Procedure for Candidates

Seeking Election at the 2019 Representative Assembly

Persons intending to seek election at the 2019 NEA Representative Assembly (RA)[1] may have their names announced at the eighth business meeting of the 2018 RA and their pictures and biographical information published in the final 2018 edition of RA Today.

Any prospective candidate wishing to take advantage of this service should complete the Candidates for NEA Office form and submit it, along with a photograph, to the Committee on Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules by 12:00 noon, Thursday, July 5, 2018. The form must be completed in 100 words or less. Electronic candidate photographs, in color, must be in JPG, GIF, or PNG file format (JPG recommended) and the files should be no smaller than 500KB and no larger than 5MB.

A photographer will be available to take pictures of prospective candidates:

  • Friday, June 29, and on Sunday, July 1, in Symphony Iin the Hilton Minneapolis inMinneapolis, MN
  • Upon request at a mutually convenient time in the Communications Room in the Convention Center.

Publication deadlines require that material submitted by a candidate that must be shortened to 100 words or otherwise revised to conform to requirements of NEA campaign regulations will not be submitted to the candidate for approval before publication.

An official candidate filing form is also attached. This form should be completed and returned to the NEA Executive Office no later than April 15, 2019. Other candidates who may not have previously announced their intention to run may also file, consistent with the April 15 deadline.

Filing Form for Candidate for NEA Office

This form should be completed by the candidate and filed by April 15, 2019 along with the candidate’s photograph and statement for printing in the preconvention issue of NEA Today. The completed form, statement for publication, and picture should be sent to Carrie Lewis via email (), fax (202-822-7012), or regular mail (c/o NEA Center for Governance; 1201 Sixteenth Street, N.W.; Washington, D.C. 20036).

NOMINATION FOR Click here to enter office being sought

CANDIDATE (Mr.☐ Mrs☐ Ms.☐ Dr.☐ ) Click here to enter candidate name

EDUCATIONAL POSITION Click here to enter text.

PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT Click here to enter text.

HOME ADDRESS Click here to enter text.

CELL PHONE Click here to enter text.

HOME TELEPHONE Click here to enter text.

E-MAIL ADDRESS Click here to enter text.

ETHNIC MINORITY DESIGNATION* (check as appropriate)

☐American Indian/Alaska Native




☐Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

☐Other Racial or Ethnic Minority


During the past thirteen years, have you been convicted of or served any part of a prison term resulting from the conviction of a crime, excluding minor traffic offenses? Yes☐ No☐

I certify that I have been an Active member of the National Education Association for at least two (2) years immediately preceding the election.

DATE Click here to enter date. SIGNATURE OF CANDIDATE Click here to type name, which shall constitute signature.

CAMPAIGN MANAGER Click here to enter text.

CAMPAIGN MANAGER HOME ADDRESSClick here to enter text.

CAMPAIGN MANAGER CELL PHONE Click here to enter text.


CAMPAIGN MANAGER E-MAIL ADDRESSClick here to enter text.

*Ethnic-minority information is optional and failure to provide it will in no way affect your membership status, rights, or benefits in NEA, your state Association, or any of their affiliates.

**NEA is covered by the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure (i.e., Landrum-Griffin) Act, Section 504 of which provides in pertinent part that no person “who has been convicted of, or served any part of a prison term resulting from his conviction of” certain enumerated crimes within the past thirteen years may serve as an “officer” of a covered labor organization. If you have checked “Yes” above, a representative of the NEA Executive Office will contact you regarding the matter.


Candidate name Click here to enter text.

Office being sought Click here to enter text.

BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION FOR RA TODAY (Complete in 100 words or fewertotal, not counting existing headings)

  1. Community and state of residence: Click here to enter text.
  1. Current and previous employment: Click here to enter text.
  1. Association experience (local, state, and national): Click here to enter text.

The above information was provided by or approved by Click here to type name, which shall constitute signature.

[1] The 2019 Representative Assembly will elect two members of the Executive Committee for three-year terms.