MECTA Team Meeting Minutes

June 20, 2007

5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.


Attendees: / Emily Smith, Facilitator, MaineHealth / John Maley, IDEXX / Puddy Holmes, UNUM
Jim Fecteau, LL Bean / Dave Caldwell, City of Portland / Tom Blake, UNUM
Paul Connolly
Meet Recap
Posting of Records
Awards Update
July 11th Meet Location Change
Other / It was determined that the field event guidelines need to be updated to include the Order of Events. (i.e. Women’s Shot Put 1st Men’s Shot Put 2nd)
Paul recommended that we recruit extra volunteers for the field events and inform the athletes that they need to help assist with the measuring. The captains need to reach out to their athletes to let them know. Tom will send an email to all the captains to encourage this message. Also, volunteers need to arrive earlier to receive their assignments.
If there are edits to the website that are NOT meet results related, changes should be emailed to Lisa.
Motion: Puddy motioned and Jim seconded to allow Emily access to the website, in addition to Lisa and Chuck, to help with the edits.
Vote: Unanimous 5-0
Due to the magnitude of this item, we will table until next meeting. It is clear that a process needs to be established for the posting of records.
The awards from the Regionals will be given out at the July 11th meet, and the Individual awards will be given out at States.
Emily will send an email to all the captains outlining the nomination process for the individual awards.
The tracks selections for this meet include – Westbrook, South Portland, Falmouth, Fitzpatrick and Scarborough
Motion:Emily motioned and John seconded to pay the $300 track fee and hold the July 11th meet at Scarborough.
Vote: Unanimous 5-0
Tom will call about the Porto potties and look into the price on keeping them in South Portland until after the state meet.
Next meeting:July18th, 5:30 UNUM