Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008

Unit 1: Fall
Study Focus : Fall -Pumpkins
Study Focus Description: The focus of this study is to familiarize students with the concept of harvesting crop like pumpkins.
Study Understandings: The students will develop an understanding of how pumpkins grow; how pumpkins look, smell, and feel; and how and when pumpkins are harvested.
Guiding questions:
Can the student explain what harvest means?
Can the student identify a pumpkin?
Can the students explain how a pumpkin grows? ( identify the stages of the pumpkin life cycle)
Can the students describe how pumpkins look, smell, and feel?
Can the student identify differences and likenesses of pumpkins?
Guiding vocabulary: pumpkin life cycle vine flower seeds emotions happy sad
Afraid angry round smooth bumpy rough heavy measure harvest
Grade Level Expectations
GLE / GLE Text and Benchmarks
ELA 4 / Orally respond to questions using new vocabulary introduced in conversations, activities, stories, or books (PK-LL-L4) (ELA-1-E1)
ELA 8 / Listen to a story and state orally what the story is about (PK-LL-R1) (PK-LL-R2) (PK-LL-L1) (ELA-1-E5)
ELA 9 / Answer simple questions about a story read. (PK-LL-S3) (PK-LL-R4) (ELA-1-E5)
ELA 10 / Share related life experiences after stories are read aloud. (PK-LL-L1) (PK-LL-S1) (ELA-1-E6)
ELA 11 / Orally express thoughts about characters or events in a story. (PK-LL-S1) (PK-LL-S2) (PKS-LL-R2) (ELA-1-E6)
ELA 12A / Demonstrate understanding of texts read aloud using a variety of strategies by sequencing two or three pictures to illustrate events in a story. (PK-LL-R2) (ELA-7-E1)
ELA 12B / Demonstrate understanding of texts read aloud using a variety of strategies by participating in a group discussion to predict what a book will be about. (PK-LL-R2) (ELA-7-E1)
ELA 15 / Use scribble writing, letter-like forms, dictation, or drawing to represent a word or concept (PK-LL-W1) (PK-LL-W2) (PK-LL-W3) (ELA-2-E3)
ELA 16 / Orally generate words, ideas, and lists for group writing activities (PK-LL-W3) (ELA-2-E3)
ELA 17 / Write informal notes, lists, and letters using scribble writing and/or pictures (PK-LL-W2) (PK-LL-W3) (PK-LL-W4) (PK-LL-L3) (ELA-2-E5)
ELA 18 / Participate in group-shared writing activities that include rhyming and descriptive words (PK-LL-W3) (PK-LL-W4) (PK-LL-L3) (ELA-2-E5)
ELA 21 / Use words, phrases, and/or sentences to express feelings, ideas, needs, and wants (PK-LL-S1) (PK-LL-S2) (ELA-4-E1)
ELA 23 / Repeat an instruction given orally (PK-LL-S1) (ELA-4-E2)
ELA 24 / Follow one- and two-step verbal and nonverbal directions (PK-LL-L2) (ELA-4-E2)
ELA 27 / Actively participate in role-playing, creative dramatics, finger plays, nursery rhymes and choral speaking (PK-LL-R1) (PK-LL-S2) (PK-LL-L3) (PK-LL-L4) (ELA-4-E5)
ELA 30 / Identify a computer mouse and its purpose (i.e. to navigate the screen) (PK-LL-L5) (ELA-5-E1)
M 3 / Identify an object’s position as first or last (PK- -G3) (N-1-E)
M4 / Identify numerals 1 to 5 (PK-CM-N5) (N-1-E) (N-3-E)
M5 / Compare sets of objects using the words same/different and more/less/fewer (PK-CM-N1) CM (N-3-E) (N-7-E)
M6 / Use comparative vocabulary in measurement settings (e.g., long/longer, short/shorter, more/less, hotter/colder, heavier/lighter, bigger/smaller)(PK-CM-M3) (M-1-E) (M-2-E) (M-3-E)
M 9 / Sort concrete objects by an attribute ( e.g., shape, size, color) (PK-CM-D1) (G-2-E) (D-1-E)
M 11 / Recognize and manipulate an object’s position in space (e.g., blocks, assembling puzzles) (PK-CM-G3) (G-3-E) (G-4-E)
M 13 / Recognize and copy repeated patterns (e.g., concrete objects, songs, rhymes, and body movements) (PK-CM-P1) (PK-CM-P2) (P-1-E) (P-3-E)
SCI 2 / Pose questions that can be answered by using students’ own observations and scientific knowledge (PK-CS-I1) (SI-E-A1)
SCI 3 / Use the five senses to describe observations (PK-CS-P3) (SI-E-A3)
SCI 5 / Express data in a variety of ways by constructing illustrations, graphs, charts, tables, concept maps, and oral and written explanations as appropriate (PK-CS-I5) (SI-E-A5) (SI-E-B4)
SCI 6 / Use a variety of appropriate formats to describe procedures and to express ideas about demonstrations or experiments (e.g. drawings, journals, reports, presentations. Exhibitions, portfolios) (PK-CS-I5) (SI-E-A6)
SCI 9 / Sort objects using one characteristic (PK-CS-P2) (PS-E-A1)
SCI 10 / Determine whether objects float or sink through investigation (PK-CS-P1) (PS-E-A1)
SS2 / Demonstrate an awareness of the world around them. (e.g. provide simple information about a trip the student has taken or where the students live) (PK-CSS-G3) (G-1A-E2)
What is a pumpkin? / Inside of a pumpkin / Facial expressions / Seed to pumpkin / Pumpkin scarecrow
Whole Group Activities / Fall/Pumpkins
“Vocabulary Self Awareness Strategy”
ELA 4, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 24 M6 SCI 3,5 / Investigating inside of a pumpkin
ELA 4, 16, 18
SCI 2, 3, 5 / How does it make me feel?
ELA 8, 9, 11, 12b
SCI 5 / Sequencing
ELA 11, 12a, 16, 23, 24 SCI 5, 22 / ELA 4, 9, 12a, 23, 24, 27
M 3, 11, 13
Morning Circle Time
ELA 4, 21, 22, 26, 28, 29 / What is a pumpkin? / What’s inside of a pumpkin? / How do you look when you feel…? / Where do pumpkins come from? / What are you afraid of?
What do you do when you’re afraid?
Story Time
ELA 4, 5a, 5c, 5d 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12b, 12c, 14c, 25, 29 / The Pumpkin Book by Gail Gibbons / Pumpkin Circle by George Levenson / Growing a Pumpkin Pie by Jane Gerver / Five Little Pumpkins by Dan Yaccarino / Too Many Pumpkins
By Linda White
Small Group activities / Pumpkin Sizes
M 9, 11
ELA 24
SCI 9 / Count Pumpkin Seeds
M 4, 5, 11
ELA 24
SCI 3 / Make Pumpkin Face Puppets
ELA 24, 27 / Pumpkin Life Cycle
Flow Map
M 3, 11
ELA 24 / Pumpkin Measurement
M 6, 9
ELA 24
Music and Movement / 5 Round Pumpkins
(tune: Clementine) / Mr. Pumpkin / 10 Little Pumpkins
(tune: 10 little Indians) / Growing
Hap Palmer / Who stole the pumpkin from the pumpkin patch?
Field experiences / Field trip to a pumpkin patch
ELA 3, 15, 20, 24 / Introduce letter P to students in various multi-sensory ways. Sample activities are included below. Adjust the activities as needed.
Can You Find the Sand Tray: Letter __ Make letter __ from Dab-a-dot Magnetic Letter Tray
Letter __? play dough/clay Letter __ Match ___ / ____
Math / Number relations
Student will place correct number of seeds on pumpkin cut outs that have numerals 1 to 5 printed on them.
M3, 4, 5 / Measurement
Students will use cut strings to find the one that matches the pumpkins in the box
M6 / Geometry
Students will use pattern blocks to make face on a faceless pumpkin page.
M8 / Data collection
Too Long, Too Short, Just Right Chart. Students will use strings to measure a pumpkin. If too short, place in too short column. If too long, place in too long column. If just right, place in just right column M6 / Patterning
Students will create or copy patterns using pumpkin and jack-o-lantern cut outs.
SCI 1, 3, 6 / Learning logs and writing tools, nonfiction books related to current study
Students will explore a variety of different pumpkins.
Students will use balance scale to compare the weight of small pumpkins.
Students will look at pumpkins using magnifying glass.
Students will plant pumpkin seeds and observe and chart progress through illustrations in learning log.
SS2 / Add pumpkins, tractor with wagon
Gross motor
ELA 23, 24 / Pumpkin, Pumpkin, Jack-o-lantern! (duck, duck, goose)
Dramatic play
ELA 27
SS 2 / Add props used in the story The Little Old Lady Who Was not Afraid of Anything.
2 shoes, 2 gloves, 1 shirt, 1 pair of pants, 1 plastic pumpkin, 1 black hat
Add Jack-Be-Little Pumpkin (small orange ornamental pumpkins )
Add plastic pumpkin
Books and listening center
ELA7, 27 / Props for The Little Old Lady Who Was not Afraid of Anything : 2 shoes, 2 gloves, 1 shirt, 1 pair of pants, 1 plastic pumpkin, 1 black hat
Pumpkin, Pumpkin by Jeanne Titherington Pumply Dumply Pumpkin by Mary Zarfolol
From Seed to Pumpkin (book) by J. Kottke, The Pumpkin Book by Gail Gibbons
The Biggest Pumpkin Ever by Steven Kroll Grow a Pumpkin Pie by Jane Gerver
The Little Old Lady Who Wasn’t Afraid of Anything by Linda Williams
Too Many Pumpkins by Linda White Pumpkin Circle by George Levenson
Five Little Pumpkins by Dan Yaccarino
ELA 15, 19, 24 / Orange and black paint orange and black dot markers
Orange and black construction paper pumpkin sequins
Stencils of pumpkin pumpkin and jack-o-lantern cut outs
Stamps of pumpkin
Stickers of pumpkins
ELA 17, 19 / Pumpkin stationery
Pumpkin pen
Pumpkin pencil
Pumpkin stamps
Vocabulary cards: pumpkin seeds vine flower
SCI 3, 10, 14 / Orange Sand
Pumpkin seeds with sand
Pumpkin counters/erasers Small pumpkins (sink/float)
/ / Star Fall http://www.starfall.com/n/holiday/halloween/play.htm?f

Whole Group Activities

Whole Group Activities 1: Fall-Pumpkins ELA 4, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 24; M 6; SCI 3

Materials: Pumpkin, Pumpkin by Jeanne Titherington (book) assortment of pumpkins (real / plastic/cut outs) chart paper, markers, crayons/markers, ¼ sheets of papers (1 per student)

Review what children remember about Fall/Autumn (last week’s lessons). Read Book: Pumpkin, Pumpkin. Show a real pumpkin to students and then pass it around for them to see/touch/smell. Vocabulary Self-Awareness Chart: TTW model drawing a picture of a pumpkin, describing it with one word, and writing the word under the picture. TTW pass out ¼ sheets, crayons/markers to students. TSW draw a pumpkin, describe it (teacher writes response on paper).

TSW then put the picture on the VSA chart and tells class what word he used to describe the pumpkin

Accommodations: Help students as needed

Whole Group Activities 2: Inside of a pumpkin ELA 4, 16, 18; SCI 2, 3

Materials: Pumpkins, Vocabulary Self-Awareness Chart, marker, book: Pumply Dumply Pumpkin by Mary Zarfolol

Review words found on Vocabulary Self-Awareness Chart. Read: Pumply Dumply Pumpkin (book).

Have students predict what the inside of a pumpkin will look like. (modified DR-TA)

TTW cut open the pumpkin and allow each student to “explore” inside the pumpkin by touching, looking at, and smelling it.

Have students describe what they experience during this process. Discuss if their original predictions were correct.

Closure: Add words to the VSA Chart that was started on Monday.

Accommodations: Help students as needed.

Whole Group Activities 3: How does It Make Me Feel? PK-SE-SE3; PK-SE-SA4; ELA 8, 9, 11, 12b; SCI 5

Materials: VSA chart, marker, The Biggest Pumpkin Ever (book) by Steven Kroll

Go over VSA chart. Show pictures of jack-o-lanterns with different facial expressions. Have students orally state what emotion is depicted. Read: The Biggest Pumpkin Ever by Steven Kroll. Discuss the emotions that were felt by the characters in the story.

Closure: Add any new words that describe emotions related to the story or to the jack-o-lantern pictures

Accommodations: Help students as needed.

Whole Group Activities 4: From Seed to pumpkin ELA 11, 12a, 16, 23, 24 SCI 5, 22

Materials: From Seed to Pumpkin (book) by J. Kottke, pumpkin life cycle sequence cards

Review: how did the pumpkin grow in the book Pumpkin, Pumpkin?

Read: From Seed to Pumpkin

Flow Map: use sequence picture cards to create a flow map of the life cycle of a pumpkin.

TTW pass out life cycle sequence cards to students. TSW help put cards in sequential order as the teacher questions: What happened first in the story? What happens next? … What happens last?

Closure: VSA chart- add any new words that the students can come up with (vine, green, flower…)

Accommodations: Help students as needed.

Whole Group Activities 5: Pumpkin Scarecrow

Materials: The Little Old Lady Who Wasn’t Afraid of Anything by Linda Williams (book), Props for story: shirt, pants, 1 pr of shoes, 1 pr of gloves, 1 black hat, 1 plastic jack-o-lantern, 15 pumpkin cut outs on popsicles sticks with the word BOO written on them

Review: VSA chart with vocabulary. TTW introduce props and explain/demonstrate how they will be used during the reading of the story. Read: The Little Old Lady Who Wasn’t Afraid of Anything (book). TSW engage with prop at the appropriate time in the story. Review the story sequence with the students through questioning: “What happened first? What did the little old lady see next? What did she see after that? What was the last thing that she saw?”

Closure: As the story is reviewed, have students bring up the props to help create a class scarecrow. Have students identify where each item is located on the scarecrow (on top, at the bottom, on the sides) Add any new words that students provide to the VSA chart.

Accommodations: help students as needed.

Small Group Activities

Small Group Activities 1: Pumpkin Sizes ELA 24 M 9, 11 SCI 9

Materials: pumpkins of various sizes and types (real, plastic, cut-outs)

TTW display a variety of pumpkins (real, plastic, cut-out which are small, medium, and large) for the students to examine.

TSW describe the pumpkins (small/medium/large, orange, bumpy, real, plastic,…)

TSW help seriate the pumpkins by size: small, medium, and large.