 30 ˚C, above 30 ˚C


CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY: sunny, partly cloudy, overcast, fog, rain, snow, high winds, high humidity

5Mode of transportation

CHOOSE ONE OF: public vehicle (such as a city bus or train), private vehicle (such as a family car or SUV), self-propelled (such as walking, biking, skateboarding, skiing, scootering, paddling, etc.)

6Land, water or air?

CHOOSE ONE OF: Land, water, air

7Specific Vehicle Type

CHOOSE ONE OF: car, pickup truck, van, SUV, motorcycle, powered scooter, electric bicycle, car taxi, van taxi, school bus, city bus, snowmobile (2-stroke engine), snowmobile (4-stroke engine), motorcycle, ATV/UTV, streetcar, light rail LRT, subway & metro, commuter train, small power boat, large power boat, ferryboat (short-distance), ferryboat ( long distance, Small Propeller Aircraft, Small Turboprop Aircraft, Large Turboprop Aircraft, Regional Jet Aircraft, Large Jet Aircraft – Single Aisle, Large Jet Aircraft – Twin Aisles, Helicopter

8Fuel/Energy Source

CHOOSE ONE OF: gasoline, diesel fuel, gasoline hybrid electric, electricity, propane, heavy fuel oil, aviation gasoline, aviation jet fuel

9Most passengers on vehicle (includes yourself)

For larger vehicles, estimate the number of people