Concordis International is a UK registered non-profit charity known for inclusive, impartial, independent, long term peacebuilding work. Concordis has pioneered a particular style of track-two diplomacy, enabling parties engaged in or affected by armed conflict to find win-win solutions to longer-term conflict causes, so building their capacity to achieve lasting conflict transformation and sustainable peace.

Concordis focuses on policy-level dialogue, supported by in-depth research, in a low-key, non-threatening environment. Concordis seeks to build relationships of trust and respect, considering this the key to successful intervention in peace processes. The work of all members of the Concordis team is required to conform to and advance such an approach.

Concordis welcomes applications from potential interns in accordance with the application procedure advertised at Interns serve on a voluntary basis; there is no salary or stipend, but Concordis will reimburse reasonable expenses. Interns do not follow a formal training programme, but Concordis will seek to provide experience tailored to the skills, needs and aspirations of individual interns within the range of activities outlined below.

Location:Either Fleet Street in London or in Cambridge, with the possibility of international travel. Flexible working hours may be necessary.

Duration:6 months

Closing date: Sunday 16th August 2015

Start date: Flexible

Reporting to: SeniorProgramme Manager

Overview:Concordis seeks candidates fluent in French or Arabic who are knowledgeable about international relations, conflict analysis or similar, to become actively involved in peacebuilding programmes, providing meaningful assistance to the organisation as it carries out its mission.

The principal areas of work in which interns are involved are research, conflict analysis, media reviews, organisation of dialogue events, website maintenance, communications, fundraising and project evaluation.

Applications:By CV and covering letter to rnational

In your covering letter, please explain:

  • Why you would like to work with Concordis International;
  • How your skills and experience will be of assistance during the internship;
  • In which languages you are fluent and your proficiency in French and Arabic;
  • How you hope to see your career develop in the future;
  • When you will be available to start the internship and your availability full or part time;


Your internship with Concordis will be divided between assisting with programmatic peacebuilding work on the one hand and fundraising and communication for the charity on the other.

You will carry out research and analysis into countries in which we are active, in accordance with our research methodology. Your role will include assisting with the development of project proposals, monitoring international news outlets and researching potential new project areas and funding sources – including drafting grant applications.

You may also be required to give practical, logistical and administrative support to the peacebuilding programme allocated to you, including liaising with project partners, maintaining a database of project partners and stakeholders, researching costs of accommodation, catering and travel, organising attendance of participants, preparing welcome packs and preparing and disseminating reports.

You will assist with fundraising, including researching sources of funding, drafting applications for funding and assisting at fundraising events (including carrying out tasks similar to those involved in arranging consultations).

You will assist with Concordis’ communications strategy by researching and writing news stories, co-managing social media content, assisting with print publications and proof reading reports. Additionally, you may be required to attend external meetings, seminars and conferences, contribute to website and social media content.

The internships are designed to give you concrete experience in programme management, research, communications and fundraising within the international development sector. The role is varied, and will require you to work with our small UK team and with other interns either in London or Cambridge (or a combination of the two).

Peter Marsden – Senior Programme Manager, and Lucy Peacock – Fundraising and Communications Coordinator, manage the internship scheme.