Which Do You Use Most:
Web Thinking or Step Thinking?

Directions: For each question, choose the answer that best describes you. The results have no scientific validity. However, they will help you understand whether you rely more on logic or intuition.

1.When I am in the woods, I notice the

  • forest.
  • trees.

2.When I write, I

  • follow an outline.
  • make it up as I go along.

3.When someone tries to persuade me, I want to

  • know the possibilities.
  • get the facts.

4.I usually come to conclusions

  • quickly, without knowing exactly how I figured things out.
  • slowly, after carefully considering the available data.

5.I find it easier to do

  • geometry.
  • algebra.

6.I’d rather get directions from

  • a map.
  • verbal instructions.

7.I prefer to take

  • essay tests.
  • multiple-choice tests.

8.When learning a new procedure, I prefer to

  • see a demonstration.
  • follow written instructions.

9.I like to learn new things by

  • making connections.
  • analyzing the parts.

10.It’s easier for me to remember

  • faces.
  • names.

11.My sensitivity to noises and textures is

  • greater than most people’s.
  • about average.

12.My handwriting is

  • hard to read.
  • Legible.

13.If I’m in a class and don’t like the teacher,

  • it’s harder for me to learn.
  • my performance doesn’t change.

14.My handwriting is

  • hard to read.
  • legible.

15.My ability to read people’s faces is

  • better than average.
  • about average.

16.People are more likely to describe me as

  • playful.
  • rational.

17.I am good at

  • understanding symbolic meanings.
  • getting the details right.

18.I am most interested in the present and the

  • future.
  • past.

19.I am best at

  • getting jokes.
  • understanding distinctions.

20.People are more likely to describe me as

  • spontaneous.
  • organized.

Scoring: In each question, the first option describes web thinkers (who use intuition) and the second option describes step thinkers (who use sequential logic). Total the number of first options you selected. Divide them by 20 to find out what percentage of your answers involve web-thinking.

Remember, both sides of our brains are involved in processes like using language and proccing images. Scientists are still trying to figure out how the two hemispheres work together. However, knowing about the two styles of thinking can help us take advantage of both logic and intuition.