Archaeology Expectations: 2015-2016

Mr. Rosati

Classroom rules:

1.  Respect is very important. You are to respect yourself, classmates and the teacher at all times.

2.  Be on time.

3.  Wear your ID.

4.  No cell phones except for class use

5.  No food or drink in class

Being Prepared:

*Students are required to bring their notebook, folder (specifically for writing) , a pen and pencil to class everyday.

*Always come into class and look for the “do now” on the board. It is important to do this because it will help guide the rest of the class.

**At the end of class most days you will receive an “exit ticket” to complete as a way of reviewing and cementing what you learned. This lets me know if I need to review a concept or topic with you.

*Remember to check the “teacher webpage” section of the school website regularly for important information. **I will post assignments to webpage---you are to complete assignment for next day---This will be the discussion for the day---Make sure you are prepared.

*"I can't download your assignments"--is not an excuse for not having completed the work.


Tests/Papers/Projects: 40% Quizzes/Mini-Projects: 30%

Homework/Classwork 25%s Participation: 5 %

●  Help is always available especially before a test!


Throughout the year you will be responsible for keeping a Journal folder. It will be kept in class and you will write in once every week. I will collect the 7 or 8 entries and grade as a quiz.

-Common Assessments: As with other classes, we will complete Common Assessments through writing essays. There will be 4-5 throughout the year on topics of concern to us. Usually done in class. Time to grade: 2 weeks from day handed in.

Essays: These are usually completed in class and follow the 5 paragraph rule of the English Department. Time to grade: 2 weeks from day handed in.

-Group projects will be frequent. All members of group are required to complete their portion of the assignment. Groups will vary as I will change groupings often. Time to grade varies according to type of assignment but usually takes 2 weeks.

In addition, various projects will be assigned throughout the year. These will vary in terms of kind of assignment and points.

Make up Work

It is your responsibility to make up assignments. Be sure to arrange a makeup time as soon as possible. If you are absent on the day of a test or quiz it is to be made up by the end of the same school week.


Homework will be assigned on a frequent basis. It is your responsibility to make up any missed assignment. Any assignment that is not made up by the halfway point in the marking period will remain a zero.


There will be a number of rubrics used in this class: writing, group work, research assignments, maps and other drawn items. Be sure to keep all rubrics you are given so you know what is expected for assignments. Extra copies are always available on my website.

Know where to find rubrics: hanging in class, on my website and in your own folder!

Uniqueness of Archaeology Class:

1. In the beginning of the year, you will be outside a number of times: attention to teacher and rules and looking out for one another is important. And enjoy yourself.

2. There will be a museum visit to NYC in spring. Attention to teacher and rules and looking out for one another is vital to success.

3. At end of year, there is a dig outside, attention to teacher and rules and looking out for one another is important.